African Journal of
Agricultural Research

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Agric. Res.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1991-637X
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJAR
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 6914

Table of Content: August, 2021; 17(8)

August 2021

Determinants of credit demand by smallholder farmers in Morogoro, Tanzania

Agriculture plays a great role in the economy of many countries including Tanzania where the majority depends on agriculture-based activities for their livelihoods. Access to agricultural credit is vital for growth and development of agricultural sector in Tanzania, hence financing agriculture is a key issue in rural development. Despite effort of the Government to make agricultural credit services available and...

Author(s): Lazaro Athanas Mwonge and Alexis Naho

August 2021

Residual of the mixture of glyphosate and 2,4-d herbicides on yellow red latosol with soybean cultivation

The objective of this study was to evaluate the residual effect of glyphosate and 2.4-D herbicides in the initial development of the soy crop in a Yellow Red Latosol. The experiment was conducted in randomized design, consisting of 4 different doses of herbicides (0, 1, 2 and 5 times the recommended dose of the glyphosate and 2.4-D mixture), applied at intervals of 0, 3, 7 and 10 days before sowing, with 4 repetitions...

Author(s): Sérgio Plens Andrade, Dionanta Silva Fernandes, Sayonara Andrade Couto Moreno Arantes, Kelte Resende Arantes, Gláucio Cruz Genúncio, Cassiano Spaziani Pereira and Emanuele Veiga

August 2021

Effectiveness of three pesticides against carmine spider mite (Tetranychus cinnabarinus Boisduval) eggs on tomato in Botswana

The carmine spider mite (CSM; Tetranychus cinnabarinus Bois.) is one of the most destructive pests of vegetables, especially tomatoes. Its management in Botswana has, for years, relied on the use of pesticides. This study evaluated the efficacy of abamectin, methomyl and chlorfenapyr against CSM eggs under laboratory conditions in Botswana. Each treatment was replicated three times. The toxic effect was evaluated in the...

Author(s): Mitch M. Legwaila, Motshwari Obopile and Bamphitlhi Tiroesele

August 2021

Pre- and post-harvest practices influencing yield and quality of turmeric (Curcuma longa L.) in Southwestern Ethiopia: A review

Turmeric (Curcuma longa L.) is one of the spices produced by smallholder farmers in Ethiopia. It becomes one of income sources and acceptable for diversification of coffee. Turmeric and ginger have wider adaptation, perform in similar ecologies. Reports indicated that 3962.03 t produced in Ethiopia in three years, and values of USD 1.26 million, export of 1233 MT rhizomes in different seasons. Turmeric becomes best...

Author(s): Girma Hailemichael and Mohammedsani Zakir

August 2021

Evaluation of the vibration levels issued by agricultural tractors

Vibration is one of the most relevant aspects, when dealing with the subject of ergonomics in agricultural tractors, although there are still few studies developed to evaluate this parameter and its implications for occupational health. This work aimed to evaluate the levels of vibration emitted by agricultural tractors with different powers, comparing the results with the norm in force in Brazil, in addition to...

Author(s): Ricardo Gonçalves Rosa, Murilo Mesquita Baesso, Alcir José Modolo and Luís Fernando Soares Zuin

August 2021

Response of maize (Zea mays L.) to foliar and soil applied fertilizers in the Semi-deciduous forest zone of Ghana

This experiment was conducted in 2019 major cropping season in the Semi-deciduous forest Agro-ecological zone of Ghana to solve low maize yield and improve maize productivity and enhance farmer’s income using foliar and soil applied fertilizers as nutrient sources. Eight treatments (T) were used; T1= {N, P2O5, K2O (90-60-60) kg/ha} at 2 and 6 weeks after sowing (WAS); T2= {Poultry manure (4 t/ha)} at 2 weeks...

Author(s): Daniel Kwasi Atsu Nyagorme, , Alice Afrakomah Amoah and Thomas Adjei-Gyapong

August 2021

Food production: Changing the job opportunities narrative by demonstrating agro-processing possibilities

The potential of the agro-processing sub-sector in South Africa is under siege. This paper makes a critical view of this sector by identifying its opportunities and constraints so as to guide its improvement as well as the required interventions to unlock its potential. Given the contemporary issues of exponential population growth and soaring rates of unemployment and poverty, this paper explores agro-processing...

Author(s): Thembinkosi Twalo

August 2021

Fruit and seed physiological quality changes during seed development and maturation in African eggplant (Solanum aethiopicum L.)

This work aimed at determining the optimum harvest time of African eggplant (Solanum aethiopicum L.) seeds, cv. Oforiwa and cv. Kpando for maximum physiological seed quality under tropical (TCC) and temperate oceanic climatic (TOC) conditions. Fruit morphological metrics such as fruit weight and size were also related to seed physiological quality. Seeds were harvested at different maturation stages from 20 to 82 days...

Author(s): Botey H. M., Ochuodho J. O. and Ngode L.

August 2021

Growth and yield response of okra (Ablemochus esculentus) to varying rates of different sources of organic soil amendments at Njala, Moyamba District, Southern Sierra Leone

Synthetic fertilizers and pesticides in vegetable production have negatively impacted the soils, water quality, food security and health of farmers and consumers. Hence, sustainable, economically feasible, environmentally friendly soil fertility, pests and disease management options are needed to improve vegetable production. This study evaluated the growth and yield of okra due to varying rates of different sources of...

Author(s): Ashadu Nyande, Melvin S. George, Fayia A. Kassoh and Alieu M. Bah

August 2021

Design, fabrication and performance evaluation of animal feed chopping machine

Ethiopia’s livestock population is the largest in Africa, however different factors or constraints limit the full exploitation of the agricultural sector in general and the livestock sub sector in particular. In the country, the availability, quality and quantity of feed has always been a challenge in the livestock sector. Poor feed resources management, especially those of the bulky and fibrous crop residue is...

Author(s): Yonas Mulatu