African Journal of
Agricultural Research

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Agric. Res.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1991-637X
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJAR
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 6914

Table of Content: July, 2022; 18(7)

July 2022

Analysis of agro-morphological diversity among plantains (Musa species AAB) in Benin Republic, West Africa

The purpose of this study was to investigate the morphological diversity of plantain accessions from three main plantain growing districts in Benin Republic. Sixteen descriptors were used including 5 quantitative. Overall, 31 cultivars were identified and associated with various names depending on the sociolinguistic groups. Results indicated the presence in each district of the three types of inflorescences (male...

Author(s): Fanou Alain AHOHOUENDO, Codjo Euloge TOGBE, Fernande Gbènato HONFO, Finagnon Robert AGBOVOEDO, Christophe Cocou TOSSOU and Bonaventure Cohovi AHOHUENDO  

July 2022

Understanding the role of finance in technology adoption among smallholder maize farmers in Nigeria

Maize is an important staple food in Nigeria; however, Nigeria’s local maize production only meets about 60% of its demand due to low yield (t/ha). The low maize yield has been linked to limited technology adoption, while finance has been identified to strongly impact technology adoption. Using a qualitative approach, data were collected through focus group discussions and interviews to identify the typology of...

Author(s): Oluwamayokun A. Fadeyi, Rajendra Adhikari and Ammar A. Aziz  

July 2022

Agriculture in sub-Sahara Africa developing countries and the role of government: Economic perspectives

Recent agricultural and economic growth has been impressive in sub Saharan Africa (SSA), and explained in part by decades of donor investments. Sustaining recent progress will hence require a fundamental reshaping of SSA host country government policy priorities, which traditionally underinvest in agricultural research. This article investigates country-specific factors that explain government’s tendencies towards...

Author(s): Patrick Kanza, Jeffrey Vitale, Pilja Park Vitale  

July 2022

Influence of Ca CaCl2 dipping on postharvest quality and shelf life of bell pepper (Capsicum annuum L. cv. California Wonder)

Bell pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) experiences significant loss during postharvest handling. This study aimed to provide an alternative postharvest handling technology for the vegetable. The factor studied was Ca CaCl2 at 4 levels: 0% (distilled water), 3, 6 and 9%. Weight loss and total soluble solids were determined at an interval of 3 days whereas total chlorophyll, Fe, ascorbic acid and Ca content were determined at...

Author(s): Maurine Atieno Aloo, Arnold Mathew Opiyo and Mwanarusi Saidi  

July 2022

Technical efficiency of pineapple production and challenges in Southern Benin

The need to improve the productivity and quality of pineapple produced to meet demand and supply with international standards necessitates exploring production potentials. So, assessing the technical efficiency of pineapple producers is essential to avoid waste of resources and above all to target advices for improving the productivity of the pineapple producers. Studies conducted on pineapple in Benin have paid less...

Author(s): Moïse K. B. Sodjinou, Alidou Assouma-Imorou, and Ambaliou O. Olounlade,  

July 2022

Effects of lime, NPK fertilizer and intercropping on selected properties of an acid mollic andosol in potato (solanum tuberosum) production systems

This study investigated the effects of intercropping, liming, and NPK fertilizer application on soil pH, available soil phosphorus (P), and total soil nitrogen (N) in potato production system during a two season’s field experiment in Molo sub-county, Kenya. A randomized complete block design with a split-split plot arrangement of treatments and three replicates was used. Main plot factors were NPK fertilizer...

Author(s): Naom K. Mose, Joyce J. Lelei and Josephine P. Ouma  

July 2022

Investigating the resistance of barnyard grass populations to pretilachlor in direct-seed rice in the Central Region of Vietnam

Barnyard grass (Echinochloa crus-galli (L.) Beauv.) is a major weed widely distributed across the world and causes serious damage to rice production. Yield loss due to barnyard grass was estimated at about 7 to 27% in Vietnam. This study aimed to investigate the rice production, weed impacts, herbicide usage and herbicide resistance in the Central Region of Vietnam. A survey of farmers producing rice and yield loss due...

Author(s): Nguyen Thi Thu Thuy, Tran Thi Anh Tuyet, Paul Kristiansen and Nguyen Vinh Truong  

July 2022

Use of néré seeds, Parkia biglobosa (Jacq.) Benth as a partial substitute for roasted soybeans in diet of broiler chickens

This study was undertaken to contribute to the search for alternative ways to improve poultry feed. The objective was to evaluate the effects of incorporating roasted cowpea seed meal as a protein source in broiler feed. The experiment was conducted for 56 days with 120 Dutch Blue hybrid chicks divided into three batches of 40 chicks. These batches were each subdivided into two sub-batches of 20 chicks corresponding to...

Author(s): Bansé O., Henri K., Sibiri Jean Z. and Laya S.  

July 2022

Agripreneurs profile: A case study of farmers in Delta State oil and gas producing area

Various government policies and programs initiated to address the challenges facing agriculture over the years have not met their objectives. This is evidenced by the volume of such policies and programs and the constant changes in their form. It is therefore important to identify the profile of Agripreneurs in the rural arears as a first step diagnoses of the challenges so that appropriate solutions can be provided....

Author(s): Williams I. I. Makinde  

July 2022

Growth and yield of carrots affected by integrated nutrient management of organic and inorganic fertilizers

Two experiments were conducted at the Multipurpose Crop Nursery Research fields of the Akenten Appiah-Menka University of Skill Training and Entrepreneurial Development (AAMUSTED), Mampong-Ashanti during the 2018 major (March-July) and minor (September-December) seasons to assess the effect of organic and inorganic fertilizers and their combinations on the growth and yield of carrot. Four organic manures [cattle dung...

Author(s): Jemima Naa Amerley Amartey, Joseph Sarkordie-Addo, Margaret Esi Essilfie and Harrison Kwame Dapaah