African Journal of
Agricultural Research

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Agric. Res.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1991-637X
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJAR
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 6914

Table of Content: 8 February, 2018; 13(6)

February 2018

Characterization of livestock farming in Jacaré dos Homens, Alagoas, Brazil

Dairy farming is one of the most significant activities for Brazilian agribusiness, especially for its diversity and breadth. This study aimed to analyze the characterization of dairy farming activity developed in the Baixas community, in the city of Jacaré dos Homens-AL, Brazil, raising information about the production system adopted and considering the relevance of this activity to the locality. The research...

Author(s): Cristian Cavalcante Félix da Silva, José Crisólogo de Sales Silva, André Maia Gomes Lages, Sandrine Cíntia Amorim de Barros White and Marília Ferro Marques Cavalcante  

February 2018

Phytosociology of weed community in two vegetable growing systems

The aim of this study was to perform a phytosociological survey of the weed community present in organic and conventional vegetable growing systems conducted in Alagoas state, in Brazil. The survey was carried out from February 2014 to January 2016, within which 30 samplings were made. The evaluated parameters were given by the calculation of frequency, density, abundance, relative frequency, relative density,...

Author(s): Rubens Pessoa De Barros, Ligia Sampaio Reis, Isabelle Cristina Santos Magalhães, Wanderson Ferreira Da Silva, João Gomes Da Costa and Aldenir Feitosa Dos Santos  

February 2018

Role of climate change awareness in sustainable soil nutrient management by smallholder farms in Burkina Faso

Climate change effects are threats to the livelihood of Sub-Saharan smallholder farms. Farmers’ response and readiness to take adaptive measures depend on how they perceive (perception) and moreover understand and recognize the causes (awareness) of climate change. Most studies used interchangeably perception and awareness to climate change. Taking the example of soil nutrient management, this study demonstrated...

Author(s): Boundia Alexandre Thiombiano, Dénis Ouédraogo, Quang Bao Le and Samuel Nii Odai  

February 2018

Effect of Pseudomonas putida on chrysanthemum growth under greenhouse and field conditions

Chrysanthemum production stands out in ornamental plants market and several techniques can improve the production of this plant. Among them, is the use of beneficial microorganisms such as plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR); however, the use of PGPR has not been explored enough so far in chrysanthemum production, especially in field conditions. With regards to rhizobacteria, the group, Pseudomonas, can be...

Author(s): Matheus A. P. Cipriano and Sueli S. Freitas