African Journal of
Agricultural Research

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Agric. Res.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1991-637X
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJAR
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 6918

Table of Content: 21 June, 2018; 13(25)

June 2018

The effects of drought on rice cultivation in sub-Saharan Africa and its mitigation: A review

Drought is the primary cause of yield loss in agriculture throughout the world, and is currently the most common reason for global food shortages. Three-quarter of the most severe droughts in the last ten years have been in Africa, the continent which already has the lowest level of crop production and drought adaptive capacity. The increased incidences of drought and erratic rainfall have thrown small holder farmers in...

Author(s): Ndjiondjop Marie Noelle, Wambugu Peterson Weru, Sangare Jean Rodrigue and Gnikoua Karlin

June 2018

Integrating crop and livestock in smallholder production systems for food security and poverty reduction in sub-Saharan Africa

The resource base that ensures food supply and the socio-economic component which depends on this resource base are the two major components that make up the food system in sub-Saharan Africa. The sequence of the food system is organized in a spatial flow framework of biomass base. The components of rural production system consist of food production biomass at homestead and farm level, and often at the communal base...

Author(s): Asrat Guja Amejo, Yoseph Mekasha Gebere and Habtemariam Kassa

June 2018

Evaluation of new papaya hybrids

To augment a narrow genetic base in papaya, this study aimed to evaluate the performance of new hybrids produced by Caliman Agrícola® S.A. The experiment was carried out in a randomized complete block design, with 12 treatments four replications and ten plants per plot. The treatments were the variety THB and the hybrids were CR1 × São Mateus, CR1 × 72/12, CR2 × São Mateus, CR3...

Author(s): Adriel Lima Nascimento, Alan de Lima Nascimento, Omar Schmildt, Karina Tiemi Hassuda dos Santos, Renan Garcia Malikouski, Rodrigo Sobreira Alexandre, Laercio Francisco Cattaneo, José Augusto Teixeira do Amaral, Márcio Paulo Czepak, Geraldo Antônio Ferreguetti and Edilson Romais Schmildt  

June 2018

Patterns of pre-weaning piglet mortality and economic losses in field condition

The study was purposively taken up with the objective to find out the patterns of pre-weaning piglet mortality and economic losses in field condition. The study was purposively taken up in Gorkhaland Territorial Administration area where pig farming is a common practice. The study shows that overall pre-weaning piglet mortality was 15.62% where it was slightly higher in exotic than indigenous breed. Highest pre-weaning...

Author(s): Roy R., Mondal T. and Moktan M. W.

June 2018

Performance of maize hybrids from a partial diallel in association with Azospirillum

One of the most prominent strategies to increase maize grain yield with a higher benefit/cost ratio and a lower environmental impact is the inoculation of plant growth-promoting bacteria. Among other factors, the success of the interaction plant-microorganism depends on genetic traits, therefore, selection of plant genotypes compatible with this association is extremely important to the viability of this technology....

Author(s): Alessandra Koltun, Alana Padia Cavalcante, Karla Bianca de Almeida Lopes, Matheus Dalsente Krause, Thiago Pablo Marino, André Luiz Martinez de Oliveira and Josué Maldonado Ferreira

June 2018

Microbial diversity as a soil quality indicator in agroecosystems in Brazilian Savannas

The importance of sustainable use of natural resources, especially of soil and water, has been a subject of increasing relevance. The increase of human activity in ecosystems has great impact on the dynamics of soil organisms. The comparison between cultivated systems and native areas without anthropic interference can be used as soil quality index. Microorganisms are ideal indicators because they are very sensitive to...

Author(s): Moura, Jadson Belem de, Ventura, Matheus Vinicius Abadia, Vieira Junior, Wagner Gonçalves, Souza, Rodrigo Fernandes, Lopes Filho, Luiz Cesar, Braga, Ana Paula Maciel, Matos, Diogo Jânio de Carvalho and Rocha, Elivan Cesar Vieira