November 2012
Scope for enhancing and sustaining rice productivity in Punjab (Food bowl of India)
Rice production in Punjab has increased 23 times in the past seven decades, mainly due to increased grain yield rather than increased planting area. This increase has come from the development of high-yielding varieties and improved crop management practices, such as optimum transplanting time, nitrogen fertilization, improved weed and irrigation management. However, sustainability of rice cultivation in...
November 2012
Translocation of metals in two leafy vegetables grown in urban gardens of Ntoum, Gabon
The aim of this study was to investigate the properties of cultivated urban soils and metal concentrations in these soils and in roots and leaves of the crops Amaranthus cruentus (amaranth) and Hibiscus sabdariffa(roselle). The soil physicochemical properties showed a poor fertility rate of cultivated soils. The metal concentrations in soils were in the range of concentrations for...
November 2012
Technical efficiency of maize production in Swaziland: A stochastic frontier approach
Maize farming in Swaziland is divided into subsistence farming on Swazi Nation Land (SNL) and commercial farming on Title Deed Land (TDL). Maize production on SNL accounts for only 10% of total agricultural output in Swaziland. While almost all households in SNL produce maize, the country has never reached self-sufficient levels in maize production. For the past 40 years, Swaziland has not been able to meet...
November 2012
Relationship between forest protection and hunting tourism in Turkey
Turkey is located over the junction, called Anatolia, between Asia, Europe and Africa, and is regarded as the cradle of many civilisations throughout history. In the natural course of the history, forests together with many other natural resources in the region have been heavily utilized and thus suffered tremendously. The rate of deforestation was on the increase until 1980s but stabilized thereafter. The...
November 2012
Growth and development of Phaius tankervilleae (Banks) Blume when inoculated with orchid mycorrhizal fungi
Phaius tankervilleae (Banks) Blume is the most attractive and most horticulturally valuable native Phaiusspecies in Taiwan. Due to overharvesting in the wild, however, the plant is on the verge of extinction. Successful cultivation of P. tankervilleae has been achieved through in vitro seeding or tissue culture propagation, but plantlet survival rates are low upon...
November 2012
Nutritional value and economic feasibility of red beetroot (Beta vulgaris L. ssp. vulgaris Rote Kugel) from different production systems
The study determined the internal quality (the total phenol, sugar, organic acid contents, antioxidant activity, and mineral components) and physical parameters in the flesh of red beetroots produced in different production systems (conventional, integrated, organic, and control) using established methods. Organic cropping of red beetroot plants significantly reduced the yield by 27% of some macro minerals (P...
November 2012
Effect of drought stress on yield and yield components, relative leaf water content, proline and potassium ion accumulation in different white bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) genotype
Genetic increase in bean yields in dry areas has not been as great as in more favorable environments. Plants with their ability to change morphologically and physiologically are able to continue their existence in regions where there is not enough rain and soil humidity is low. In order to assess some of these changes, the relationship between proline content, potassium ion and the relative water content with...
November 2012
Superoxide dismutase and α-amylase changes of Damask rose (Rosa damascena Mill.) tissues seasonally
This effort aims to set new record and study the activities of two metabolically important distinct antioxidant enzymes, superoxide dismutase (SOD) and amylase in leaves and twigs of Damask rose (Rosa damascenaMill.). This research is done in various seasons to trace the seasonal shifts in plant metabolism. The results of our experimental work would be indicative of the seasonal variation patterns of R....
November 2012
Reduction of seed harvester ants, Pogonomyrmex spp. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), damages by using some insecticides
Seed harvester ants are one of the dominant insect pest groups in Eritrea causing great economic loss in cereal crops from sowing up to harvesting. The effectiveness of malathion, carbaryl and neem seed extract on the reduction of seed harvester ant (Pogonomyrmex spp.) populations and damages was also evaluated by the amount of seed removal. Results of the study showed that high number of germination...
November 2012
Characterization of Uromyces appendiculatus isolates collected from snap bean growing areas in Kenya
Bean rust (Uromyces appendiculatus (Pers.:Pers.) Unger var. appendiculatus) is one of the most devastating and variable pathogens of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) worldwide that can cause total crop loss. Characterization of bean rust races can help in screening resistant materials during gene pyramiding. The aims of the present research were first, to characterize bean rust isolates...
November 2012
Comparison of two PCR-based DNA markers with high resolution melt analysis for the detection of genetic variability in selected quality protein maize inbred lines
Molecular markers are fast, efficient and reliable in detecting distinct differences between genotypes at DNA level. In particular, polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based markers are widely preferred for genotype characterization in diverse crop species, including maize. It is impossible, however, to obtain the entire information required in plant breeding and conservation programmes solely from a single...
November 2012
Mineral oil as a repellent in comparison with other control methods for citrus brown snail, Caucasotachea lencoranea
The efficacy of mineral oil and snail copper repellent tape for the control of the citrus brown snailCaucasotachea lencoranea Musson were compared with chemical bait molluscides, iron phosphate and methaldehyde¸ in a commercial citrus orchard in Northern Iran. The number of snails on citrus trees was monitored 10 days after the application of treatments at an interval of 9 to 10 day up to harvest...
November 2012
Effect of organic sources of nutrients on fruit damage by shoot and fruit borer on Brinjal (Solanum melongena L.)
An investigation was carried out to know the effect of organics sources of nutrients on fruit damaged by shoot and fruit borer on brinjal (Solanum melongena L.). The results revealed that plots applied with Vermicompost (VC) + biofertilizer (Silica solubalising bacteria, Azatobactor and Vasicular Arbuscular Mycoriza) + neemcake (T6) and farm yard manure (FYM) + biofertilizer + neemcake (T5)...