African Journal of
Biochemistry Research

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Biochem. Res.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1996-0778
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJBR
  • Start Year: 2007
  • Published Articles: 426

Full Length Research Paper

Biochemical markers of ethnic Pakistanis: A correlation between genetic-aloofness and nutritional status affecting average age of each group

Abrar Hussain Khan1*, Muhammad Azhar Sherkheli2, Muhammad Asif1, Mahmood Rasool3  and Agha Muhammad Raza1
  1Department of Biotechnology and Informatics’, BUITEMS, Quetta, Pakistan. 2National Centre of Excellence in Molecular Biology, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan. 3Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology (IMBB), The University of Lahore, Lahore, Pakistan.
Email: [email protected]

  •  Accepted: 04 April 2013
  •  Published: 30 April 2013



The nutritional status and ethnic-aloofness (non mixed genomes owing to lack of cross marriages) might have direct impact on the average age and quality of health of the individuals belonging to different racial groupings. North Western region of Balochistan around Quetta, Pakistan, has diverse ethnic populations which afford a unique genomic pattern in addition to specific life style, pattern of eating, average age and quality of health. The biological correlation of this demography is expected to reflect on the overall quality of life of an individual. 100 subjects in each ethnic population belonging to middle social strata were sampled. Serum uric acid, urea and creatinine were determined using kits of Spinreact® according to the instructions of manufacturer. The blood parameters were correlated with body weight and age using standard statistical procedures. The subject from Pushtoons and Punjabis group were of significantly greater body weight compared to Baloch and Hazarajat (Persian-speaking) populations. The mean height of Pushtoons population was significantly greater than for all other groups. Uric acid level was greater in Pushtoons and Baloch compared to Hazarajat and no significant difference was observed between the Punjabis and Hazarajat. Serum urea was significantly greater in Hazarajat population compared to Pushtoons and Baloch, which had no difference from each other. The creatinine levels were very high in Punjabis population with respect to Hazarajat. There were positive differences in creatinine levels among Baloch and Pushtoons populations. It was found that genetic makeup based upon ethnic segregation is instrumental in varied level of various nitrogenous products in the blood. The variation in nutritional status (type of food intake) combined with environmental factors may additionally contribute towards the various nitrogenous products in the serum.


Key words: Ethnic-aloofness, Balochistan, serum uric acid, urea and creatinine