How to cite this article
Olounlade, O. A., Gu-Cheng, L., Sodjinou, K. M. B., & Traoré, L.
(2018). Determinants of rice farmers’ access to credit in Benin: A case study of the municipality of Glazoue. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 13(43), 2382-2391.
Chicago /
Odountan Ambaliou Olounlade, Li Gu-Cheng, Koffi Moïse Bienvenu Sodjinou and Lacina Traor&e
. "Determinants of rice farmers’ access to credit in Benin: A case study of the municipality of Glazoue." African Journal of Agricultural Research 13, no. 43 (2018): 2382-2391.
Odountan Ambaliou Olounlade, et al. "Determinants of rice farmers’ access to credit in Benin: A case study of the municipality of Glazoue." African Journal of Agricultural Research 13.43 (2018): 2382-2391.