African Journal of
Agricultural Research

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Agric. Res.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1991-637X
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJAR
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 6918

Table of Content: 26 June 2012; 7(24)

June 2012

Influencing factors of duck production in the Southwest of Nigeria

  The goal of this study was to evaluate the influencing factors affecting duck production as possible animal protein or meat source in Nigeria. The study was undertaken in the southwest of Nigeria where poultry practices assume high dimension. A multi-stage random sampling technique was used to select three states, and from each state, five Local Government Areas (LGAs). One community was chosen from each LGA...

Author(s): S. D. Y. Alfred and J. O. Agbede

June 2012

Reproduction and culling effect on the number of ewes and lambs in two types of breeding − Mathematical model

  This study presents the development of mathematical model for determining the potential number of sheep and lambs in a ten-year period. The  model enables prediction of the number of female sheep and lambs, plans for future feeding, care and breeding costs. Two types of sheep breeding (traditional and intensive) were considered, assuming the following: 1) the initial herd...

Author(s): Milan Krajinović, Snežana Matić-Kekić, Nebojša Dedović, Ivan Pihler, Mirko Simikić, Vladislav Simin and Lazar Savin

June 2012

Major causes of mastitis and associated risk factors in smallholder dairy cows in Shashemene, southern Ethiopia

  A cross-sectional study was conducted from October 2010 to May 2011 to estimate the prevalence of mastitis, isolate and characterize major bacterial pathogens and to assess the association of some putative risk factors with occurrence of mastitis in cows in smallholder dairy farms in Shashemene, southern Ethiopia. A total of 245 lactating cows (111 Holstein, 98 Holstein-local Zebu crosses and 36 indigenous...

Author(s): Mesele Abera, Belay Elias, Kassaye Aragaw, Yifat Denberga, Kebede Amenu and Desie Sheferaw  

June 2012

Design of an ecological growth room using internal temperature modeling in neural network interface

  In this research, an ecological growth room made from recycled materials such as polyethylene terephthalate (PET) was built. The ecological growth room was compared with a growth room made from traditional materials (cement, blocks, etc.). The research was developed setting fifteen temperature sensors in both buildings from which samples were taken every five minutes for a period of three months. The results...

Author(s): Ernesto Olvera-González, Carlos Olvera-Olvera, Daniel Alaniz-Lumbreras, Jesus Villa-Hernández, Ma. Araiza-Esquivel, Efren Gonzalez-Ramirez, Domingo Gomez-Melendez, Rosario Guzman-Cruzand Vianey Torres-Argüelles

June 2012

Policy options for improving market participation and sales of smallholder crop producers: A case study of the Free State Province of South Africa

  The paper identifies underlying factors behind farmers’ market participation decisions and level of commercialisation of South African small scale farmers with a particular emphasis on transaction costs. The two-step decision making process is analyzed based on Agricultural Household Model that incorporates transaction costs using a Heckman selectivity procedure. The key importance of non price factors...

Author(s): S. Bahta and S. Bauer

June 2012

Agricultural extension workers’ attitude to and experience of e-learning

  In many developing countries, e-learning is still regarded as an innovative mode of learning. Experience shows that transferring technologies can provoke the adoption of e-learning, only if people are willing and their attitude is positive for adoption. In fact, adoption of e-learning is related to the learners’ attitude and prior experience of e-learning. In order to understand the attitude of...

Author(s): Amir Ahmadpour and Shohreh Soltani

June 2012

Production of rape (Brassica napus L.) on soils amended with leguminous tree prunings: Yield responses in relation to the chemical composition of the tree prunings

  Leguminous tree leaf litter has potential as a nutrient source for smallholder vegetable production systems. However, quality of the leaf litter influences yield responses by the crops grown. Comparative yield responses of rape (Brassica napus L.) to legume prunings of different chemical composition were evaluated in a three block randomized complete block design (RCBD) field experiment. Prunings...

Author(s): Fiona Muchecheti, Ignacio C. Madakadze and Puffy Soundy

June 2012

Microstructural differences in Agave atrovirens Karw leaves and pine by age effect

  We evaluated the effects of the leaves, “pine” or “head” (plants without leaves) age of Agave atrovirens on the epidermal, parenchyma and fibrillar microstructure as possible maturity indicators, since plant age is a determinant factor of the concentration of inulin. Samples were taken from three, six and nine year-old plants, and observations were made with scanning...

Author(s):   Aurea Bernardino-Nicanor, Rosalva Mora-Escobedo, José Luis Montañez-Soto, Santiago Filardo-Kerstupp and Leopoldo González-Cruz

June 2012

The relationship and combination effects on the promotion and disease control of rhizospheric actinomycetes and entophytic bacteria in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum)

  Plants benefit extensively from endophytic and rhizospheric microbes. They promote plant growth and confer enhanced resistance to various pathogens. However, the interactions of these beneficial microbes are not always well understood. In this work, the interactions of two rhizospheric actinomycete strains DK56 (Streptomyces microflavus), ME2 (Micromonospora sp.) and endophytic bacterium strains XG32...

Author(s): Wang Mei-xia, Qin Juan-juan, Chen Shuang-lin and Yan Shu-zhen

June 2012

Agromorphological characterization of Sesamum radiatum (Schum. and Thonn.), a neglected and underutilized species of traditional leafy vegetable of great importance in Benin

  Sesamum radiatum (Schum. and Thonn) is a traditional leafy vegetable of national importance in Benin. Although, it is cultivated and consumed in many regions of the country, it is still unfortunately neglected by scientific research. In order to fill in the knowledge gaps necessary for its varietal improvement, 16 accessions collected from different agro-ecological zones were characterized using 16...

Author(s): Adéoti K., Dansi A., Ahoton L., Vodouhè R., Ahohuendo B. C., Rival A. and Sanni A.

June 2012

Nickel accumulation by Colocassia esculentum and its impact on plant growth and physiology

  The remediation of heavy metal-contaminated sites using plants presents a promising alternative to current methodologies. In this study, the potential of Colocassia esculentum for Nickel (Ni) accumulation was determined. C. esculentum plants exposed to Ni, demonstrated capability to accumulate on average, more in shoots as compared to roots, suggesting better translocation of Ni from...

Author(s): Pritesh Parmar, Mandakini J. Patel, Bhaumik Dave and R. B. Subramanian

June 2012

Effects of reactive red 239 textile dye on total soluble protein content, peroxidase activity and lipid peroxidation of Zea mays L. cv. “Martha F1”

  This study examined the effects of Reactive red 239 on total soluble protein, peroxidase activity andmalondialdehyde (MDA) content of corns. The corns were exposed to different concentrations of 4000, 5200, 6760, 8788 and 11424 mg/L Reactive Red 239. In comparison to the control group, there was an increase in the total soluble protein content of plant groups exposed to low-concentration...

Author(s): Armagan Kaya, Emel Yigit and Gulcin Beker Akbulut

June 2012

Screening for drought tolerance in maize (Zea mays L.) hybrids at an early seedling stage

  Drought stress is an abiotic factor affecting growth badly and ultimately, yields of crop plants. The current study was planned to explore the variations and determine the performance of target traits under drought conditions. Six seedling characters; that is, number of crown roots, number of seminal roots, primary root length, number of lateral roots, fresh root weight and dry root weight were evaluated...

Author(s): Abdul Qayyum, Shahzad Ahmad, Shoaib Liaqat, Waqas Malik, Etrat Noor, Hafiz Muhammad Saeed and Memoona Hanif

June 2012

Growth of cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.) seedlings on old cocoa soils amended with organic and inorganic fertilizers

  A greenhouse study was conducted for six months to investigate the response of cocoa seedlings to organic and inorganic fertilizers. The treatments were cocoa pod husk (CPH), kola pod husk (KPH), nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), N + P, N, CPH +N, CPH +NP, CPH + NPK, KPH + N, KPH + NP, KPH + NPK and control. The mineral fertilizers were applied at the rate of 10 kg N ha-1 while the organic...

Author(s): Olanipekun Samson Oyewole, I. Omueti John Ajayi and R. Ipinmoroti Rotimi

June 2012

Analyzing biodiversity indicators in sustainable aquaculture development based on Iranian fisheries experts

  The purpose of this research was to assess the biodiversity indicators in sustainable aquaculture development based on Iranian fisheries experts. The research method employed was correlative-descriptive. The population consisted of fisheries experts in Khuzestan Province of Iran. A random sample of fisheries experts (n = 60) was selected. The questionnaire was developed to collect data....

Author(s): Ahmad Reza Ommani and Azadeh N. Noorivandi

June 2012

Adsorption of Pb2+ ions on diatomite modified by polypropylene acetamide and barium chloride in aqueous solution

  In order to increase diatomite adsorption capacity, polypropylene acetamide (PAM) and barium chloride(BaCl2) were employed to modify the diatomite. Experiments were conducted to investigate surface chemistry characterization and adsorption capacity of the diatomite before and after modification, and adsorption capacity of Pb2+ onto raw diatomite, PAM modified diatomite, zeolite, vermiculite and red...

Author(s): Jian Zhu, Ping Wang, Xiaofu Wu, Wenlian Luo and Mingjing Lei