African Journal of

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Biotechnol.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1684-5315
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJB
  • Start Year: 2002
  • Published Articles: 12501

Table of Content: 27 March, 2012; 11(25)

March 2012

Taxonomic status of the black porgy, Acanthopagrus schlegelii (Perciformes: Sparidae) inferred from mitochondrial genes

  The black porgy Acanthopagrus schlegelii (Bleeker, 1854) is a commercially important fish distributed in estuarine and coastal waters of the west Pacific Ocean. Based on body color pattern, two subspecies A. schlegelii schlegelii (dark-unicolored specimens) and A. schlegelii czerskii (striped specimens) were suggested by some taxonomists. However, due to the morphology...

Author(s):   WU Renxie, LIU Jing , FAN Jirong and ZHAO Yuanjun      

March 2012

Breeding potential of the basmati rice germplasm under water stress condition

  Eight parents were selected on the basis of phenotypic and genotypic screening for the development of F1. All the possible combinations were made between the parents excluding reciprocals in diallel mating design. Data were analyzed by using Hayman graphical approach and Griffing’s approach to study the genetics of the parents and their F1 hybrids. Based on the genetic component analysis, both...

Author(s):   Muhammad Ashfaq, Muhammad Saleem Haider, Abdus Salam Khan and Sami Ul Allah        

March 2012

Sequence variation in TgROP7 gene among Toxoplasma gondii isolates from different hosts and geographical regions

  Toxoplasma gondii can infect a wide range of hosts including mammals and birds, causing toxoplasmosis which is one of the most common parasitic zoonoses worldwide. The present study examined sequence variation in rhoptry 7 (ROP7) gene among different T. gondii isolates from different hosts and geographical localities. Phylogenetic analysis of the examined T. gondii isolates was...

Author(s):   Y. Zhou, P. Lu, M. J. Xu, D. Ren, D. H. Zhou, H. X. Li, R. Q. Lin, F. C. Zou and Z. G. Yuan,      

March 2012

Genetic diversity among Toxoplasma gondii isolates from different hosts and geographical locations revealed by analysis of ROP13 gene sequences

  Toxoplasma gondii can infect almost all the warm-blooded animals and human beings, causing serious public health problems and economic losses worldwide. Rhoptry protein 13 (ROP13) plays some roles in the invasion process of T. gondii. In this study, sequence variation in ROP13 gene among 14 T. gondiiisolates from different geographical locations and hosts was examined. The...

Author(s):   P. Y. Wang, P. Lu, M. J. Xu, J. Li, D. H. Zhou, J. F. Yang, Z. X. Ni, Z. G. Yuan and R. Q. Lin,      

March 2012

Regeneration of Algerian Citrus germplasm by stigma/style somatic embryogenesis

  Stigma/style somatic embryogenesis is one of the efficient methods in plant regeneration of most Citrus ssp., without inducing somaclonal variations. Furthermore, somatic embryogenesis from style/stigma proved to be effective in the elimination of the main citrus virus and virus-like diseases. This technique was applied on Algerian citrus collection. Different Citrus species [Citrus...

Author(s):   Malika Meziane, Messaoud Boudjeniba, Dajana Frasheri, Anna Maria D’Onghia, Angela Carra, Francesco Carimi, Nassima Haddad, Salima Boukhalfa and Souhila Braneci      

March 2012

Responses of Cymbopogon schoenanthus to salt stress

  Cymbopogon schoenanthus is an aromatic and medicinal plant rich in essential oil. The physiological behavior of this species, related with growth production, the photosynthetic pigments, the nutritional status and the osmotic adjustment were studied. Saline treatments varied from 0 to 150 mM NaCl. The results show that the growth of C. schoenanthus was affected by the salinity and the effect...

Author(s):   Ayda Khadhri, Ridha El Mokni, Khaled Mguis, Mohamed Neffati and Samira Smiti      

March 2012

Ultrastructural changes of tomatoes (Lycopersicon esculentum) root colonized by Glomus mosseae and Ralstonia solanacearum

  The colonization of plant root cell by mycorrhizal fungi is one of the mechanisms involved for the understanding of plant bio-protection against soil-borne pathogens. The aim of current study was to investigate and describe tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) root ultra-structural modifications caused by Glomus mosseae and the bacterial wilt Ralstonia solanacearum. In scanning electron microscopy...

Author(s):   Monther Mohumad Tahat, Kamaruzaman Sijam and Radziah Othman        

March 2012

The effect of NaCl stress on the germination of seed and growth of wild species and cultivated varieties of tomato

  In this study, a cultivated species (Lycopersicon esculentum 'Moneymaker') and asalt-tolerant wild species of tomato (Lycopersicon pimpinellifolium 'PI365967') wereused to study growth characteristics within solutions of varying NaCl concentrations.Results show that the germination rates of PI365967 and Moneymaker were 100%under concentrations of 0 mmol/L NaCl. The germination of both types of...

Author(s):   Sun Cunhua, Xu Xinna, Li Baiwei and Wang Dan        

March 2012

Comparative nutritional analysis between Vigna radiata and Vigna mungo of Pakistan

  Vigna radiata (mung bean) and Vigna mungo (mash bean) of the family Fabaceae are among staple food in Pakistan. The experiments were conducted on these beans to determine the proximate composition such as moisture, ash, fibre, fat and protein content. The protein isolates from V. radiata and V. mungo was prepared and their functional properties (foaming, nitrogen...

Author(s):   Shabnum Shaheen, Nidaa Harun, Farah Khan, Rana Abrar Hussain, Sehrish Ramzan, Sumaira Rani, Zaryab Khalid, Mushtaq Ahmad and Muhammad Zafar      

March 2012

Effects of carbon levels on shoot growth and root characteristics of different kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus L.) varieties grown on sandy bris soil

  The effects of carbon levels on shoot growth and root characteristics of five kenaf varieties were assessed in a shade house experiment. The kenaf plants were grown in pots containing sandy beach ridges interspersed with swales (BRIS) soil. Organic carbons at levels of 0, 10, 20 and 30 t ha-1 were applied to pots using organic fertilizer. The plants at carbon levels 20 t ha-1 had the highest plant...

Author(s):   M. D. Hossain, M. M. Hanafi, H. Jol and A. H. Hazandy      

March 2012

Identification and molecular analysis of mercury resistant bacteria in Kor River, Iran

  Mercury (Hg) is one of the most important toxic pollutants widespread in the environment. It is being extensively used in industrial applications (chlor-alkali electrolysis, fungicides, disinfectants, dental products, etc), resulting in local hot spots of pollution and serious effects on biota and humans. The aim of this study was to identify mercury resistant bacteria and extract their plasmids and...

Author(s):   Mehdi Kargar, Mohammad Zareain Jahromi, Mahmood Najafian, Parastoo Khajeaian, Reza Nahavandi, Sareh Raeiszadeh Jahromi and Mohammad Firoozinia      

March 2012

Application of new physical storage technology in fruit and vegetable industry

  With the development of science and technology, consumers not only require food to be safe, but also require them to keep the original natural flavor and nutritional value as well, while the traditional chemical storage method has been increasingly unable to satisfy consumers’ demand. When compared with chemical method, physical technology has more obvious advantage. This article introduces...

Author(s):   Lei Ji, Jie Pang, Sha Li, Bo Xiong and Liang-Gen Cai        

March 2012

Studies on bioactive peptide from Chinese soft-shelled turtle (Pelodiscus sinensis) with functionalities of ACE inhibition and antioxidation

  This paper dealt with a novel anti-hypertensive collagen peptide from Chinese soft-shelled turtle (Pelodiscus sinensis), which was an efficient inhibitor of angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE, EC ACE plays an important physiological role in the regulation of blood pressure by virtue of the rennin angiotensin system. In traditional Chinese medicine, Chinese soft-shelled turtle possesses...

Author(s):   Lianliang Liu, Baiyi Lu, LingXiao Gong, Lingyi Liu, Xiaoqin Wu and Ying Zhang        

March 2012

Effect of textured soy protein and tomato pulp on chemical, physical and sensory properties of ground chicken döner kebab

  The purpose of this research was to determine the effectiveness of textured soy protein, tomato pulp and their combination on inhibition of lipid oxidation which affects the shelf life of meat products. In addition, microbiological, chemical, textural and sensory properties of döner kebab were determined in this study. According to the results of the study, cooking loss significantly decreased in...

Author(s):   Ä°smail Gök, Orhan Onur AÅŸkın, Cem Okan Özer and Birol KılÄ±ç        

March 2012

Production of bioethanol through enzymatic hydrolysis of potato

  Due to gradual decrease in petroleum resources and impacts of these wastes on the environment, there is a need to utilize the wastes of potatoes to get wealth out of wastes and clean the environment. In this study, potato wastes were investigated as source of bioethanol.  100 g potato powder was mixed with 1 L distilled water in two separate beakers to form potato slurry. Bioethanol production was...

Author(s):   Rahmat Ali Khan, Allah Nawaz, Mustaq Ahmed, Muhammad Rashid Khan, Fazal DianNasir Azam, Sami Ullah and Farheen Sadullah,  Akhlaq Ahmad, Mir Sadiq Shah and Nisar Khan      

March 2012

Characterization of typical Tunisian fermented milk, rayeb

  Traditional Tunisian fermented milk, rayeb, was produced according to the traditional method. Physicochemical, microstructural, microbiological characteristics and major aromatic compounds evaluation were studied. The results show a decrease in lactose content and pH value and an increase in lactic acid during spontaneous fermentation. The microstructure of rayeb consisted of individualized particles...

Author(s):   Olfa Samet-Bali and Hamadi Attia        

March 2012

Amplification of real-time high resolution melting analysis PCR method for polycystic kidney disease (PKD) gene mutations in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease patients

  PKD1 and PKD2 are the two genes responsible for the development of autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD). PKD1 gene mutations accounts for ≈85% of all ADPKD cases, while the remaining ≈15% of cases is caused by mutations in the PKD2 gene. Genotyping for PKD1 and PKD2 mutations was usually identified using conventional polymerase...

Author(s):   Rusni Mohd Jas, Ramachandran Vasudevan, Patimah Ismail, Abdul Halim Abdul Gafor,  Saidi Moin  and Sima Ataollahi Eshkoor       

March 2012

Anti-diabetic effect of ethanol leaf extract of Cissampelos owariensis (lungwort) on alloxan induced diabetic rats

  Cissampelos owariensis (lungwort) is a medicinal plant used in Ayurveda for treating diseases. One of such disease is diabetes mellitus. In the present study, ethanol leaf extract of this plant was prepared, and phytochemical composition, acute toxicity, blood glucose lowering effect and improvement of body weight gain in alloxan monohydrate (150 mg/kg weight) induced diabetic rats were measured and...

Author(s):   Ekeanyanwu, R. C., Udeme, A. A., Onuigbo, A. O. and Etienajirhevwe O. F.        

March 2012

Isolation, characterization, and hydrolytic activities of Geobacillus species from Jordanian hot springs

  The present study was conducted to isolate, identify, characterize and to determine the enzymatic activities of the thermophilic Geobacillus species from five Jordanian hot springs. Based on phenotypic characters, eight thermophilic isolates were identified and belonged to the genus Geobacillus. TheGeobacillus isolates were abundant in all investigated hot springs. The optimal temperature for...

Author(s): Maher Obeidat, Hala Khyami-Horani, Adeeb Al-Zoubi and Ismael Otri