African Journal of
Agricultural Research

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Agric. Res.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1991-637X
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJAR
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 6918

Table of Content: 5 December; 7(46)

December 2012

Impact of land-use changes on stream runoff in Jeju Island, Korea

Jeju Island, the region with the highest level of rainfall in Korea, is formed by vesicular volcanic rocks and ash causing half of the total rainfall to permeate underground, which gives the Island rich groundwater resources, although most of the streams are dried. The expansion of agricultural land and the massive establishment of tourist development and road construction in the lower area of the streams increase the...

Author(s): S. K. Yang, W. Y. Jung, W. K. Han and I. M. Chung

December 2012

The effect of planting distance on yield of beans (Vicia faba L.) under drip irrigation system

A study was conducted at the College of Agriculture, Kirkuk University, Iraq to investigate the effect of planting distance on yield of faba beans (Vicia faba L.) under drip irrigation. The yield of three different varieties of beans (Spanish, Turkish and Local) at three different planting distances, including 20, 25 and 30 cm was studied. The result indicates that both the interactions between plant distance...

Author(s): Amer N. N. Kakahy, D. Ahmad and A. S. Abdullahi

December 2012

Effect of contour ridging on runoff and soil loss

Contour ridging is a widely used soil and water conservation practice in Southern Africa. However, in recent years, a number of investigators questioned the effectiveness of contour ridges in controlling surface runoff and soil erosion from smallholder farmers’ fields. To be an effective conservation practice, contour ridges must store infiltration excess surface runoff as surface depression storage in furrows...

Author(s): Yusuf M. Mohamoud

December 2012

Effects of probiotic (live and inactive Saccharomyces cerevisiae) on meat and intestinal microbial properties of Japonica quail

The present work evaluated the effect of probiotics (live and inactive Saccharomyces cerevisiae) on the meat and intestinal microbial properties of Japonica quail. Twenty-four one-day old Japonica quail were obtained from a commercial hatchery. The birds were randomly divided into 2 groups. The dietary treatments given to the birds included basal diet (control) and basal diet plus 0.1% live S....

Author(s): Afshin Javadi, Hamid Mirzaei, Saeid Safarmashaei and Sina Vahdatpour

December 2012

Influence of drying method and location on amino acids and mineral elements of Sternocera orissa Buguet 1836 (Coleoptera: Buprestidae) in South Africa

Influence of drying method and location on amino acid and mineral composition of  African metallic wood boring beetle, Sternocera orissa Buquet (Coleoptera: Buprestidae), widely consumed in certain rural communities of Limpopo Province, South Africa was investigated. Randomised complete block design in a 3 × 3 factorial arrangement was used with three drying methods (oven-drying, freeze drying,...

Author(s): Kagiso G. Shadung, Maboko S. Mphosi and Phatu W. Mashela

December 2012

Pollinator-dependent production of food nutrients by fruits and vegetables in China

Pollinator-dependent production of food nutrients in China has not been evaluated previously. Using Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) crop production data and United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) food composition data, we examined the nutritional values of 41 common fruits and vegetables to assess the contribution of animal pollination to human nutrition. Most of these crops rely on insect...

Author(s): Xiao-Hui Wang, and Sheng-Yan Ding,

December 2012

Germplasm evaluation for yield and fruit quality traits in tomato (Solanum Lycopersicon L.)

The present investigation was planned and executed during spring and summer seasons of 2007 to 2010 at Vegetable Experimental Farm, Faculty of Agriculture, Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology, Main Campus, Chatha. The experimental material include 60 diverse genotypes of tomato collected from various places including Indian Institute of Vegetable Research Institute (IIVR) Varanasi Uttar...

Author(s): Rukhsar Ahmad Dar, Jag Paul Sharma, Ambreen Nabi and S. Chopra

December 2012

Emergency rice initiative: Socioeconomic analysis of rice farmers in Nigeria

Random sampling was used to select 90 rice farmers from 9 Local government areas in Kano State. Data were collected with structured questionnaire and analysed using descriptive statistics and multiple linear regression techniques in order to measure household poverty. This study revealed that 98% of the vulnerable farmers’ received improved rice seeds under the emergency intervention with average household size of...

Author(s): A. T. Maji, A. A. Shaibu, P. A. Ibrahim, B. Awotide, F. Nwilene, F. Ayinzat, B. Shehu, V. Ojehomon, Y. Kura, M. Asu-Obi and N. Danbaba

December 2012

Evaluation of drought tolerance from a wheat recombination inbred line population at the early seedling growth stage

The drought tolerance of wheat seedlings from a recombination inbred line (RIL) population derived from crosses between Weimai 8 and Luohan2 and its parents was evaluated according to the drought tolerance indices of 11 early seedling traits and using principal component analysis and K-means clustering methods to select materials with good germplasm. Results indicated that drought could promote the increase of...

Author(s): Hong Zhang, and Honggang Wang

December 2012

Growth analysis and modelling of CIP potato genotypes for their characterization in two contrasting environments of Burundi

A version of LINTUL-POTATO model was used in the context of highlands and lowlands of Burundi to calculate a potential yield as limited by meteorological factors only. This potential yield was compared to the yields obtained in field experiments conducted in the respective areas using potato genotypes from International Potato Center (CIP) reported to be adapted to tropical conditions. Deviations of observed yields from...

Author(s): D. Harahagazwe, J. F. Ledent and G. Rusuku

December 2012

Response of sweet corn hybrid to varying plant densities and nitrogen levels

An investigation on the “Response of sweet corn hybrid to varying plant densities and nitrogen levels” was conducted during kharif season, 2009 at Agricultural Research Institute, Hyderabad. The experiment was conducted on a clay loam soil of medium fertility with twelve treatment combinations including three levels of plant densities 66,666 (P1), 80,000 (P2), 100,000 (P3) plants ha-1 and four nitrogen...

Author(s): P. Spandana Bhatt

December 2012

Identification of seed dormancy on chromosome 2BS from wheat cv. Chinese Spring

Seed dormancy, a main factor contributing to preharvest sprouting (PHS) tolerance, is an adaptive trait largely affected by environmental conditions, such as temperature and moisture, during seed development and after ripening. PHS reduces the end-use of wheat by declining grain quality, which leads to further economic losses. The wheat cultivar ‘Chinese Spring’ (CS) has ph and kr genes,...

Author(s): Xiu-Jin Lan, Ji-Rui Wang, Yu-Ming Wei, Guo-Yue Chen, Qian-Tao Jiang, Yuan-Ying Peng, Shou-Fen Dai and You-Liang Zheng

December 2012

Performance of alfalfa varieties with different fall dormancy across different production areas of Henan Province of China

Nineteen alfalfa varieties of seven different fall dormancy (FD) classes (2 to 8) over three years in five different eco-agricultural areas with mild climates in Henan Province of China was studied. The results showed that almost all of the varieties exhibited nearly perfect survival rates, while the variety ‘Siriver’ had a slightly lower survival rate of 98.5%. The variety ‘WL414’ (FD 6)...

Author(s): Gong-min Xu, Xue-bing Yan, Cheng-zhang Wang, Yan-hua Wang and Wen-na Fan

December 2012

The relationship between root traits and aboveground traits in peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.)

  Data of 12 peanut varieties were analyzed with a view to investigate the relationship between root traits and aboveground traits. Results showed that root biomass was positively correlated with aboveground biomass and total biomass at three stages of growth and development. Root activity at different growth stages were significantly and positively correlated with yield at the mature stage. However, a...

Author(s):   Yanbin Hong, Guiyuan Zhou, Shaoxiong Li, Haiyan Liu, Xiaoping Chen, Shijie Wen and Xuanqiang Liang