October 2020
Proximate and phytochemical composition of selected indigenous leafy vegetables consumed in Malawi
Indigenous vegetables are very important in nutritional wellbeing of low resource rural communities especially in developing countries. Most indigenous vegetables are also believed to contain health promoting compounds such as antioxidants. In this study, nutrient composition of three commonly consumed indigenous leafy vegetables in Malawi namely Amaranth (Amaranthus species), Black jack (Bidens pilosa) and Mwamuna...
October 2020
Consumers’ acceptability of extruded maize-sorghum composite flours fortified with grain amaranth, baobab and orange fleshed sweet potatoes
Porridge is a popular cereal flour-based food product for children in Sub-Saharan Africa. Compositing of cereal flours to improve their nutritional composition is done. However, the enrichment of such flours with naturally nutrient-rich plant products is poorly developed. A study was conducted to evaluate the acceptability and sensory attributes of newly formulated extruded composite flours containing maize, sorghum,...
October 2020
A review of explored uses and study of nutritional potential of tamarind (Tamarindus indica L.) in Northern Ghana
Tamarind (Tamarindus indica) is increasingly becoming a commercially important underutilized tree crop worldwide. Due to its multi-purpose use and market demand the tree and its processed products are been traded in many towns and villages. Despite its potential, major setbacks are the lack of knowledge on its uses and nutritional potential within the Ghanaian context. This study reviews and exposes the beneficial...
October 2020
Relationship of household diversity dietary score with, caloric, nutriment adequacy levels and socio-demographic factors, a case of urban poor household members of charity, Constantine, Algeria
This study was conducted to assess dietary diversity of Algerian urban poor household with household dietary diversity (HDDS) and to study its relationship with nutrient adequacy level and socio-demographic factors. A survey was followed by three 24 h dietary recalls during one year, with household’s members of charity in Constantine. Qualitative method has been realised using household dietary diversity score and...
October 2020
Spoilage and microbial quality of crude palm oil from the North-west Region of Cameroon
In Cameroon, palm oil is extensively used in its crude form for food. The present study was carried out to access stakeholders’ perception of spoilage and the microbial quality of crude palm oil in the North-west Region of Cameroon. A random survey was carried out on 148 stakeholders of the crude palm oil marketing channel about their perception of crude palm oil spoilage. 79 samples were collected from...