African Journal of
Agricultural Research

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Agric. Res.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1991-637X
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJAR
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 6907

Table of Content: 20 July, 2017; 12(29)

July 2017

Application of sequence specific amplified polymorphism (SSAP) and simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers for variability and molecular assisted selection (MAS) studies of the Mexican guava

Molecular markers have proven to be powerful tools in research related with diversity, variability, and improvement of economically important tropical crops. This study analyzed eight physiological and morphological fruit characters of economic interest in the cultivated Mexican guava (Psidium guajava L.), and assessed the suitability of two sequence specific amplified polymorphism (SSAP) and simple sequence repeat...

Author(s): Campos-Rivero G., Cazáres-Sánchez E., Tamayo-Ordóñez M. C., Tamayo-Ordóñez Y. J., Padilla-Ramírez J. S., Quiroz-Moreno A. and Sánchez-Teyer L. F.

July 2017

Variability evaluation of castor seeds (Ricinus communis) by multivariate analysis of local accessions from Mexico

Castor oil is an important raw material used in a diverse range of chemical products with high added value. From a collection of Mexican grown seeds from the castor plant (Ricinus communis), 18 accessions with a high potential for oil production and panicle indehiscent were selected and cultivated. The variability was studied from three aspects: seed yield, seed composition and the oil quality, through 22 descriptors...

Author(s): M. S. Acosta-Navarrete, J. E. Botello-Álvarez, M. Hernández-Martínez, J. M. Barrón-Adame, J. Quintanilla-Domínguez, G. Gonzalez-Alatorre, S. Montes-Hernández and J. Quintanilla-Domínguez

July 2017

Response of Eleusine indica to herbicides and N fertilizer in dry seeded rice

Weed has become one of the most serious problems in dry seeded rice (DSR). To increase the competitiveness with weeds and achieve the optimum growth of rice, weed management in DSR needs an integration of herbicides and optimum nitrogen (N) fertilizer rates. In this study, the bioassay species were treated with a series of pre-emergence (pretilachlor and pendimethalin) and early post-emergence (propanil+thiobencarb)...

Author(s): Norhafizah M. Z., Gunavathy S., Chuah T. S., Norsyafiqa S., Nuradiba N. I. and Nur Farahatul A. A.

July 2017

Financial profitability and resource use efficiency of boro rice cultivation in some selected area of Bangladesh

The paper analysed the profitability and resource use efficiency of boro rice cultivation in Bogra district of Bangladesh using farm level survey data of April-May, 2016. In total 103 farmers were selected randomly from the study area. Result based on Farm Budgeting model showed that per hectare variable cost and total cost of production was BDT (Bangladeshi Taka) 57,583 and BDT 71,208 respectively. Average yield was...

Author(s): Md. Hayder Khan Sujan, Faijul Islam, Md. Javed Azad and Shah Johir Rayhan

July 2017

Medium-term effects of conservation agriculture on soil quality

Inefficient management practices lead to soil organic matter depletion, structure breakdown and increased erosion. This has resulted into low crop yields of sub-Saharan Africa. Conservation agriculture (CA) is being considered as a potential system having the capability of improving soil quality and providing stable yields. A study was therefore conducted, at Chitedze Research Station-Malawi, to evaluate medium term...

Author(s): Ivy Sichinga Ligowe, Patson Cleoups Nalivata, Joyce Njoloma, Wilkson Makumba and Christian Thierfelder

July 2017

Dry matter production, chemical composition and nutrient accumulation in winter crops

Some winter crops sown in no-tillage system can represent an important alternative to nutrient cycling. The objective of this work was to evaluate the production of dry matter (DM) and accumulation of nutrients for winter cultivation in the West of Paraná. The experimental design was a randomized block, with four treatments and six replications. The treatments were represented by four different winter crops (oat...

Author(s): Poliana Ferreira Da Costa, Paulo Sérgio Rabello De Oliveira, Jeferson Tiago Piano, Loreno Egidio Taffarel, Milciades Ariel Melgarejo Arrúa, Marcos Vinícius Mansano Sarto, Caroline Quinhones Fróes and Shaline Séfara Lopes Fernandes