African Journal of
Agricultural Research

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Agric. Res.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1991-637X
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJAR
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 6914

Table of Content: 19 May, 2012; 7(19)

May 2012

Adoption rate of sustainable agricultural practices: A focus on Malaysia’s vegetable sector for research implications

Sustainable agriculture practices (SAPs) have been widely promoted to improve the sustainability of agricultural systems. The promotion of SAPs is intended to encourage their voluntary adoption. Therefore, the development of sustainable agriculture can be understood through the adoption rate of recommended SAPs. However, little is known about the progress of sustainable agriculture, particularly in Asian countries. To...

Author(s): Yeong Sheng Tey, Elton Li, Johan Bruwer, Amin Mahir Abdullah, Jay Cummins, Alias Radam, Mohd Mansor Ismail, and Suryani Darham    

May 2012

Types of aborted seed and quality evaluation of ‘Wuheli’ litchi (Litchi Chinensis Sonn.)

This study investigated types of aborted seed, embryo abortion period and fruit quality changes during the development process of ‘Wuheli’ litchi. ‘Wuheli’ litchi has four types of seeds: normal seeds, later aborted seeds, middle aborted seeds and early aborted seeds (similar to aborted ovules). The three types of abnormal seeds resulted from embryo abortion, whose pyrenes, similar to an aborted...

Author(s): Yu-Shen Liang, Yung-Shing Teng, Chung-Ho Wang and Lih-Shang Ke,        

May 2012

Comparison of chemical composition of different transgenic insect-resistant cotton seeds using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR)

The comparison of chemical composition of genetic modification (GM) crops to their conventional counterparts forms the basis of safety assessment process for GM crops. In this study, we used Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) to detect the chemical and conformational changes between transgenic cotton seeds and their non-transgenic counterparts. The assignment of absorption bands and comparison in band areas...

Author(s): Caixia Sun, Xiaofei Wu, Li Wang, Ying Wang, Yulan Zhang, Lijun Chen and Zhijie Wu  

May 2012

Effects of various tillage systems on soil CO2-C fluxes and on bacteria and fungi populations in Zea mays

The objective of this study is to determine the effects of strip tillage and full-width tillage treatments on soil carbon (IV) oxide-carbon (CO2-C) fluxes, bacterial and fungal populations in growing period of Zea mays. A row-crop rotary hoe with C type blades was used to create three strip widths by changing the connection of blades of the rotary hoe on the flanges. Strip widths were 22.5 (T30), 30 (T40) and 37.5...

Author(s): Sefa Altikat, Ahmet Celik and Serdar Bilen      

May 2012

Impact of drained and un-drained soil conditions on water table depths, soil salinity and crop yields

The purpose of this study was to determine the comparison of salt accumulation in soil profile and crop yields under drained and un-drained conditions. Current field conditions were used to represent poorly drained conditions where drainage system was not installed yet. Simulations were performed to illustrate well drained condition using the water management simulation model while controlling soil...

Author(s): Sema KALE    

May 2012

Phylogenetic differentiation of wild and cultured Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) populations based on phenotype and genotype analysis

Variation in phenotype based on morphometric character indices and meristic counts and in genotype based on random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) fingerprinting among different wild and cultured Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) populations were analyzed phylogenetically to study and compare the amount of differences in phenotype with the amount of differences in genotype and to help assess the degree of...

Author(s): Samy Yehya El-Zaeem, Mohamed Morsi M. Ahmed, Mohamed El-Sayed Salama and Walid N. Abd El-Kader    

May 2012

Production of salinity tolerant tilapia through interspecific hybridization between Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) and red tilapia (Oreochromis sp.)

The present work aims to produce a salinity tolerant fish through interspecific hybridization of Nile tilapia,Oreochromis niloticus × Red tilapia, Oreochromis sp. Growth performance, proximate body composition and feed utilization of the offspring produced of Nile tilapia, red tilapia and their diallelic interspecific hybridization under different salinity levels were evaluated and...

Author(s): Samy Yehya El-Zaeem,  Mohamed Morsi M. Ahmed, Mohamed El-Sayed Salama and Dalia Mohamed F. Darwesh    

May 2012

Identification of critical source areas of soil erosion on moderate fine spatial scale in Loess Plateau in China

Critical Source Areas (CSAs) are considered as priority areas for soil conservation and it is essential to identify CSAs for effective watershed management. Soil and water assessment tool (SWAT) model is a useful tool in identifying CSAs. Previous studies that used SWAT for CSAs identification were almost carried out on the basis of sub-watershed level which was too coarse to capture spatial detail of soil erosion. This...

Author(s): Chen Lajiao, Zhu A-Xing, and Qin Chengzhi      

May 2012

A study on crop coefficients of jujube under drip-irrigation in Loess Plateau of China

Jujube, as a kind of drought-tolerant species with great economic value, is widely grown in Loess Plateau of China. The yield of jujube depends on irrigation, and crop coefficient is the basis for calculating the amount of irrigation. The experimental area was located in Mizhi experimental station in Loess Plateau of China. According to the meteorological data observed by automatic weather station of Mizhi experimental...

Author(s): Yongxiang Hu, Yuannong Li and Ying Zhang      

May 2012

Lateral-pipe layout design in fixed-pipeline sprinkler irrigation systems

The lateral pipes in traditional fixed-pipeline sprinkler irrigation systems are usually the terminal pipes and are configured in a single-pipe longitudinal arrangement without further branching. All of the sprinkler heads are evenly distributed along each branch. However, conventional systems have a high-density sprinkler lateral-pipe layout, which leads to increased costs for fixed pipeline sprinkler irrigation...

Author(s): Wenting Han, , Pute Wu,, Long Zhou, Wenshuai Liu and Yang Zhang    

May 2012

Turnip rape yield and yield components response to different sowing dates under different irrigation regimes

Water stress is the most important factor limiting crops production in the world. Water stress effect could be modified in different ways such as choosing the most appropriate sowing date. To assess the effect of sowing date on yield and yield components of turnip rape (Brassica campestris L.-cv. Goldrush) under different irrigation regimes, a field experiment was...

Author(s): M. Zaman Fashami, B. Delkhosh, A. H. Shirani Rad and G. Noor Mohammadi      

May 2012

Molecular cloning, in silico chromosome location and expression analysis of gamma-tocopherol methyltransferase gene in common wheat

Tocopherols, known collectively as vitamin E, are micronutrients with antioxidant properties synthesized only by photosynthetic organisms that play important roles in human and animal nutrition. The enzyme gamma-tocopherol methyltransferase (γ-TMT) converts δ- and γ-tocopherol to β- and α-tocopherol, which is a committed step to elevate vitamin E activity and nutrition value. Here, we...

Author(s): Yingkao Hu, Wenhui Li, Xinglu Yang, Yaxuan Li and Minhua Cai      

May 2012

Effects of exogenous jasmonates on free amino acid contents in needles of Larix olgensis seedlings

Jasmonates (JAs) are plant signal compounds and can induce many biochemical responses. In the current study, the effects of three concentrations of exogenous JAs plus control on the free amino acid (FAA) contentsin needles of Larix olgensis Herry seedlings were investigated. Our results showed that the proportions of nineessential FAAs...

Author(s): Zhao Jun Meng, Shan Chun Yan, Dan Liu and Chuan Ping Yang      

May 2012

Nutritive evaluation and acceptability of two aquatic weeds (Eichhornia crassipes and Acroceras zizanioides) by West African dwarf goats

Aquatic weeds are plants which grow and reproduce in rivers, streams, brooks, swamps and dams without agronomic care. They have potentials as forage for ruminants. The chemical composition, forage acceptability, secondary metabolites and N- balance of Eichhornia crassipes (EC) and Acroceras zizanioides (AZ) were studied using West African Dwarf goats. The effect of rainy and dry seasons in EC was not...

Author(s): Mako A. A, Banjo, O. S. and Akinwande V. O      

May 2012

Taro corm quality in response to planting date and post-harvest storage: I. Starch content and reducing sugars

The effect of four planting dates (October, November, December and January) and three fertilizer application rates (0, 160 and 320 kg ha-1 of nitrogen) on starch and reducing sugar content was investigated for three taro landraces (Dumbe-dumbe, MgingqeniandPitshi) from KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, which were produced at two sites, Ukulinga and Umbumbulu. The effect of two storage temperatures (12°C and...

Author(s): Mare R. M. and Modi A. T.      

May 2012

Leaf trait patterns of monsoon evergreen broad-leaved forest in relation to growth form

Recent studies into the interrelationships of plant traits have generated important insights into plant form and function. However, knowledge of the relationships between leaf area, leaf shape and plant height remains poorly resolved. We explored the relationships between leaf traits by testing differences in leaf area (LA), specific leaf area, specific leaf weight, leaf nitrogen content, leaf phosphorus content (leaf...

Author(s): Wande Liu, Shuaifeng Li, Jianrong Su and Zhijun Zhang    

May 2012

Morphological properties and chemical compositions of some sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) populations cultivated in Kilis, Turkey

In this study, the morphological and biochemical properties of local sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) populations which are widely cultivated in Kilis and its districts, collected from 12 different fields were determined. Sesame oil content and protein content varied between 25.59 to 35.23% and 19.81 to 24.45%, respectively. Main components of seed fatty acids were found to be...

Author(s): Ali Ozkan, Deniz Curat and Muhittin Kulak