May 2007
Development of the scheme to prepare specimens for sheep pox virus indication in objects of environment
While isolating sheep pox virus from samples of air, water, hay and grain experimentally infected with this agent various filters and eluting media were tested. Possible usage of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for specific indication of the sheep pox virus in various objects of veterinary supervision was investigated. Key words: Specific...
May 2007
In vitro cultures of pupal integumental explants to bioassay insect growth regulators with ecdysteroid activity for ecdysteroid amounts and cuticle secretion
The present study evaluated the in vitro bioassay with pupal integumental explants of the mealworm Tenebrio molitor to test the activity of two types of insect growth regulators (IGRs) with ecdysteroidal action. We assessed the imidazole derivative KK-42, that is know as ecdysteroid biosynthesis inhibitor, and the dibenzoylhydrazine RH-0345 (halofenozide) that representing a novel group of IGRs with...
May 2007
Response of cabbage to depth of transplanting, soil amendment and water stress on a Japanese volcanic ash soil
Transplants growth may be reduced by environmental factors when appropriate cultural practices are not used. We studied the response of cabbage to depth of transplanting (DT), soil amendment (SA) and water stress (WS) in a volcanic ash soil at the National Agriculture Research Center in Tsukuba Science City, Japan. Two separate experiments were conducted during a six weeks period: in field and in container....
May 2007
Productivity of cassava/okra intercropping systems as influenced by okra planting density
The productivity of cassava (Manihot esculentus Crantz)/okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L. Moench) intercropping system as influenced by okra planting density (0; 14,000; 28,000; 42,000 and 56,000 plants/ha) in intercropping with cassava (10,000 plants/ha) were investigated in 2000/2001 and 2001/2002 cropping seasons at Umudike, a rainforest location in south-eastern Nigeria. The results showed that...
May 2007
Viruses and virus-like diseases affecting sweet potato subsistence farming in southern Tanzania
A survey for sweet potato viruses was conducted in 32 farmer’s fields in Mbinga (20 fields) and Songea (12 fields) districts of the Ruvuma region in Southern Tanzania. Plants showing virus-like symptoms were observed in 25 (78%) out of 32 fields examined. Sweet potato virus disease (SPVD) incidence was low in Mbinga district (16.7%) on average and ranged from 3 to 50% while in Songea district...