African Journal of
Agricultural Research

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Agric. Res.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1991-637X
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJAR
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 6915

Table of Content: 23 October, 2012; 7(40)

October 2012

Comparison of artificial neural networks and stochastic models in river discharge forecasting, (Case study: Ghara- Aghaj River, Fars Province, Iran)

  This study presents the application and comparison of artificial neural networks (ANN) and Stochastic models to predict the monthly flow discharge of the Ghara –Aghaj River in the southwest of Iran. The models used are, multiple perceptron using back-propagation algorithm (MLP/BP), recurrent neural network (RNN) and autoregressive moving average (ARMA). Artificial neural networks used...

Author(s): Mehrdad Fereydooni, Mehrdad Rahnemaei, Hossein Babazadeh, Hossein Sedghi and Mohammad Reza Elhami

October 2012

Grass silage making by direct cutting using a Corner Machinery-1300 flail forage harvester

  This study presents two-year results on the performance of the Corner Machinery Type 1300 flail forage harvester during the first-cut grass silage making process. The experiment was conducted on a family farm in Western Serbia, on a 3.8 ha plot of sown grassland producing a grass yield of 25.5 to 29.20 t ha-1. The harvester was drawn by a 35 kW Ursus 3512 tractor. Under field operating conditions, at an...

Author(s):   Ranko Koprivica, Biljana Veljković, Dušan Radivojević, Nebojša Stanimirović, Goran Topisirović and Dragoslav Đokić

October 2012

Effects of hydrological and climatic characteristics on the land use in Zonguldak residential area, northwest Turkey

  Climate and hydrology are factors that affect human activities and land use. The hydrological and climatic survey must be carried out to determine the interaction between water resources and residential areas.Climate and hydrological observations are important because they help satisfy important social, economic and environmental needs. Considering global warming, increasing water consumption and rapid...


October 2012

Technical efficiency in maize production by small-scale farmers in Ga-Mothiba of Limpopo province, South Africa

  This paper investigates the determinants of efficiency among small-scale maize producers in Ga-Mothiba of the Limpopo province in South Africa. Primary data were collected through the use of structured questionnaires from 120 maize farm households obtained in a purposive sampling procedure. Cobb-Douglas production function was used to analyse the technical efficiency. The results of the estimation showed that...

Author(s): R. T. Baloyi, A. Belete, J. J. Hlongwane and M. B. Masuku

October 2012

Information communication behaviour among the members of livestock-based self help groups of Nadia district of West Bengal, India

  Communication provides a continuous learning situation in which members of Self Help Group (SHG) can develop better understanding for application of new knowledge and innovation of scientific technology in fullest way. A comprehensive study on information communication Behaviour among the members of livestock-based SHG was conducted in the Nadia district of West Bengal, India. A total of 60 randomly selected...

Author(s): Sanchita Garai, Gouranga Mazumder and Sanjit Maiti

October 2012

Relation between changes in polyamine, protective enzyme activity and pollen vigor of tobacco in different flowering stages

  Pollen vigor is a prerequisite for fertilization and seed development. In the present research, the pollen of two tobacco varieties of Yunyan87 and K236 were collected in four different flowering stages. Pollen germination rate and the length of pollen tube were tested. Nine physiological and biochemical parameters of putrescine (Put), spermidine (Spd), spermine (Spm), superoxide dismutase (SOD), peroxidase...

Author(s): Wenguang Ma, Jianchen Wang, Jin Hu, Yajing Guan, Yongping Li and Yunye Zheng

October 2012

Effect of salinity on water relations of four turfgrasses

  Little information is available concerning turfgrass water relations characteristics in response to salinity. Two greenhouse studies were conducted at Colorado State University to determine if water relations characteristics were associated with salt tolerance of Kentucky bluegrass (KBG), tall fescue (TF), alkaligrass (AG), and saltgrass (SG). Grasses were grown in saline solution at 2.0, 4.7,...

Author(s): S. F. Alshammary

October 2012

Laboratory evaluation of absorbents and additives on the fermentation quality of potato hash

  This study was conducted to determine the ensiling potential of potato hash (PH) with poultry litter (PL) and hay as absorbents, and whey and molasses as additives. Mixtures of 800 g/kg PH and 200 g/kg of either PL or hay were produced and treated with no additive, whey and molasses. The experiment was conducted in a 2 absorbents × 3 additives factorial design. Mixtures were ensiled in 1.5 L anaerobic...

Author(s): B. D. Nkosi, I. B. Groenewald, R. Meeske and H. J. Van der Merwe

October 2012

Correlates of the yield of chemical pulp, lignin and the extractive materials of tropical hardwoods

  The aim of this investigation is to correlate the percentage yields of pulp of twenty tropical hardwood species with their lignin and extractive contents. The hardwoods studied include Abura (Hallea ciliata), Afara (Terminalia superba), Agba (Entada gigas), Akomu (Pycnanthus angolensis), Akun (Uapaca guineensis), Eki-Eki (Lophira alata), Erimado (Ricindendron heudelotii), Erun-obo (Erythropleum...

Author(s): N. A. Ndukwe, W. O. Okiei and B. I. Alo

October 2012

Citric acid treatments on the vegetative, fruit properties and yield in Interdonat lemon and Valencia orange

  The aim of the research is to apply two different doses (0.05 and 0.1%) of citric acid to the leaves of Valencia orange and Interdonat lemon, which are cultivated in regions with higher soil pH, in order to lessen / decrease the negative effects of higher pH values. The effects of these treatments on the vegetative and fruit properties and yield were investigated. As a result of the evaluations; 0.05% citric...

Author(s): Murat Guneri, Adalet Misirli and Ibrahim Yokas

October 2012

Simulating planting date and cultivar effects on dryland maize production using CERES-maize model

  Maize farmers and extension agents in dry sudan savanna need information on how planting date and the choice of variety affect grain yield. This study was conducted to test the ability of model to predict maize yields under varying planting dates. Data on two open-pollinated maize cultivars (TSB-SR and TZE-COMP4) sown on different dates (June 29th, July 13th, July 21st and July 28th) in 2006 and 2007 at...

Author(s): Jibrin M. Jibrin, Alpha Y. Kamara and Friday Ekeleme

October 2012

The role of indigenous knowledge and perceptions of pastoral communities on traditional grazing management in north-western Tanzania

  Traditional forage conservation, locally known as “ngitili”, which involves retaining an area of standing vegetation from the beginning of rainy season and opening it up for grazing at the peak of dry season, has become an important strategy for rangeland rehabilitation in the north-western semi-arid part of Tanzania. The present study assessed the current rangeland management...

Author(s): Ismail Saidi Selemani, Lars Olav Eik, Øystein Holand, Tormod Ådnøy, Ephraim Mtengeti and Daniel Mushi