African Journal of
Environmental Science and Technology

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Environ. Sci. Technol.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1996-0786
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJEST
  • Start Year: 2007
  • Published Articles: 1138

Impacts of climate change on water resources in the N'zi watershed in Côte d'Ivoire

February 2025 - Vol 19 Num. 2

For several decades, the N'zi region has been experiencing increasing climatic disturbances, characterized by decreasing rainfall, increasing droughts, and growing anthropogenic pressures such as urbanization and land-use changes. This study aims to analyze the impacts of climate change on water resources in the...

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Impacts of climate change on water resources in the N'zi watershed in Côte d'Ivoire

February 2025

Kan Alexis Koffi, Beh Ibrahim Diomande and Pyalo Atina Badameli

Urban territorial regionalisation and the emergence of un-ecological rural urbanism in city localities: Case of Dodoma national capital city, Tanzania

January 2025

George J. Miringay, Marco M. Burra, and Nelly J. Babere

Methane Production from the Digestion of Different Livestock Manure and Co-digestion with Waste Water from Palm Oil Production

January 2025

Fabrice L. Yengong, Ngwa M. Ngwabie, David T. Tiku, Veronica E. Manga, Wirngo H. Yuven, Clarisse T. Ginyu and Romaric H. Samson

Climate change awareness among Kenyatta University undergraduates, Kenya

January 2025

Belha Umwigama and James Koske

Utilising the hierarchical hazard control model to reveal respiratory challenges faced by quarry and allied workers in Erongo, Otjozondjupa and Kunene regions, Namibia: A cross-sectional, quantitative study

November 2024

Saima Shihepo, Roswitha Mahalie and Omotayo Awofolu

September 2014

Removal of azo dye from water by adsorption using waste residue from alum manufacturing process

Haimanot habte, Feleke Zewge and Mesfin Redi

September 2014

Arsenic pollution of surface and subsurface water in Onitsha, Nigeria

A. C. C. Ezeabasili, O. L. Anike, B. U. Okoro and C. M. U-Dominic

September 2014

Sediment and nutrient lost by runoff from two watersheds, Digga district in Blue Nile basin, Ethiopia

Alemayehu Wudneh, Teklu Erkossa and Prhaba Devi

November 2013

Solid waste dumping site suitability analysis using geographic information system (GIS) and remote sensing for Bahir Dar Town, North Western Ethiopia

Tirusew Ayisheshim Ebistu and Amare Sewnet Minale

November 2013

Farmers’ perception of the effects of soil and water conservation structures on crop production: The case of Bokole watershed, Southern Ethiopia

Kebede Wolka, Awdenegest Moges and Fantaw Yimer


Impacts of climate change on invasive Lantana camara L. distribution in South Africa

Subhashni Taylor and Lalit Kumar

March 2014

Prospects and challenges of vermiculture practices in southwest Nigeria

Aladesida, A. A., Owa, S. O., Dedeke, G. A. and Adewoyin O. A.

February 2025

Impacts of climate change on water resources in the N'zi watershed in Côte d'Ivoire

Kan Alexis Koffi, Beh Ibrahim Diomande and Pyalo Atina Badameli

February 2014

Characterization of groundwater quality in Oran Sebkha basin

BOUALLA Nabila , BENZIANE Ahmed, MOUSSA Kacem and DERRICH Zoubir

April 2014

Assessment of heavy metals concentration in soils around oil filling and service stations in the Tamale Metropolis, Ghana

Emmanuel, A., Cobbina, S. J., Adomako, D., Duwiejuah, A. B. and Asare, W.