African Journal of
Agricultural Research

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Agric. Res.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1991-637X
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJAR
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 6915

Table of Content: October 2007; 2(10)

October 2007

Potential for agricultural trade in COMESA region: a comparative study of Sudan, Egypt and Kenya

  This paper aimed at quantifying the potentials of intra-regional agricultural trade in the COMESA region taking examples of Sudan, Egypt and Kenya. Different indicators and indices like instability index, production similarity index, comparative production performance index, export similarity index and revealed comparative advantage index were used. The results showed a promising potential for intra-regional...

Author(s):   Imad Eldin Elfadil Abdel Karim and Ibrahim Sulieman Ismail        

October 2007

Potential for value-addition of Nguni cattle products in the communal areas of South Africa: a review

  This review focuses on challenges and possible interventions to improve the value of Nguni cattle products in the communal areas of South Africa. There is a general lack of adapted genetic material suited to the needs of the resource-poor cattle producers in South Africa. Nguni cattle are well suited to the management levels of communal farmers who require disease resistant multipurpose animals with...

Author(s):   Cletos Mapiye, Michael Chimonyo, Voster Muchenje, Kennedy Dzama,Munyaradzi C. Marufu and Jan. G. Raats        

October 2007

Effect of supplements based on fishmeal or cottonseed cake and management system on the performance and economic efficiency of exotic hens in Burkina Faso

  A trial was carried out on-station to evaluate the effect of replacing a low protein fishmeal diet by a high protein diet containing cottonseed cake and cereal bran on the performance of semi-scavenging and confined exotic layers in comparison with full-scavenging birds. One hundred and twenty laying hens at 28 weeks of age were randomly distributed to four feeding/management regimes; (1) CCB, confined and...

Author(s):   S. Pousga, H. Boly, J.E. Lindberg and B. Ogle        

October 2007

Study of the leucocytic formula of milk in the ewes of race ouled-djellal in the east of Algeria

  The study was carried out in a private ovine exploitation of Ben M’ Hidi (wilaya of El-Tarf), located at northeast of Algeria during the period going from June 2000 to May 2002. It related to 13 nursing ewes of race Ouled Djellal including six first calf cows and seven multipares. The diagnosis of the subclinic mammites was made according to California Mastitis Test (CMT) without bacteriological study....

Author(s):   N. Laouabdia-Sellami, R. Ouzrout and D. Guetarni        

October 2007

Target area identification using a GIS approach for the introduction of legume cover crops for soil productivity improvement: a case study eastern Uganda

  Amidst the economic backdrop of resource-poor farmers, combined research and extension efforts in developing countries have focused on developing and promoting potentially adaptable and economically acceptable agronomic technologies that suit farmers’ situations. Practices like improved fallows with woody and herbaceous legumes...

Author(s):   Robert J. Delve, Jeroen E. Huising and Paul Bagenze        

October 2007

Use of pruning and mineral fertilizer affects soil phosphorus availability and fractionation in a gliricidia/maize intercropping system

  Leguminous tree species are known to replenish soil nutrients through biological N fixation, mulch effect and recycling of other nutrients from the deeper soil layer to the topsoil, when managed in agroforestry systems. The soil available phosphorus (P) status and inorganic P-forms (fractionation) in a long-term gliricidia-maize trial was studied to understand the effect of additions of gliricidia prunings...

Author(s):   D. E. Mweta, F. K. Akinnifesi, J. D. K. Saka, W. Makumba, N. Chokotho        

October 2007

Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) weed infestation, yield and yield components as influenced by sowing method and seed rate in a Sudan Savanna agro-ecology of Nigeria

  An experiment on the influence of seed rate and sowing method on sesame (Sesamum indicumL.) weed infestation, yield and yield components was conducted at Maiduguri, Nigeria, during the 2001 and 2002 rainy seasons. A split-plot design was used such that method of planting was allocated to main plots and seed rate was assigned to sub-plots and replicated three times. The site was harrowed, leveled properly...

Author(s):   E. O. Imoloame, N. A. Gworgwor and S. D. Joshua        

October 2007

Fungal contaminants of the oil palm tissue culture in Nigerian institute for oil palm research (NIFOR)

  Twenty-five species of fungi belonging to 14 genera were identified as fungal contaminants of the oil palm tissue culture materials (explant, callus/embroid and plantlets). Of these generaPenicillium sp. occurred most frequently (40.8%), followed by Curvularia sp. (14.5%)Cladosporium sp. (13.4%), Aspergillus sp. (10.1%), Acremonium, Fusarium and Alternariaspp....

Author(s):   I. B. Omamor, A.O. Asemota, C. R. Eke and E. I. Eziashi        

October 2007

Leaf blight of Azadirachta indica and its management in vitro

  Leaf blight, a moderate to severe foliar disease of Azadirachta indica was caused by Colletotrichum dematium and Fusarium solani. Previously F. solani was reported on A.  indica but the presence of C. dematium is a new document.  F. solani was highly virulent against seedlings of A. indica compared to C. dematium in...

Author(s):   A. Bhanumathi and V. Ravishankar Rai        

October 2007

Factors influencing adoption of stress-tolerant maize hybrid (WH 502) in western Kenya

  Non-adoption of suitable maize varieties was identified as the second most important constraint responsible for low maize yields in western Kenya. In order to increase adoption of suitable varieties it is important to know the factors that influence the choice of variety and adoption. This study aimed at identifying varietal, socio-economic and institutional factors that influence adoption of the maize...

Author(s):   Beatrice Salasya, Wilfred Mwangi, Domisiano Mwabu and Alpha Diallo   .    

October 2007

Effect of formulations of Solanum surratense (Family: Solanaceae) an Indian desert plant on oviposition by the pulse beetle Callosobruchus chinensis Linn.

  The pulse beetle Callosobruchus chinensis Linn. (Coleoptera: Bruchidae) is one of the major pests infesting stored pulses and is distributed worldwide. Plants and plant products possessing insecticidal properties have been used as an alternative to control the infestation caused by this pest. The present study was undertaken to study the effect of different formulations viz., aqueous suspension,...

Author(s):   Meera Srivastava and Lalita Gupta        

October 2007

Replacement value of Etanda africana seed meal for soybean meal in diet of growing West African dwarf goats

  Effect of feeding Etanda africana seed meal on the consumption, weight gain and digestion of West African dwarf (WAD) goats (n=15) were determined in a 56 day feeding trial using a completely randomized experimental design. The E. africana seed meal replaced either 50 or 100% of the soybean meal in diets B and C respectively, while diet A (control) contained 15% soybean meal. Other...

Author(s):   Belewu, M. A., Fagbemi, T., Olatunde, B. J. and Otonekwu, I. P.