January 2010
Biological control of apple blue mold with Candida membranifaciens and Rhodotorula mucilaginosa
In this study, two genus of biocontrol yeasts were isolated from healthy apple fruits surface. Three strains of Candida membranfaciens (A2, A4 and A5) and two strains of Rhodotorula mucilaginosa (A1 and A7) were evaluated for the control of the blue mold of apple caused by Penicillium expansum. One isolate of P. expansum was used in these experiments. Dual culture,...
January 2010
Crystalline and pasting properties of cassava starch are influenced by its molecular properties
This study was undertaken to detail starch characteristics among cassava varieties and compare them to their improved progenies. Cassava starch was extracted from roots of both the parents and progenies of two popular Ugandan local varieties (Bamunanika and Nyaraboke) and three popular elite varieties (NASE 10, TME 14 and 95/SE/00036) and their properties compared. The pasting and rheological properties showed a unique...
January 2010
Emulsifying functionality of enzyme-modified milk proteins in O/W and mayonnaise-like emulsions
Emulsifying functionality of milk proteins such as whey protein concentrate (WPC), whey protein isolate (WPI), casein, and enzyme-modified WPC, WPI, and casein was investigated in a O/W emulsion. Enzyme-modified samples were selected based on the sensory evaluation and their functionality was tested in mayonnaise-like emulsion and compared to the mayonnaise emulsion prepared using egg components. ...
January 2010
Toxicological evaluation of the effect of Clarias gariepinus (African catfish) cultivated in water contaminated with phthalate, benzene and cyclohexane on liver of albino rats
Effect of consuming Clarias gariepinus cultivated in water contaminated with (10 μg/ml) respectively of phthalate, benzene and cyclohexane on the liver of rats was done. Serum concentrations of bilirubin, globulin and albumin were determined. Standard enzyme assays were conducted for selected liver enzymes followed by histological examination of liver section. Serum albumin and globulin...