African Journal of

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Biotechnol.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1684-5315
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJB
  • Start Year: 2002
  • Published Articles: 12501

Table of Content: 14 December 2011; 10(80)

December 2011

Germination potential index of Sindh rice cultivars on biochemical basis, using amylase as an indicator

Time sequence analysis of germination and vigor of five rice cultivars were carried out by investigating the associated biochemical changes. The experiments were conducted with varying periods of incubation for germination and varietal differences were observed for different parameters. Alpha amylase activities were found to be directly correlated with germination percentage. Gradual increase in reducing sugars along...

Author(s): Sadia Galani, Afsheen Aman and Shah Ali Ul Qader

December 2011

Effects of drought stress condition on the yield of spring wheat (Triticum aestivum) lines

Water deficit is one of the most important factors limiting crop yield, and the monitoring of crop water status is important for reasonable irrigation and water saving cultivation. Drought stress tolerance is seen in almost all plants but its extent varies from species to species and even within species. In this study, seven agronomical traits (grain yield, 1000 grain weight, biomass, harvest index, plant...

Author(s): Sima Taheri, Jalal Saba, Farid Shekari and Thohirah Lee Abdullah  

December 2011

Provision of low cost media options for in vitro culture of Celosia sp.

The composition of culture medium used for shoot regeneration has a great influence on cost of materials making of media. This study was conducted to investigate the effect of using four kinds of commercial starch or flour as alternative gelling agents and coconut water as an organic additive in the culture medium on the number of shoots produced for eight weeks in culture. Explants from stem segments...

Author(s): Norhayati Daud, Rosna Mat Taha, Nor Nafizah Mohd Noor and Hasimah Alimon

December 2011

In vitro propagation of Arabis drabiformis Boiss. (Brassiaceae) an endemic rare species of UludaÄŸ mountain (Bursa-Turkey)

In vitro methods were widely used in the conservation of the threatened plants in recent years and it is clear that this trend is increasingly applied to more plant species facing risk of extinction. This study aimed to standardise a simple and proper micropropagation system for relic endemic plant species Arabis drabiformis by using shoot tip and internode explants. Shoot tip and internode explants were...

Author(s): Betül Akın and Ä°smail Kocaçalışkan

December 2011

Enhancement of salt tolerance in sugarcane by ascorbic acid pretreatment

Ascorbic acid is a non-enzymatic antioxidant which plays an important role in the activation of biological defense mechanisms. The effect of 24 h ascorbic acid (0.5 mM) pretreatment was observed on subsequent growth and development of callus cultures as well as in vitro-grown plants of Saccharum sp. hybrid (cvs. HSF 240 and SPF 234). After pretreatment, callus cultures of HSF 240 were...

Author(s): Neelma Munir and Faheem Aftab

December 2011

Screening the cultural characteristics of Hebeloma eburneum Malençon

In this study, the cultural characteristics of Hebeloma eburneum Malençon (Basidiomycota, Bolbitiaceae) that included morphological and anatomical features and their natural spread in Turkey were investigated. Basidiomata of Hebeloma eburneum usually grows single or in groups, with fleshy caps of 4 to 8 cm in diameter. The cuticle of pileus is white and pinkish from the center toward...

Author(s): Perihan Güler, Aziz TürkoÄŸlu and Ilknur Kunduz

December 2011

Seed ageing and field performance of maize under water stress

A sub-sample of maize (cv.Ksc 301) seeds was kept as control or high vigor seed lot (V1) and two other sub-samples with about 15% moisture content were artificially aged at 40°C for 9 and 12 days (V2 and V3, respectively). Hence, three seed lots with acceptable normal germinations of 98% (V1), 92% (V2) and 88% (V3), but with different levels of vigor were provided. Laboratory tests were carried out as...

Author(s): Kazem Ghassemi-Golezani and Bahareh Dalil

December 2011

Effects of proline on photosynthesis, root reactive oxygen species (ROS) metabolism in two melon cultivars (Cucumis melo L.) under NaCl stress

Effects of 0.2 mM proline applied to saline nutrient solution on biomass, chlorophyll content, photosynthetic parameters, reactive oxygen species and antioxidant enzymes activities of two melon cultivars (cv. Yuhuang and cv. Xuemei) were examined. Results indicate that exogenous proline increased the fresh and dry weights of both melon cultivars under NaCl stress, raised their chlorophyll content, net photosynthetic...

Author(s): Zhiming Yan, Shirong Guo, Sheng Shu, Jin Sun, and Takafumi Tezuka  

December 2011

Fusarium diseases as the main soil borne fungal pathogen on plants and their control management with soil solarization in Iran

The most frequently soil-borne fungal pathogens on plants are Fusarium species that make high economical damages in various agricultural locations in Iran. Our studies show that Fusarium species cause significant yield losses in main crops especially potato, pea, bean, wheat, corn and rice in several parts of the country. The diseases resulted in yield losses to the extent of 30 to 70% in the fields...

Author(s): H. Saremi, S. M. Okhovvat and S. J. Ashrafi

December 2011

Effect of wheat cultivars on aphids and their predator populations

The current study was conducted to determine the influence of wheat cultivars on aphids and their coccinellid predator populations. Five cultivars of wheat (99T007, BK-2002, TW0135, INQLAB and CHAKWAL-97) were sown at Arid Zone Research Institute, Bhakkar during 2006. The INQLAB-91 appeared to be the most resistant cultivar, whereas 99T007 appeared to be the most susceptible one for aphid infestations. The...

Author(s): Azhar Abbas Khan, Arif Muhammad Khan, Hafiz Muhammad Tahir, Muhammad Afzal, Abdul Khaliq, Shafaat Yar Khan and Ilyas Raza

December 2011

Responses of plant morphology and seed quality to long-term overgrazing in Leymus chinensis

Leymus chinensis (Trin.) Tzvel. is a perennial species of Gramineae. It is also a palatable forage; but under severe and prolonged grazing, the individuals of L. chinensis become miniaturized and do not immediately revert to normal when grazing stress is removed. To explore the miniaturization mechanism, we compared the difference in the 3-year period 2002 to 2004 between miniaturized L....

Author(s): Yu-tong Wang,#, Bo Deng#, Kun Wang and Xin-qing Shao,  

December 2011

Effect of genotype and environment interaction on oil and protein content of soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merrill) seed

This study investigated the crude oil and protein contents of soybean cultivated in different environments in the Middle Black Sea region of Turkey. Field experiments were conducted at 8 sites (Erbaa, Turhal, Carsamba, Bafra, Gokhoyuk, Suluova, Kabalı, Boyabat) with differing environments during two years; the study used a randomized complete blocks design with three replications and eight soybean cultivars (Flint,...

Author(s): Funda Arslanoglu, Selim Aytac and Emel Karaca Oner  

December 2011

Carbon and nitrogen stoichiometry in Brassica napus L. seedlings after supplementation with Ca2+ and K+ under irrigated and drought stress conditions

Exposure of plants to long periods of water scarcity, mainly in arid and semi-arid regions, is one of the major reasons for over 50% reduction in average yields. Proper management of Brassica napus to enhance its ability to survive under drought and high temperature stress at early growth stages, besides development of tolerant genotypes, could improve its production in the rainfed areas. In the present...

Author(s): Rizwan Alam, Aqib Iqbal, Ikhtiar Khan, Ijaz Ali, Iqbal Munir, Muhammad Tahir, Nazir Jan and Zahoor Ahmad Swati

December 2011

Seasonal changes in and relationship between soil microbial and microfaunal communities in a Tamarix chinensis community in the Yellow River Delta

The plant Tamarix chinensis is distributed along the coast of the Yellow River Delta in soils with high salinity. As the dominant local halophyte, it plays a unique role in modifying the local soil microenvironment. We investigated the effects of T. chinensisvegetative cover and the seasons on the soil microbe and microfauna communities in the Yellow River Delta. In April, June and October 2010,...

Author(s): Di Cao, Fuchen Shi, Weibin Ruan, Zhaohua Lu and Minwei Chai  

December 2011

Chemical and sensory characteristics of Bunte Deutsche Edelziege and Balkan goat meat

In this study, chemical composition, colour and sensory characteristics of Bunte Deutsche Edelziege (BDE) and Balkan goat meat were examined. Both species of goats were fed and raised under semi-intensive system of management. Chemical composition (moisture, ash, fat and protein content) and pH value were measured by standard methods and the colour was determined instrumentally. Moisture, protein, fat,...

Author(s): Snezana Ivanovic, Jovanka Popov-Raljic, Milan Z. Baltic, Miroslav Zujovic, Zorica Tomic, Slobodan Lilic and Ivan Pavlović

December 2011

The thermoluminescence of carp otoliths: A fingerprint in identification of lake pollution

This paper reports a pilot study on the thermoluminescence (TL) of carbonate minerals of carp otoliths from the heavily polluted Baiyangdian Lake (BYD) in Hebei Province and non-polluted Miyun Water Reservoir (MY) in Beijing Municipality of China. Analyses on trace elements of otoliths and water show that the heavy metal elements of BYD were much higher than those of MY, particularly on chromium (Cr), nickel...

Author(s): Shengrong Li, Yongwen Gao, Junyan Luo, Ye Cao, Yonghua Gao, Liangfeng Yang, Xiubao Zhang, Lina Yan and Fengqin Du

December 2011

Production of value added materials by subcritical water hydrolysis from krill residues extracted by supercritical carbon dioxide

The aim of this study was the determination of the best experimental conditions for the production of useful materials such as amino acids by subcritical water hydrolysis from supercritical carbon dioxide extracted krill residues and to compare the results with raw krill. Subcritical water hydrolysis efficiency from raw and de-oiled krill was examined over the temperature range of 200 to 280°C, ratio of...

Author(s): Abdelkader Ali-Nehari, Seon-Bong Kim, Yang-Bong Lee and Byung-Soo Chun

December 2011

Competitive biosorption of different forms of lead [Pb(NO3)2 and Pb(CH3COO)2] on growth, biomass and proline in Spirulina platensis (Cyanophyta)

Spirulina platensis growth parameters [chlorophyll a (chl a) and dry-wet weight] effects on proline content, lead accumulation and the combined effect of the different forms of lead [Pb (NO3)2, Pb (CH3COO)2] and pH (6 to 8) were investigated for 192 h. The accumulation and form of lead were determined to be effective on growth parameters. While the highest chl a value (562.37 µgl-1) and lead...

Author(s): Selin Sayin, AyÅŸe Bahar Yilmaz, Nuray Ergün and Funda Turan  

December 2011

Application of virtual water trade theory in inter-regional grain allocation and transportation in China

China was partitioned into eight regions, and the virtual water flow due to regional grain allocation and transportation among these regions was calculated in 2008 based on virtual water and virtual water trade theories. Then, we analyzed the relations between virtual water trade structure and water resources utilization. Results show that the grain output regions in China were Northeast, Huang-Huai-Hai and the...

Author(s): Cao Xinchun, Wu Pute,, Wang Yubao, Zhao Xining ,, and Li Sha  

December 2011

Grass plants crop water consumption model in urban parks located in three different climate zones of Turkey

The most important issue is the to use of urban space to increase the number and size of green areas. As well as another important issue is to work towards maintaining these spaces. One such important effort is to meet the water needs of plants. Naturally, the amount of water needed by plants depends on the species. In order to successfully implement modern irrigation techniques in parks, gardens, rest and recreation...

Author(s): E. BayramoÄŸlu and Ö. Demirel

December 2011

Effect of maturity stages, variety and storage environment on sugar content of tomato stored in multiple pads evaporative cooler

The effect of cultivar, maturity stage and multi-pads evaporative cooling on sugar content, weight loss and marketability of tomatoes (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) was investigated. The experiment was conducted by combining cultivars, maturity stages and storage conditions in randomized complete block design. At harvest, Marglobe harvested at light-red stage showed higher total sugar and reducing sugar content...

Author(s): H. Getinet, T. S. Workneh and K. Woldetsadik

December 2011

Fermentative conversion of raw glycerol into 1,3-propanediol by isolated Klebsiella pneumoniae 141B stain: Optimization of culture variables

In this study, 1,3-propanediol (1,3-PDO) production by Klebsiella pneumoniae 141B strain using raw glycerol as substrate was investigated. Taguchi L18 orthogonal array (OA) was adopted to optimize nutritional (raw glycerol, yeast extract and calcium carbonate), physiological (incubation temperature and medium pH) and microbial (inoculum level) fermentation variables. These controlling fermentation factors were...

Author(s): Vanajakshi Jalasutram, Annapurna Jetty and Gangagni Rao Anupoju  

December 2011

Combined strategies for the improvement of heterologous expression of a His-tagged Yarrowia lipolytica lipase Lip2 in Pichia pastoris

Yarrowia lipolytica lipase Lip2 (YlLip2) is an important biocatalyst for ester synthesis,biodiesel production and enantiomer resolution. The YlLip2 with an N-terminal histidine-tag (His6-YlLip2) was successfully expressed in Pichia pastoris. Threedifferent cultivation strategies had been compared for the production of His6-YlLip2 byP. pastoris using a 10-l...

Author(s): Xiaofeng Wang, Xuguang Shen, Heyun Zhao, Yongchuan Sun, Tao Liu, Yun Liu, Li Xu and Yunjun Yan

December 2011

Molecular detection of Coxiella burnetii in goat bulk milk samples in some provinces of Iran

Q fever is a zoonotic disease caused by the Rickettsial organism Coxiella burnetii. The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence rate of C. burnetii in bulk milk samples from dairy goat herds in Fars, Ghom, Kerman, Khuzestan and Yazdprovinces, Iran. In this study, 296 bulk milk samples from 89 dairy goat herds were tested for C. burnetii using a nested polymerase chain...

Author(s): Samira Abbasi, Rahil Farzan and Hassan Momtaz 

December 2011

Effect of tomato cultivars, honey finisher and processing methods on quality of tomato ketchup

The experiment was carried out using factorial combination of two tomato varieties, two processing methods and three honey and one sugar concentrations with three replications. Tomato ketchups prepared from Melkashola subjected to pre-heat treatment before cooking exhibited higher total soluble solids, reducing and total sugars, as well as lower microbiological load. However, heat treatment significantly...

Author(s): M. Temesgen, T. S. Workneh and G. Bultossa

December 2011

Comparison of some functional properties and chemical constituents of dietary fibers of Iranian rice bran extracted by chemical and enzymatic methods

Rice is the second most consumed cereal grain in the world. It consists of almost 20% rice bran which is a by-product during the milling process in the production of white rice from brown rice. Bran is often used for non-food applications including animal feed stock, fuel, fertilizer or for preventing clumping; as this by-product is enriched with nutrients and dietary fibre, it is also used in food industries. Since the...

Author(s): Mania Salehifar and Vajiheh Fadaei

December 2011

Lectin from the sea mussel Crenomytilus grayanus and its effects on Saccharomyces cerevisiae

In this study, the properties of a GalNAc/Gal-specific lectin from the sea musselCrenomytilus grayanus (CGL) and its effects on Saccharomyces cerevisiae were studied. The heat stability of CGL was determined and the free energy change (ΔG') of hemagglutination activity of the lectin in denaturation process was evaluated by Van’t Hoff plot. The amino acid sequences about six segments of CGL...

Author(s): Changqing Tong, Wei Li, Qiao Jin, Chengyu Tan, Min Qu, Wen Chen, Valentina Molchanova, Irina Chikalovets, Oleg Chernikov, Pavel Lukyanov

December 2011

Activation of the lectin complement pathway on human renal glomerular endothelial cells triggered by high glucose and mannose-binding lectin

This study aimed to investigate the roles of high glucose and mannose-binding lectin(MBL) on the activation of the lectin complement pathway (LCP) on human renal glomerular endothelial cells (HRGECs) in vitro. Flow cytometry analysis, immunofluorescence staining and Western blot were used to detect the cell surface deposition of MBL, C3 and the membrane attack complex (MAC), as well as the code...

Author(s): Wen-Xing Fan, Song-Min Huang, Fang Liu, Gregory L. Stahl, Wan-Xin Tang, Hong-Yu Qiu and Ping Fu

December 2011

Analysis of Interleukin-10 polymorphic variants in Pakistani population

Interleukin-10 (IL-10) is a Th2 cytokine that down regulates the Th1 cytokine, functions as immunosupressor for innate arm of the immune system and plays a significant role in a wide range of human diseases. IL-10 plasma levels vary inter-individually and three-quarters of this variability is contributed by genetic factors. For analysis of pattern of inheritance of IL-10 polymorphism in Pakista, 419 individuals were...

Author(s): Muhammad Sohail Afzal, Sadia Tahir, Amna Salman, Talha Shafi, Tahir Ahmed, Faiza Rasheed and Ishtiaq Qadri

December 2011

Application of proteomics for prenatal diagnosis of Down syndrome: Systematic review and a meta-analysis

We systematically reviewed the available literature and meta-analyzed the data which was specialized in Down syndrome (DS) diagnosis with proteomic techniques. Pubmed, EBSCOhost and ScienceDirect searches for relevant articles published from inception until July 2010 were obtained and ten articles were selected. Many candidate biomarkers were found, which could be used to identify Down syndrome....

Author(s): Bin Yu, Jing Wang, Qiu-wei Wang, Rui-ping Huang and Shi-he Shao

December 2011

Protective role of melatonin on blood parameters following irradiation in rat

The aim of this study was to determine the preventive role of melatonin on several blood parameters after irradiation exposure in rats. A total of 100 adult Wistar albino rats were divided into five groups. One group was used as control and other groups were treated with 60, 90, 120 and 160 cGy/min of radiation, respectively. A dose of 4 mg/kg of melatonin was administered subcutaneously to 10 rats from each group...

Author(s): Recep Ozmerdivenli, Kursat Karacabey, Cemal Gundogdu and Tarik Sevindi

December 2011

Use of wing morphometry for the discrimination of some Cerceris (Insecta: Hymenoptera: Crabronidae species)

In this study, the wing morphology analyses of Cerceris arenaria, Cerceris circularis dacica, Cerceris eryngii, Cerceris media, Cerceris quinquefasciata Cerceris ruficornis, Cerceris rybyensis and Cerceris sabulosa (Philanthinae) species, were obtained from NiÄŸde province between 2006 and 2008, by using discrimination, relative warp, Fourier and thin plate spline methods. The mean deviation...

Author(s): Serdar Yüksel and Ayla Tüzün

December 2011

Yeast single cell protein in the diet of Oreochromis niloticus (L) fingerlings: An economic evaluation

Six isonitrogenous diets (30% protein) were prepared, D0, DIO, D20, D30, D40 and D50. Diet Do the control diet) consist of fishmeal as the protein source. Diets D10 to D50 had fish meal replaced systematically with yeast single cell protein (SCP) in the order 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50%, respectively. Trial feeding was carried out with these feeds on Oreochromis niloticus. The cost benefit evaluation...

Author(s): F. G. Bob-Manuel and E. S. Erondu

December 2011

A novel dynamic perfusion system for stem cell proliferation and timely observation

A novel dynamic perfusion system has been developed to provide fluid flow and mass transport for cell proliferation inside a scaffold. It was mainly composed of a micro-device, a peristaltic pump and two silicone tubes. The material of the device was polymethyl methacrylate, which is biocompatible and penetrates. The mesenchymal stem cells were labeled with DiI for 14 days’ culture in the...

Author(s): Shanglong Xu, Dichen Li, Junjun Lu, Mengdong Lei and Wei Li

December 2011

Molecular study for the sex identification in Japanese quails (Coturnix Japonica)

In many birds' species such as Japanese quail, sex determination in young and many adult birds is very difficult. Nowadays, sex identification of animals throughout their lives is possible by molecular genetic techniques such as polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The aim of this study was to determine the sex of Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica) by DNA analysis. Chromo helicase DNA (CHD) genes are preserved within...

Author(s): Nasrollah Vali and Abbas Doosti

December 2011

Genetic diversity, classification and comparative study on the larval phenotypic data in 54 oval cocoon strains of Iran silkworm Bombyx mori (Lepidoptera: Bombycidae) gene bank

The purpose of this experiment was to investigate genetic diversity, classification and comparative study on the larval phenotypic data in all 54 oval cocoon strains of Iran silkworm Bombyx mori (Lepidoptera: Bombycidae) gene bank. The study reveals that the different strains of silkworm B. mori showed different performance based on larval phenotypic data. The analysis of variance...

Author(s): S. Z. Mirhosseini, N. Najafi, A. R. Seidavi, S. Gharahveysi, and M. Salehi Nezhad

December 2011

Isolation and identification of Archanobacterium pyogenes (Actinomyces pyogenes) from Arabian gazelles

Archanobacterium pyogene (Actinomyces pyogene) is an opportunistic pathogen of economically important livestock such as dairy, beef cattle and gazelles. It is also a common inhabitant of the mucous membranes of these animals. This study was aimed to investigate the epidemiology of A. pyogenes in the infected Arabian gazelles kept at King Khalid Wildlife Research Center at Thumamah, 70 km north...

Author(s): Mohammed S. Al-Saggaf, Rashead M. Al-ssum, Omar M. H. Shair