Full Length Research Paper
The present study was carried out to investigate the metabolic effects of pyriproxyfen, tebufenozide or lufenuron on the lipid content in two different tissues: hemolymph and fat body of the early-, mid- and late-aged old nymphs as well as 1- and 4-days old adult females. Hemolymph lipid content of the early-aged nymphs had been subjected to a reducing effect after treatment with high concentration of insect growth regulators (IGRs). With the age of nymphs, all IGRs could significantly or non-significantly reduce the lipid content of hemolymph. Concerning the lipid content in fat bodies of nymphs, a predominant inhibitory effect of all IGRs was detected. With regard to the adults, nymph treatments led to remarkable or slightly decreased lipids in the hemolymph, as an exceptional case; because the lipid content non-significantly increased in 4-day old adults after treatment with low concentration level of lufenuron. The current IGRs unexceptionally exhibited inhibitory effects on the lipids of adult fat bodies.
Key words: Schistocerca gregaria, lipids, fat body, hemolymph, nymph, adult, pyriproxyfen, tebufenozide, lufenuron.
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