African Journal of
Agricultural Research

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Agric. Res.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1991-637X
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJAR
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 6878

Table of Content: 21 August, 2012; 7(32)

August 2012

Rural labour market developments in the Republic of Macedonia

The significant changes in the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of human resources in rural Macedonia can be explained by the continued tendency of emigration from villages to urban areas and abroad. The intensity of emigration has altered the demographic structure and reproductive base of the rural population, along with the income of rural households. The rural and agricultural labour market faces a...

Author(s):    Verica Janeska and Štefan Bojnec

August 2012

Molecular characterization of isoflavone synthase gene from Pueraria candollei var. mirifica

Cloning, sequencing, and characterization of the isoflavone synthase gene (2-hydroxyisoflavone synthase;IFS) from Pueraria candollei var. mirifica were carried out in this study. The full-length open reading frame (ORF) of the P. candollei var. mirifica IFS gene or PcmIFS was obtained by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). Nucleotide sequence...

Author(s): Piyachat Wiriyaampaiwong, Sudarat Thanonkeo and Pornthap Thanonkeo,  

August 2012

Isolation and molecular characterization of DgZFP2: A gene encoding a Cys2/His2-type zinc finger protein in chrysanthemum

The plant Cys2/His2-type zinc finger protein genes play critical roles in response to abiotic stresses. However, the roles of the chrysanthemum Cys2/His2-type zinc finger protein genes in plant stress responses are still not well known. In the present study, a full-length cDNA designated DgZFP2, containing two conserved Cys2/His2-type zinc finger motifs with a plant-specific QALGGH motif in each zinc finger domain,...

Author(s): Qing-Lin Liu, Fang-Li Dong, Fang Xiao, Jiao Wu and Zhu-Jing Li      

August 2012

Effect of mounding times on yield of Bambara groundnut (Vigna subterranea (L.) Verdc.) landraces in Sahel-Burkina Faso

Bambara groundnut (Vigna subterranea (L.) Verdcourt) was grown in the Sahel area of Burkina Faso in 2010 and 2011. Three mounding periods – 2 WAS (two weeks after sowing), 4 WAS and 7 WAS – were combined with two landraces in a randomized complete block design experiments (RCBD). These two landraces showed significant differences (P<0.05) for seed yield per plant, one hundred seeds weight and average...

Author(s): Mahama OUEDRAOGO, Bertin ZAGRE M’BI, Søren Thorndal JØRGENSEN and Fulai LIU      

August 2012

The relationship between root traits and aboveground traits in peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.)

Data of 12 peanut varieties were analyzed with a view to investigate the relationship between root traits and aboveground traits. Results showed that root biomass was positively correlated with aboveground biomass and total biomass at three stages of growth and development. Root activity at different growth stages were significantly and positively correlated with yield at the mature stage. However, a significant...

Author(s): Yanbin Hong, Guiyuan Zhou, Shaoxiong Li, Haiyan Liu, Xiaoping Chen, Shijie Wen and Xuanqiang Liang    

August 2012

Evaluation of five pearl millet varieties for yield and forage quality under two planting densities in the Sahel

In the Sahel that is typified by an agro-pastoral system and a long dry season between rains, the availability of animal feed is a very serious constraint. The objectives of this study were to identify pearl millet varieties with high forage productivity under rainfed conditions in the Sahel, best planting densities and physiological mechanisms conductive to high forage productivity in pearl millet. The experiment was...

Author(s): Dov Pasternak, Ali Ibrahim and Ayantunde Augustine        

August 2012

Application of HACCP to post-harvest processing of African breadfruit Treculia africana Decne in Nigeria

African breadfruit Treculia africana Decne ‘ukwa’ in Igbo is an important food crop in Southern Nigeria. The seed has less fat (4 to 7%) than some other nuts and contains 19% protein similar to most pulses. The dehulled seeds are in the form in which the seeds are consumed as main dish or roasted as snack. The spongy pulp (deseeded flesh) is used as fodder while the seed hulls...

Author(s): Ego U. Okonkwo and Ozioma N. Ubani    

August 2012

Trend and change-point detection for the annual stream-flow series of the Karun River at the Ahvaz hydrometric station

Karun River watershed located in southwest of Iran experiences great changes in the last decade due to hydro climatic changes, large-scale land use and land cover changes, construction of dams and agricultural and industrial development. Stream-flow series of the annual maximum, annual minimum and annual mean in Ahvaz hydrometric station as representative of the watershed have been considered. In order to determine...

Author(s): Meysam Salarijazi, Ali-Mohammad Akhond-Ali, Arash Adib and Alireza Daneshkhah    

August 2012

Evaluation of plant extracts and bioagents for the control of gummosis of mandarin orange (Citrus reticulata blanko) caused by Phytophthora species

A study was conducted between 2010 and 2011 at Marathwada Krishi Vidyapeeth, Parbhani, to find out the efficacy of leaf extracts viz Neem (Azadirachta indica), Mehendi (Lowsonia inermis), Eucalyptus (Eucalyptuscinarium), Acacia (Acacia catechu), Glyricidia (Glyricidia sepium), Dhatura (Dhatura stramonium), Lantana (Lantana camera) and the antagonistic potential of bioagents viz Trichoderma...

Author(s): Jagtap, G. P., Thosar, R. U. and Dey, Utpal      

August 2012

Survey, surveillance and cultural characteristics of bacterial blight of soybean

A survey was undertaken in eight districts (Parbhani, Nanded, Hingoli, Beed, Osmanabad, Jalna, Latur and Aurangabad) of Marathwada region during June to August in Kharif, 2009 to 2010. In all, 69 soybean fields were surveyed (roving survey) for recording the severity and incidence of soybean blight. The most serious poddisease was noticed on the soybean...

Author(s): Jagtap, G. P., Dhopte, S. B. and Dey Utpal      

August 2012

Degradation capacity of fungi (Colletotrichum sp., Penicillium sp. and Rhizopus sp.) on mangoes and oranges

Most fruits, flowers and vegetables show diseases caused by specific microorganisms that generate large postharvest losses. The degradation capacity of some phytopathogenic fungi could be useful to treat organic wastes, for instance in a pre-composting process. The objective of this study was to evaluate the capacity ofColletotrichum sp., Rhizopus sp. and Colletotrichum sp....

Author(s): Gustavo Mena-Nevarez, Gustavo Valencia-Del Toro, Ana Belem Piña-Guzmán, Ramón Villanueva-Arce, Enrique Durán-Páramo and Fabián Robles-Martínez         

August 2012

Effectiveness of mesh netting and nest’ destruction in protection of crops against attack by Spanish sparrow Passer hispaniolensis

Many developing countries are rich in natural resources such as high quality, cultivated land, but still depend on imports to meet domestic demand for basic products. One of the factors constraining production of cereal crops in many countries is the damage caused by seed-eating birds such as sparrows. The aim of this study was to test the effectiveness of two methods, deployment of netting and destruction of...

Author(s): Abdelkrim Ait Belkacem, Makhlouf Sekour and Salaheddine Doumandji      

August 2012

Socio-economic impact potential of agro tourism activities on Desa Wawasan Nelayan community living in Peninsular Malaysia

Agro-tourism is a tool that has been widely used around the world for the purpose of intensifying the socio-economic aspects of the local community. Malaysia is supportive of this tool. The main objective of this paper is to unveil the potential socio-economic benefits that can be offered by the agro-tourism activities to progressive fishing communities or locally known as Desa Wawasan Nelayan1 community in...

Author(s): Azimi Hamzah, Sulaiman M. Yassin, Bahaman Abu Samah, Jeffrey Lawrence D’Silva, NedaTiraiyaei, HayrolAzril Mohamed Shaffril and Jegak Uli    

August 2012

Quality of three sizes of prickly pear cactus stems (Opuntia ficus indica L. ‘ATLIXCO’)

Nowadays, the prickly pear cactus stem has become an important part of the human diet due to its nutraceutical properties. Consumers show different preferences in the size of prickly pear cactus stems. The objective of this study was to evaluate some quality changes due to the effect of prickly pear cactus stem size in refrigeration (8 ± 2°C) for six days. The hypothesis was that the quality parameters vary...

Author(s): Nora Meraz-Maldonado, Salvador Valle-Guadarrama, Javier Hernández-Morales, Socorro Anaya-Rosales, J. Concepción Rodríguez-Maciel and Gabriel Leyva-Ruelas