African Journal of
Agricultural Research

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Agric. Res.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1991-637X
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJAR
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 6915

Table of Content: 5 JANUARY 2012; 7(1)

January 2012

Assessment of beekeeping practices in Asgede Tsimbla district, Northern Ethiopia: Absconding, bee forage and bee pests

Ethiopia has a huge natural resource base for honey production. An assessment was conducted to investigate beekeeping constraints and indigenous bee pest protection methods in Asgede Tsimbla district, northern Ethiopia. Five sub districts were selected on the bases of adoption of modern beehives with the assistance of development agents working in the district. A total of 500 beekeepers were randomly selected for...

Author(s): Gidey Yirga, Bethelhem Koru, Dawit Kidane and Alem Mebrahatu

January 2012

Effect of hot water dip treatment on postharvestanthracnose of banana var. Berangan

  Heat treatment becomes a feasible method for controlling of postharvest decay in many freshly harvested commodities. Anthracnose is the main disease affecting the quality of banana fruits during export and marketing. In this study inoculated Berangan banana with Colletotrichum musae was dipped in hot water at 50°C for 0, 10, 20 min with or without fungicide, respectively. The...

Author(s): Amin Mirshekari, Phebe Ding, Jugah Kadir and Hasanah Mohd Ghazali

January 2012

Exploration of fungal pathogens associated with water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms-Laubach) in Ethiopia

  Indigenous fungi found associated with water hyacinth were identified and evaluated for their biocontrol potential against the weed. During the study, a series of laboratory and lath-house experiments were conducted and 19 fungal species were identified. Among these, nine species with better virulence were selected based on preliminary test. These included Alternaria alternata, Alternaria...

Author(s): Samuel Tegene, Temam Hussein, Taye Tessema, Firehun Yirefu, Butner Carmen and Monika Gossmann

January 2012

Responses of different rice (Oryza sativa L.) genotypes to salt stress and relation to carbohydrate metabolism and chlorophyll content

  The study aims to investigate the physiological mechanisms associated with salt tolerance of different rice genotypes; with emphasis on carbohydrate metabolism and chlorophyll concentration. Studies were conducted in a greenhouse and fields at the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) during the dry season (November 2008 to March 2009) and the wet season (April 2009 to October 2010). Salt stress...

Author(s): ZHANG Zhen-hua,, LIU Qiang,, SONG Hai-xing,, RONG Xiang-min,, and Abdelbagi M. Ismail

January 2012

Effects of different potassium and iron levels on seasonal changes of nutrient concentrations of tomato plant grown in soilless culture

  Potassium and iron are the main elements that are of great importance in soilless medium in terms of tomato nutrition. However, the activities of plant nutrients are very complex and changes depending on growing stage, environmental condition and element concentrations in nutrient solution. It is necessary to have more information about the combination of K and Fe in different growing stages in soilless...

Author(s): Filiz Okturen Asri and Sahriye Sonmez

January 2012

Effect of rhizobial strains and sulphur nutrition on mungbean (Vigna radiata (l.) wilczek) cultivars under dryland agro-ecosystem of Indo-Gangetic plain

  A field experiment was conducted to find out the effect of rhizobial strains (Uninoculated, Tal 442 and MO 5), and sulphur (S) levels (15, 30 and 45 kg ha-1) on mungbean cultivars (SML-668, Pusa Vishal, and HUM-1). Rhizobium strains, at par among themselves, and significantly superior over uninoculated. Cultivar HUM-1 and application of 45 kg S ha-1 recorded higher plant height, primary branches, green...

Author(s): Pravin Kumar Tripathi, Manoj Kumar Singh, Jitendra Pratap Singh and Onkar Nath Singh

January 2012

The effects of seed number per hill on grain yield and source-sink relations of three rice cultivars

  In order to study the effects of seed number per hill on the yield and physiological source-sink relations of three rice cultivars in Khouzestan climate conditions (South West of Iran), this research was conducted in form of a split plot experiment with Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three replications in the experimental field of Islamic Azad University - Khouzestan Science and Research Branch...

Author(s): Sh. Lack

January 2012

Agro-morphological and phenological attributes under irrigated and rain-fed conditions in bread wheat genotypes

  Drought is a wide-spread problem seriously influencing wheat production and quality, but development of resistant cultivars is hampered by lack of effective selection criteria. Based on recent rates of increase, the world population is expected to double from 6 billion in the next 50 years. Proper management of input using modern technology, particularly irrigation water management, is essential to maximize...

Author(s): Nahid Niari Khamssi and Abdollah Najaphy

January 2012

Soil and water conservation capabilities among farmers and extension agents in eastern region of Nigeria

  Sustaining soil and water resources for improved agricultural production requires improved capacity of relevant stakeholders. The study aimed to ascertain this capacity in terms of perceived knowledge and importance of selected soil and water conservation (SWC) practices amongst farmers and extension agents (EAs) in the Eastern region of Nigeria. Data were collected from 101 farmers and 66 EAs using...

Author(s): Mgbenka, RN, Nicholas Ozor, Igbokwe, EM and Felix Ebe

January 2012

Aggregate stability and strength of a hardsetting soil amended with cattle manure

  Hardsetting soils are characterized by horizons with unstable soil aggregates and their responses to organic inputs are not clear. A laboratory study was conducted to determine the effect of cattle manure on aggregate stability and strength in three hardsetting soils. Two treatments were included; cattle manure applied at 0 (control) and 20 mg/ha. Aggregate stability was measured as mean weight diameter and...

Author(s): Adornis D Nciizah and Isaiah IC Wakindiki

January 2012

The contribution of coffee agroecosystem to soil fertility in Southwestern Ethiopia

  To investigate the contribution of coffee agroecosystem to soil fertility, soil samples were collected at the depth of 0 to 20 and 20 to 40 cm from four different land usages: coffee agroecosystem, eucalyptus plantation, grazing and cultivated lands. The soil samples were analyzed for texture, active and exchangeable acidity, organic carbon, total nitrogen, available forms of nitrogen and phosphorus, CEC,...

Author(s): Abebe Nigussie and Endalkachew Kissi,

January 2012

Design of wireless underground sensor network nodes for field information acquisition

  With the research of the wireless sensor network technology, some wireless underground sensor network nodes and a sink node based on embedded technology and RF technology were designed innovatively. Wireless underground sensor network node consists of sensor, the processor, wireless RF module and power module; here, processor using MSP430 microcontroller, RF modules adopting nRF905 communication module and...

Author(s): Zenglin Zhang, Pute Wu,, Wenting Han, and Xiaoqing Yu,

January 2012

Application of geographic information systems in land-use suitability evaluation for beekeeping: A case study of Vahregan watershed (Iran)

  Decisions on land use have become progressively more difficult in the last decade. The main reasons for this development lie in the increasing population combined with an increasing demand for new land and resources and in the growing consciousness for sustainable land and resource use. The objective of this paper is to incorporate the concept of multiple land use into geographic information...

Author(s): Fazel Amiri and Abdul Rashid B. Mohamed Shariff

January 2012

Effects of harvesting intensity on population structure of Lippia graveolens (Verbenaceae, Lamiales) in the Semidesert of Queretaro, Mexico

  Whole Oregano (Lippia graveolens) is a wild shrub species that is harvested commercially as an important complement to the income of farmers in the semiarid areas of Mexico. However, the impact of this activity on populations of the species is unknown, particularly in the semi-desert of Queretaro State in Mexico. We quantified the consequences of different harvest rates on the growth and reproduction of five...

Author(s): Tamara Osorno-Sánchez, Alfonso Torres Ruiz and Roberto Lindig-Cisneros 

January 2012

Impacts of outsourcing forestry operations in the hyperinflationary economic environment of Zimbabwe

  Outsourcing forestry operations in a hyperinflationary environment has an impact on labour welfare, quality of work and the environment. The aim of this research was to determine how the current economic environment in Zimbabwe has impacted on the outsourcing of forestry operations. The study was carried out in the Penhalonga Commercial Forest Region (18.52S, 32.40E), north of the city of Mutare, in the...

Author(s): Chikuse L. J., Katsvanga C. A. T., Jimu L. and Mujuru L.

January 2012

Dynamics and farmers strategies for small ruminant market in Egypt

  The main objective of the study was to identify the main driving factors of marketing strategies of farmers in link with the observations of change in the sheep and goat sector. A field survey on marketing strategies of small ruminants in Egypt was conducted in 2009 and 2010 at markets and farms’ levels in different agro-ecological zones. The field data showed that breeders’ market strategies...

Author(s): Véronique Alary, Adel Aboul-Naga, Mohamed El-Sheifa, Nidal Abdelkrim, and Helmi Metawi

January 2012

Morphological and histological observations on the induction of anther calluses and embryos in loquat (Eriobotrya japonica Lindl.)

  Morphological and histological studies were conducted systematically for the first time on the induction ofanther derived calluses and embryos in loquat (Eriobotrya japonica Lindl.). The results showed that the calluses were derived from microspores and both microspores and capillaments, when capillaments were not completely scraped off. Upon transfer onto the embryo...

Author(s): Juan Yan, Yong-qing Wang, Jun-qiang Li, Lian Tao, Qun-xian Deng and Xiu-lan Lv

January 2012

CO2 uptake patterns in Phalaenopsis amabilis

  A whole-plant open-system chamber was developed to measure CO2 exchange in Phalaenopsis amabilis. The consistent and continuous curves of CO2 gas exchange rhythms at various conditions, sampled at 1-min interval, were used to evaluate the factors affecting on the CO2 exchange pattern. The influencing factors included the day/night temperature, sample size, light period, light intensity and...

Author(s): Chiachung Chen and Rey-Song Lin