March 2022
Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications in on-line shopping in India
Retailing in India has attracted many global players and has reached nearly 350 Billion USD according to KPMG in 2010. While the retail environment is experiencing a significant growth, Indian consumer tastes and preferences are also changing rapidly forcing retailers to grow in numbers and formats. Technological advances and expansion of internet have also paved the way for electronic retail channels. India, as an...
March 2022
Sales promotion tools, customer emotions and consumer buying responses in Ghana
Sales promotion is used by various organizations to encourage buying response among their customers. Although it is an effective tool in marketing, few studies have been conducted on sales promotion on buying response using customer emotions as a mediating factor. To fill these gap, the study pursued the formation of a model that explains how sales promotion links to customers' emotions and buying responses in...
June 2022
Criticality of change leadership to business survival in a VUCA environment: A case study of Zimbabwe Stock Exchange-listed companies in the COVID-19-affected trading period of March - December 2020
This study evaluated the criticality of change leadership to business survival in a volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous (VUCA) environment, focusing on Zimbabwe Stock Exchange (ZSE)-listed companies in the COVID-19-affected trading period of March to December 2020. As 21st-century VUCA environments are putting business survival under growing pressure, the study sought to verify how much change leadership could...