February 2024
Reusing polyethylene terephthalate bottles (PETBs) for sealing panels manufacturing: The influence of bottle types on their thermal performance
This study aims to investigate the influence of PET bottle type used during PET panel manufacturing on their thermal performance. Used PETBs are an increasing threat to the environment. Plastic wastes cause air pollution, and water and soil contamination. Nowadays, vast amounts of such waste are unsafely disposed of in Brazil. The reuse of PETBs for PET panel manufacturing may contribute to minimizing or eliminating...
February 2024
Establishing environmental specimen banking to monitor environmental challenges in Zimbabwe
The need for Environmental Specimen Banking (ESB) in African countries, particularly in Zimbabwe, to store samples of various environmental matrices for future research, tracking and evaluating the environment's quality and health over time has become more urgent than ever. ESB is a long-term repository facility that stores samples of various environmental matrices, mainly including soil, sediment, and biota, for...