African Journal of
Agricultural Research

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Agric. Res.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1991-637X
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJAR
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 6915

Table of Content: December; 2(12)

December 2007

Indigenous knowledge of the traditional vegetable pumpkin (Cucurbita maxima/moschata) from Zimbabwe

A survey was conducted in four districts of Manicaland province of Zimbabwe on pumpkin(Cucurbita maxima or Cucurbita moschata) to document ethnobotanical knowledge of the pumpkin and to identify the local landraces. Informal surveys for key informants, formal surveys and focus group discussions and other participatory rural appraisal approaches were used in the study. Seven distinct landraces of...

Author(s): Oswell Farai Ndoro, Rufaro M. Madakadze, Susan Kageler and Arnold B. Mashingaidze

December 2007

The environmental impact of palm oil mill effluent (pome) on some physico-chemical parameters and total aerobic bioload of soil at a dump site in Anyigba, Kogi State, Nigeria

The effect of POME on the integrity of the soil was investigated. Soil samples from the palm oil mill effluent (POME) dumpsite as well as a non-POME site were tested for physico-chemical properties such as pH, water holding capacity, available phosphorus, organic carbon, total nitrogen, mineral assay and cation exchange capacity. Furthermore, the total aerobic bacteria counts of the samples at 2, 30 and 40oC were...

Author(s): Okwute, Loretta Ojonoma and Isu, Nnennaya R.

December 2007

Terminal velocity of pistachio nut and its kernel as affected by moisture content and variety

The terminal velocity data are necessary for the design of threshing, pneumatic conveying, fluidized bed dryer and cleaning the product from foreign materials. In this paper, terminal velocity of pistachio nut and its kernel for five major commercial Iranian pistachio varieties namely, Akbari, Badami, Kalle-Ghuchi, Momtaz and O'hadi were evaluated as a function of moisture content at five moisture contents levels in...

Author(s): Seyed M. A. Razavi, A. Rafe and R. Akbari

December 2007

Effect of maize planting density on the performance of maize/soybean intercropping system in a guinea savannah agroecosystem

Two field experiments were conducted during the 2004 early and late seasons at the Agricultural Vocational Training Centre, Otobi, Otukpo in the southern guinea savanna agro-ecological zone of Nigeria to evaluate the effects of maize planting density (38,000; 44,440 and 53,330 plants/ha) in intercrop with soybean varieties (TGX 1448-2E and Samsoy-2) on the growth, yield and productivity of the maize/soybean...

Author(s): C.O. Muoneke, M.A.O. Ogwuche and B.A. Kalu

December 2007

The effect of cooperative thrift and credit societies on personal agency belief: a study of entrepreneurs in Osun State, Nigeria

This paper analyzed the entrepreneurial level of microentrepreneurs in Nigeria using the basis of whether those who belong to groups where there is interdependence like the Cooperative Thrift and Credit Societies have better personal agency belief than those who are not members. The results show that entrepreneurial alertness is predicated upon being a member of Cooperative Thrift and Credit society. The same result also...

Author(s): Bamidele Adekunle and Spencer J. Henson

December 2007

Evaluation of the use of herbicide (Imazapyr) and fertilizer application in integrated management of Striga asiatica in maize in Malawi

The parasitic weed species Striga asiatica (L.) Kuntze is one of major constraints in maize production in Malawi. Studies were conducted from 1999/2000 to 2001/2002 seasons to evaluate the effects of seed dressing with imazapyr (an acetolactate synthase [ALS] - inhibiting herbicide) at 0 and 45 g ha-1 and two fertilizer rates (0 and 69N:21P2O5:0+4S kg ha-1) on maize with ALS target site resistance...

Author(s): V. H. Kabambe, F. Kanampiu, S. C. Nambuzi and A. E. Kauwa

December 2007

Management of chickpea wilt caused byFusarium oxysporium f. sp. ciceri

Chemical seed treatment with Thiram (0.15%) + Carbendazim (0.1%) is proved to be the most effective against Fusarium oxysporium f. sp. ciceri. In vitro evaluation of Trichoderma sp. against F. oxysporium f. sp. ciceri revealed the positive cumulative effect of Trichoderma viride + Trichoderma harzianum + Trichoderma hamatum in respect...

Author(s): Nikam P. S., Jagtap G. P. and Sontakke P. L.

December 2007

Drying process and Ghanaian green coffee quality crude protein, pH and caffeine levels

Green coffee beans were dried using three methods (drying on raised platform, drying on polythene sheet kept on ground and drying on concrete floor) at three different densities (20, 30 and 40 Kg/m²). All drying methods and densities had no effect on % crude protein and caffeine levels while strongly affected the pH of dried beans. Drying on concrete floor at 40 kg/m²...

Author(s): Samuel Tetteh Lowor, Franklin Manu Amoah and Kwabena Opoku-Ameyaw