Full Length Research Paper
Assessing patients’ perception of satisfaction, professionalism, competence and skill of health care providers helps health institutions and providers respond to the needs and expectations of the patients. Little work is known to have taken place to understand this phenomenon especially in radiological services in Nigerian hospitals. This study is therefore aimed at investigating the perception of patients’ satisfaction, professionalism, competence and skill of radiographers during routine radiological examination in two Nigerian hospitals. Materials and Methods: Three hundred patients were interviewed from two hospitals on their perception of satisfaction, professionalism, competence and skill of radiographers during routine radiological examination. The data was analyzed in terms of descriptive statistics using 95% confidence interval. ANOVA, Chi-Square and multivariate (intercept) statistical tools were applied. Results: The result of Test of Equality of Covariance Matrices giving a Box’s M result of 47.745 and F-value of 1.787 >Fcritical of 1.52 (p < 0.05), indicates that respondents’ perception of level of satisfaction, radiographers’ professionalism, skill and competence are dependent on the combined factors of the respondents age, type of hospital where service is received, gender, level of education and patient length of experience of radiological services.
Key-words: Satisfaction, professionalism, skill and competence, Nigeria, patient perception of care, radiological examination.
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