September 2012
Economic appraisal of small and medium scale performance in poultry egg production in Ogun State, Nigeria
The study was carried out majorly to appraise economically the performance of poultry egg farmers by scale in Ogun State, Nigeria. Specifically, the study examined cost structure and profit level in the industry at different scale levels as well as the factors that determine the revenue of the poultry egg farmers. Purposive sampling procedure was used to select 50 representative poultry egg producer from whom primary...
September 2012
An estimation of import demand function for wheat in South Africa: 1971-2007
In the 1980s, South Africa was self-sufficient in the production of all important field crops, except rice. Currently, South Africa is a net importer of wheat, even though the country has managed to maintain average agricultural production above the population growth rate; some agricultural commodities are lacking and need to be imported. Using double logarithmic linear function and data obtained from secondary sources,...
September 2012
Factors effecting longer term farm contracts in the frozen fries processing industry
Prices are highly volatile in the South African potato industry and the marketing of potatoes are associated with high transaction costs. Most potatoes produced for the processing industry in South Africa are still under short-term contracts. The processors of frozen fries in South Africa want producers to enter into long-term contracts in order to reduce uncertainty and transaction cost. The aim of this paper was to...
September 2012
Microcredit scheme impact and food security status of beneficiaries in Kaduna State, Nigeria: A propensity score matching approach
The prevalence of food insecurity has been generally reported to be higher in the rural areas of Nigeria, despite the fact that the bulk of food production takes place there. This study used the Food Security Index (FSI) and Propensity Score Matching (PSM) to evaluate the impact of the United Nations Development Programmes’ (UNDP) micro credit scheme on the food security status of farm households in three Local...
September 2012
Participatory linkage of farmers, technology and agricultural researchers for improved wheat production in national capital region of India
An emphasis needs to be placed on location and time specific solutions when directing the efforts of researchers, policy-makers and extension workers. Farmer participatory research is used to improve the collaboration and communication between farmers and scientists in agricultural research so as to ensure that research findings are relevant to farmers’ needs and applicable within their biophysical and...
September 2012
Effect of organo-mineral fertilizer on soil chemical properties, growth and yield of soybean
A soil culture experiment was carried out in the greenhouse at Obafemi Awolowo University, Nigeria, to assess the effects of organo-mineral fertilizers consisting of water hyacinth compost at the rates of 0, 2.5 and 5 t/ha compounded with and without N (0 and 25 kg/ha urea) and P (0 and 26 kg/ha single superphosphate - SSP) on soil chemical properties, growth and yield of soybeans planted on Itagunmodi soil series (an...
September 2012
Influence of crop management systems on soil properties and sorghum yields in the Sahelian zone of Mali
Better land and crop management systems are needed to resolve actual problem of land and environmental degradation in Africa. Assessment of required technology must consider both impacts on crop yields and the different environmental compartments (soil, water and atmosphere). With these concerns, an experimental study was conducted on these basis at Cinzana research station (13° 15’N; 5°...
September 2012
Effects of mowing disturbance on the community succession of typical steppe in the Loess Plateau of China
Research based on Stipa bungeana community enclosing typical steppe zone in the Loess Plateau, and through different intensity-mowing disturbance test for 27 years, shows that higher species diversity and productivity are retained for grassland through moderate mowing, promotion of substance balance, starting cycle and providing an important basis for reasonable mowing and using the enclosed grassland. Due to...
September 2012
Notes on selenium in mushrooms data determined by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP–AES) and hydride generation atomic absorption spectroscopy (HG–AAS) techniques
This manuscript discusses the credibility of the selenium in mushroom data generated using inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP–AES) compared to that from hydride generation atomic absorption spectroscopy (HG–AAS). Selenium (Se) was determined by two methods: one was the widely applied and well validated hydride generation atomic absorption spectroscopy (HG–AAS) that was a...
September 2012
Protein concentration and amino acid composition in grain amaranth (Amaranthus cruentus L.) as affected by sowing date and nitrogen fertilization
A four-year field experiment was used to evaluate the effects of sowing date and nitrogen fertilization on protein content and amino acid composition of grain of amaranth (Amaranthus cruentus L.). Seeds of A. cruentus cv.'G6' were sown at two sowing dates (May and June) and fertilized at rates to obtain three target levels of available soil mineral nitrogen (Nmin) set to 140, 200 and 260 kg N...
September 2012
Sensory evaluation response as a selection tool in African eggplant (Solanum aethiopicum) production and breeding
Garden egg also known as African eggplant is one of the most important vegetables that is widely cultivated across the African continent especially in West and East Africa. Sensory evaluation of the eggplant fruits as a selection tool for eggplant breeding was carried out at the Crop physiology laboratory of the Department of Crop Science, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Nigeria. Four cultivars of eggplant, namely: Pink...
September 2012
Characteristics and polymorphism of NAM gene from Aegilops section sitopsis species
In this study, 11 novel NAM alleles were cloned from five species of Aegilops section sitopsis. These nucleotide sequences ranged from 1,540 to 1,555 bp with 3 exons and 2 introns. Their coding proteins contained both N-terminal nitrogen assimilation control (NAC) domain with 5 sub-domains and C-terminal transcriptional activation region (TAR). They have high identities and the closest homology...
September 2012
Development and comparative studies of double cross tomato hybrids
In this present study, six F1 hybrids (Maya, Roma, Rio Grande, Emotion F1 Hybrid, Tomato 55 and Western Hybrid) were grown and their 15 crosses were evaluated. Out of 15 combination of crosses, 10 were recorded as successful viable hybrids, that is, Maya x Roma, Maya x Rio Grande, Maya x Western Hybrid, Roma x Rio Grande, Roma x Western Hybrid, Rio Grande x Tomato 55, Rio Grande x Western Hybrid, Emotion F1 Hybrid...
September 2012
Spatiotemporal yield loss assessment in corn due to common rust caused by Puccinia sorghi Schw
A field experiment was carried out in deep black soil at Main Agricultural Research Station, College of Agriculture, University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad, Karnataka during kharif 2010, under rain-fed condition. The yield losses due to common rust were found directly related to disease severity. The avoidable yield losses due to disease were in the range of 11.75 to 60.53% in different spray schedule....
September 2012
Impact of drought on food scarcity in Limpopo province, South Africa
Drought in Limpopo province is having serious ecological and economic consequences and will pose an increasing challenge to communities as the global climate is changing. A representative sample of 300 farmers aged 16 to 65+ years was used. The study involved Sekhukhune and Capricorn districts. The following 11 local municipalities were visited: Elias Motsoaledi, Makhuduthamaga, Fetakgomo, Ephraim Mogale, Tubatse,...