Full Length Research Paper
The quality of potable water and treatment of waterborne diseases are critical public health issues. Bacterial contamination of drinking water sources is the most common health risk. The research determines bacteriological quality of drinking water sources in Serbo town, south west Ethiopia. A Cross-sectional study design on bacteriological analysis of drinking water was conducted in Serbo town from September to October, 2010. 100 ml of water specimen was collected from each water sources and transported for testing to the department of medical laboratory sciences and pathology laboratory by cold chain. The water samples were tested using the multiple tube technique on OXOID MacConkey Broth, (Oxoid Ltd, Basingstoke, Hampshire, England) for presumptive coliform count followed by Escherichia coli confirmation. A total of twenty four drinking water samples were analyzed. Eighteen (75%) were from unprotected wells and the remaining six (25%) were from protected wells. Twenty three out of the total (87.5%) have presumptive bacteria count above the permissible limits for drinking water. Majority of the water sources were not safe for drinking. Hence, regular disinfection of drinking water sources needs to be run.
Key words: Potable water, most probable number, fecal coliform, protected well and unprotected well.
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