African Journal of
Agricultural Research

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Agric. Res.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1991-637X
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJAR
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 6915

Table of Content: 5 March; 7(9)

March 2012

Climate change adaptation policy in Malaysia: Issues for agricultural sector

Malaysia is one of the highly vulnerable countries due to climatic changes. Here the changes in climate factors cause adverse impacts on agricultural sustainability and relevant livelihood sustainability. To adapt to these changes a prudent adaptation policy is very important. Several countries follow different adaptation policy based on their localized socioeconomic and geographical status. While defining its...

Author(s): Md. Mahmudul Alam, Chamhuri Siwar, Basri Talib, Mazlin Mokhtar, and Mohd Ekhwan Toriman

March 2012

The development of powdery mildew-tolerant grape cultivars with standard quality characteristics by cross-breeding

This study concerns the improvement of grape varieties for disease tolerance. Maternal varieties were fromVitis vinifera while disease tolerant varieties from the coastal area of the Black Sea Region were used as pollinators. Some genotypes were selected for detailed observations. Detection of powdery mildew tolerance of some varieties and selections under controlled conditions were also conducted. Some...

Author(s): C. Özer, E. Solak, L. Öztürk and N. Özer

March 2012

Inheritance of some spike related polygenic traits in spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L)

ive quantitative spike related traits were studied in wheat genotypes by analyzing F1 data derived from a 5 × 5 diallel cross to assess the magnitude of gene action. The experiment was conducted at experimental area of Plant Breeding and Genetics, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad. Analysis of variance proved to be significant for all characters and absence of epistasis for all traits which in turn attested...

Author(s): Tariq Hussain, Wajad Nazeer, Muhammad Tauseef, JehanzebFarooq, Muhammad  Naeem, Shoaib Freed,  Muhammad Iqbal , Asifa Hameed,  Muhammad Attiq Sadiq, Hafiz Muhammad Nasrullah

March 2012

Utilisation of Melastoma (Melastoma affine, D. Don) foliage as a forage for growing goats with cassava (Manihot esculenta, Crantz) hay supplementation

Twenty-four weaned crossbred male goats (Bachthao x local female) with initial live weights of 9.9 (0.73) kg were used in an experiment to evaluate the effect of four different diets on intake. The diets were composed ofMelastoma affine foliage fed ad libitum supplemented with cassava hay at four levels: 0, 15, 30 and 45% of an expected dry matter (DM) intake of 3% of body weight (BW). Cassava chips were...

Author(s): Bui Phan Thu Hang and Inger Ledin

March 2012

Genetic evaluation for calving ease trait using linear and threshold models in first parity dairy cows

Calving ease (CE) is a categorical trait which can be analyzed by both linear and threshold models. Though it has been assumed that threshold models qualify to be the best procedure for analyzing categorical traits, its efficiency with field data has not been clearly confirmed. This study was aimed at comparing linear and threshold models for estimation of CE genetic parameters. Data consisted of 10,575 first...

Author(s): Shahin Eghbalsaied, Rohullah Abdullahpour and Mahmood Honarvar

March 2012

Symbiotic nitrogen fixation in nodules from ten common bean cultivars as a reliable estimator of yield during the early stages

The objectives of the present investigation was to study: (i) the symbiotic nitrogen fixation by Rhizobium etliand Rhizobium tropici in non-senescing nodules of ten common bean cultivars growing in greenhouse, and (ii) determination at least one plant characteristic which could be used as a reliable estimator of grain yield during the early stages of the crop. Ten economically important common bean...

Author(s): Fabián Fernández-Luqueño, Gaudencio Cabrera-Lazaro, Joaquín Méndez-Bautista, Fernando López-Valdez and Luc Dendooven

March 2012

The possibility of automation of sex pheromone trapping: Tested on Resseliella theobaldi (Barnes) (Dip., Cecidomyiidae)

The automated trap developed by our team makes it possible to observe the emergence of insect species whose sex pheromones are known. The automated trap is in fact a sex pheromone trap combined with a built-in meteorological meter, extended with a computer system used for recording data and other purposes and a camera. The equipment sends the photos and the recorded meteorological data to a central server via internet...

Author(s): Kitti Sipos, Sándor Madár, Márton Markó and Béla Pénzes

March 2012

The effects of different levels of poultry fat with vitamin E on performance and carcass traits of broilers

The aim of this experiment was to investigate the effects of different levels of poultry fat with vitamin E on performance and carcass traits of broilers. This study was conducted as 4 × 2 factorial experiment with 4 levels of poultry fat (0, 2, 4 and 6%) and 2 levels of vitamin E (0 and 150 mg/kg) in 8 treatments, 3 replicates and 12 birds in each replicate in a completely randomized design. In this experiment...

Author(s): Ali Nobakht

March 2012

Utilization of poultry by-product meal in diets for broiler chickens

This study evaluated diets containing poultry by-product meal (PBM) formulated on an equivalent digestible amino acid (AA) basis compared to a corn-soybean meal (SBM) diet. Three PBM (A, B, and C) produced in commercial rendering plants were evaluated. Mean true digestibility coefficients (percentages) for 15 AA in PBM A, B, and C were 81.75, 67.80 and 66.31, respectively. In a chick trial, 1-wk-old male chicks were fed...

Author(s): Masoud Jafari, Yahya Ebrahimnezhad, Hussein Janmohammadi and Hassan Ghahri

March 2012

Effect of potassium supplementation on monoterpene production of Houttuynia cordata

Houttuynia cordata Thunb. is an aromatic herb rich in monoterpenes. However, little information is available about the effect of potassium (K) on the monoterpene production. In this study, plants were cultured with different K levels and the monoterpenes in H. cordata were determined. Results showed that total monoterpene content only had a minor share (9.85%) of essential oil in the...

Author(s): Y. Wen Xu, Wei Wu, Dan Zhao, Ling Liang Guan and De Gang Wu

March 2012

Seasonal effects of the water quality in ponds on nutritive potential and digestibility of tilapia Oreochromis niloticus in natural feeding condition (Mali, West Africa)

The effects of the water quality on food and nutritional characteristics of stomach contents of Oreochromis niloticus in semi-intensive aquaculture ponds were investigated in dry and rainy seasons. Nutrient concentrations mainly ammonium and orthophosphates in water presented significant seasonal variation. The chemical composition of the total suspended solids, the main trophic source in pond is characterized...

Author(s): Célestin M. Blé, Olivier A. Etchian, Yao L. Alla, Antoinette A. Adingra, Sébastien Niamké, Jacques K. Diopoh and Robert Arfi

March 2012

Analyzing the effects of consumers’ demographic characteristics on the preferences of fresh fruit and vegetables supply chains

Consumer purchasing habits are affected by various demographic, socio-economic and socio-cultural factors along with the product, price, distribution channel, and advertisement. Diversified and alternative supply chains offer so many advantages to consumers in agricultural product markets. Consumers prefer different outlets for agricultural products because of their personal differences that are formed by the effects of...

Author(s): M. Goksel AKPINAR