African Journal of
Agricultural Research

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Agric. Res.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1991-637X
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJAR
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 6918

Table of Content: 20 June, 2019; 14(25)

June 2019

Application of GIS in pig production system in Nigeria

This study aimed to identify the pig producers across various administrative regions and to determine the pig production system in Nigeria through an intensive survey of pig farms with the use of Global Positioning System (GPS). Categorization of farms by proportion in Nigeria showed that 81.1% of states had very low (<5) and low (5 to 50) number of pig farms, 8.1% of states had medium (50 to 100) number of pig farms...

Author(s): Taiwo Omodele, Isaiah Annayochukwu Okere, Mutiu Olakunle Oladele-Bukola, Adeboye Joseph Omole and Ajoke Oyegbami  

June 2019

Composting coffee pulp with Minjingu phosphate rock improves phosphorus availability for tomato uptake

A glasshouse experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of composting coffee pulp with phosphate rock on phosphorus (P) availability for plant uptake. Coffee pulps composted with or without phosphate rock and Minjingu phosphate rock applied alone were evaluated as source of P for tomato growing on a Chromic Acrisol. All P sources were applied at varying rates of 0, 20, 40, 60, 80 and 100 mg P kg-1 and all other...

Author(s): Mawazo J. Shitindi and Jerome P. Mrema  

June 2019

Association mapping for flag leaf thickness in an indica rice population from South China

Flag leaf is the most important source of photosynthate for developing rice grains, and flag leaf thickness is an important morphological trait in rice plant-type breeding programs. In the present study, we carried out association mapping for flag leaf thickness in a local rice population which consisted of 86 cultivars derived from breeding programs and planted in large areas in South China. Phenotyping was conducted...

Author(s): Chuanguang Liu, Dagang Chen, Xinqiao Zhou, Jie Guo, Juchang Li, Lijun Li and Youding Chen ,  

June 2019

Genotype and environment interaction effect on yield and yield components in Desi-type Chickpea [Cicer arietinum (L.)]

Chickpea is the major pulse crop cultivated in Ethiopia. However, its production is constrained due to genotype instability and environmental variability.  This research was carried out to examine the magnitude of environmental effect on yield of chickpea genotypes and to investigate the stability and adaptability of genotypes under different agro-ecologies.  Twelve genotypes evaluated in randomized complete...

Author(s): Desalegn Negasa Soresa and Pichiah Gomathi Nayagam