September 2007
Cluster analysis in rapeseed (Brassica napus L.)
Many oilseed crops (e.g. sunflower, soybeans, rapeseed/mustard, sesame, groundnuts etc) are grown in Kenya. But oilseed rape is preferred because of its high yields (1.5 tons – 4.0 tons/ha) with high oil content of 42 – 46%. It is soft seeded hence oil extraction is relatively easy. The meal is high in protein and very useful in livestock feed supplementation. The...
September 2007
Bioecology of broad bean bruchid Bruchus rufimanus Boh. (Coleoptera : Bruchidae) in a region of Kabylia in Algeria
In this study, the conditions of colonisation of the broad bean Vicia faba L. by the adults of the Coleoptera Bruchidae Bruchus rufimanus Boh. were analysed in the region of Kabylia in Algeria. B. rufimanus adults began to colonise the V. faba cultures in February after termination of a larval and a reproductive diapause. Males appeared in February and had terminated...
September 2007
Assessment of major cassava diseases in Togo in relation to agronomic and environmental characteristics in a systems approach
A cassava disease survey was conducted in four agroecological zones of Togo. High incidences of cassava bacterial blight, cassava mosaic disease and cercosporioses were observed across ecozones, while anthracnose disease was rare. Bacterial blight field incidences of 90.5% in the dry savanna zone, 70% in the forest savanna transition zone, 64% in the wet savanna zone and 52.6% in the forest zone, were...
September 2007
Effects of market deregulation on cocoa (Theobroma cacao) production in Southwest Nigeria
In the 1970s and 1980s there was a consistent economic down turn and decline in aggregate cocoa output in Nigeria. This culminated in the introduction of structural adjustment programme (SAP) in 1986 to stem this trend. The objective of the paper was to evaluate the effect(s) of the deregulated policy measures on the cocoa industry in southwest Nigeria. Data were collected from six important cocoa producing...
September 2007
The dynamics of horticultural export value chains on the livelihood of small farm households in Southern Ghana
Policy makers in developing countries have been concerned with the economic and political risks associated with heavy dependence on few specialized raw materials as main sources of government revenue and foreign exchange. Development partners and donor agencies have equally extolled the need for these countries to diversify their export base as a poverty reduction strategy. As a result, several African...
September 2007
Socio- economic conditions of peasant farmers: the case of agricultural technologies’ sustainability in southwest Nigeria
Agricultural productivity and total annual food and fibre production in Nigeria are pitiably poor much below expectation. This study examined socio-economic conditions of peasant farmers and the consequences on agricultural technologies in Southwest, Nigeria. Structured interview schedules as well as in-depth study devices were used to collect data, which were analyzed using appropriate descriptive and...
September 2007
Effect of plantation pattern on the efficiency of subsurface flow constructed wetland (sfcw) for sewage treatment
The subsurface flow constructed wetland system (SFCW) with mono- and mixed-cultures ofTypha latifolia and Canna siamensis could be applied for sewage treatment. The system efficiency was decreased with the decrease of HRT, excepted for nitrate removal. Both types of cultivated-plant did not show any difference on SS, BOD5, ammonium-N2, nitrate-N2 and total phosphorus removal...
September 2007
Quantitative and qualitative soil quality assessments of tea enterprises in Northern Vietnam
Long-term cultivation of tea (Camellia sinensis (L) O. Kuntze) in the northern mountainous zone of Vietnam has resulted in soil quality degradation that could affect economic development in the region if sustainable production practices are not identified. The objective of the study is to identify appropriate indicators for assessing soil quality on tea plantations. Quantitative (based on soil analysis)...
September 2007
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus inoculum production in rice plants
Mangifera indica showed highest percentage (100%) of mycorrhizal colonization in Rajshahi University Campus, Bangladesh that was used as a stock plant in pot culture experiment. These root pieces have the ability to serve as a source of mycorrhizal inoculum for crop plants. After using mycorrhizal inoculum, the soil nutrients as well as root colonization for rice plants were greatly affected. Soil...
September 2007
Seasonal changes in body condition scores of pigs and chemical composition of pig feed resources in a semi-arid smallholder farming area of Zimbabwe
There are few studies quantifying the productivity of rural pigs and evaluating the nutritive value of non-conventional feeds, such as weeds. The objectives of this study were to determine changes in body condition scores of boars and lactating sows and investigate changes in the chemical composition of commonly used pig feed resources in a smallholder farming area of Zimbabwe. Body condition scores (BCS)...
September 2007
The potential of reducing nitrogen fertilizer rates using a soyabean-sugarcane production system in the South Eastern Lowveld of Zimbabwe
Monoculture is common in sugarcane production throughout the world and leads to decline in yields and soil fertility and build up of pests and diseases. Legumes have been shown as potential crops that break the monoculture cycles in several crops. Farmers can reduce nitrogen fertilizer requirements to the subsequent sugarcane crop when soyabean (Glysine max (L.) Merr) is used as a fallow crop. Field...