August 2012
Karyotype analysis and meiotic behaviors of Ducrosia anethifolia: The first case study
The medicinal plant Ducrosia anethifolia (DC) Boiss is an annual herb of the Apiaceae family. It originated from Iran and it is used to treat headache and backache in traditional medicine. Mitotic study and meiotic behavior of chromosomes are presented for the first time for D. anethifolia in this study. D. anethifolia possessed n = 11 (2n = 2x = 22) chromosome number forming...
August 2012
Molecular and ampelographic characterization of some grape hybrids (Vitis vinifera L.)
23 hybrids were selected as potential cultivar candidates due to their superior characteristics and were created at the Atatürk Horticultural Central Research Institute (AHCRI) or the TekirdaÄŸ Viticulture Research Institute (TVRI). In this study, the ampelographic and molecular characteristics of 23 grapevine hybrids created in two different breeding studies were determined. Ampelographic data were collected...
August 2012
Genetic variability for yield and related attributes of upland rice genotypes in semi arid zone (Sudan)
Thirteen genotypes of upland rice were evaluated at White Nile Research Station Farm, Kosti, of the Agricultural Research Corporation (ARC), Wad Medani Sudan for two consecutive years (2008 and 2009). The objectives of this study were to estimate the genotypic and phenotypic variability, broad sense heritability for maturity, morphological and yield associated traits. The highest genotypic coefficient of variation and...
August 2012
Sensory and physico-chemical quality of banana fruits “Grand Naine†grown with biofertilizer
Bio fertilizer was applied to “Grand Naine” plantain, and its effect on the physicochemical and sensory characteristics of the plantain was studied. Two treatments were established: I) Bio fertilization (BIOF); and II) Conventional fertilization (CONV) practiced by farmers. When BIOF was exclusively applied as a fertilization strategy, similar values (p > 0.05) were obtained, like the ones in CONV,...
August 2012
Study on twenty-five percent pymetrozine-thiamethoxam suspension concentrate as an insecticide against rice planthopper
A blended pesticide, 25% pymetrozine-thiamethoxam suspension concentrate (SC), was evaluated for its insecticidal activity against rice planthoppers in a greenhouse and field. The results of the seedling-dipping and rice-stem-dipping methods used in the greenhouse indicated the excellent activity of the SC against the brown rice planthoppers, with the lethal concentration causing 50% mortality (LC50) values reaching...
August 2012
Inhibitory effect of mango (Mangifera indica L.) leaf extracts on the germination of Cassia occidentalis seeds
The allelopathic effects of dry and fresh aqueous leaf extracts of Mangifera indica at 5, 10, 15 and 20% were investigated on the seed germination percentage and seedling growth rate of Cassia occidentalis seeds in a greenhouse experiment. Both dry and fresh leaf extracts exhibited different degrees of inhibition in C. occidentalis germination percentage and growth rate of seedlings at varying...
August 2012
Comparison between the accuracy of RoadEng and Arcinfo softwares in designing forest roads
This research looked at the differences in forest road planning techniques and the existing software products (RoadEng and Arcinfo softwares) that have been developed to assist in forest road location. Forest road designing is conducted based on route survey using NIVO CTM mapping camera (for RoadEng software) and Garmin tools (for Arcinfo software) in Birenjestanak forest of Iran. In order to evaluate...
August 2012
Design of an educational framework in introducing an unknown food crop into a farm worker community for ensuring food security
This study aims to design an educational framework based on the utilization cycle as a food-based strategy, integrating both agricultural and nutritional components, and also to empower people to improve their food security by introducing an unknown food crop into a specific community based on an in-depth understanding of current practices using known food crops. It was carried out in a rural farm-worker community in...
August 2012
Assessing the economic and social consequences of sustainability of rural livelihood in Eastern India
The present study was conducted to assess economic and social sustainability and their impact on rural livelihood of North East India. Results demonstrate that overall input self sufficiency ratio increased almost two fold (from 0.29 to 0.53). The less the index value is, the higher the cropping diversification will be, and thus, the more relatively sustainable for the farming system. The cropping diversification index...
August 2012
Ectoparasites of small ruminants presented at Bahir Dar Veterinary Clinic, Northwest Ethiopia
The study was undertaken to estimate the prevalence of ectoparasites in small ruminants of Bahir Dar area. A total of 395 small ruminants (280 sheep and 115 goats) were examined for the presence of different ectoparasites. From the 395 small ruminant examined, 193 were positive for one or more type of ectoparasite with an overall prevalence of 48.9%. Ectoparasites identified in sheep were: ticks (31.4%), fleas (13.2%),...
August 2012
Phenotypic and molecular screening of some tomato germplasm for resistance to tomato yellow leaf curl virus disease in Ghana
Tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV) is a major tomato virus in Ghana and Africa as a whole. In this study, 30 accessions of Solanum lycopersicum L. with reported TYLCV-resistance from AVRDC were assessed for resistance to TYLCV in Ghana. Plants were grown in a field, a hot spot of the disease and the reactions of plants were evaluated based on the disease symptoms when they were 30, 45 and 60 days after...
August 2012
Combining ability analysis of days to silking, plant height, yield components and kernel yield in maize breeding lines
The present study was carried out to determine the combining ability for yield and yield associated traits by crossing 8 diverse maize inbred lines in a half diallel mating design. Twenty eight F1 progenies along with their parents were planted in randomized complete block design with four replications in two environments. Combined analysis of variance showed significant mean squares of general combining ability...
August 2012
Soil fertility and nutritional status of Kinnow orchards grown in aridisol of Punjab, India
The present study was aimed at evaluating the fertility status of Kinnow orchards in aridisol order of Punjab. The soil texture of different productive Kinnow orchards was loamy sand in nature. All Kinnow orchards soils were found alkaline to saline in nature, with pH value ranging from 8.4 to 9.5 and deficient of macronutrients while sufficient in most of the micronutrients. Foliar analysis...
August 2012
Estimation of maize evapotranspiration and yield under different deficit irrigation on a sandy farmland in Northwest China
A field experiment was conducted on a sandy farmland in Northwest China to estimate on the response of maize evapotranspiration and yield to deficit irrigation. The five irrigation treatments consisted of specific combinations of full irrigation and limited irrigation in different crop growing phases (I, from elongation phase to heading; II, from heading phase to milk; III, from milk phase to physiological maturity)...
August 2012
Determination of appropriate level(s) of aluminium activity for the screening of tropically adapted soybean genotypes in sand culture
A sand culture experiment was conducted at the University of Agriculture, Makurdi, Nigeria, in 2001 and 2002, with the objective of determining the appropriate levels of aluminium activity to screen tropically adapted genotypes of soybean for aluminium stress tolerance. Fifteen genotypes of soybean constituted the main plot, while eight levels of aluminium activity (0, 50, 100, 200, 300, 400, 450...