African Journal of
Microbiology Research

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Microbiol. Res.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1996-0808
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJMR
  • Start Year: 2007
  • Published Articles: 5239

Table of Content: February 2020; 14(2)

February 2020

Phylogenetic analysis of multidrug resistant E. coli isolates from the urinary tract in Bushenyi district, Uganda using the new Clermont phylotyping method

Due to the increasing rates of multidrug resistance (MDR) among the Enterobacteriaceae that cause urinary tract infections (UTIs), selection of antimicrobial agents for empirical therapy is becoming a major challenge. This study determines the antimicrobial resistance profiles, multidrug resistance profiles, multiple antibiotic resistance indices (MARI), factors associated with MDR UTIs and the phylogenetic groups of...

Author(s): Martin Odoki, Adamu Almustapha Aliero, Julius Tibyangye, Sarah Kemuma Onkoba, Bashir Alkali, Josephat Nyabayo Maniga, Emmanuel Eilu, Eddie Wampande, Charles Drago Kato, Ezera Agwu, and Joel Bazira

February 2020

Biosurfactant production potential of bacillus obtained from dye effluent

This study investigated the biosurfactant productions potentials of Bacillus isolated from dye effluent. Samples were collected under aseptic condition from three areas of Sokoto (Marina, Unguwar rogo and Minannata) in Nigeria and transported in an ice bag to microbiology laboratory of Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto. Enumeration, identification and characterization of the isolates were carried out using standard...

Author(s): Abubakar, U., Ibrahim, U. B., Fardami, A. Y., Kawo, A. H. and Dankaka, S. M.

February 2020

Prevalence of Rickettsia typhi in rodent fleas from areas with and without previous history of plague in Mbulu district, Tanzania

Murine (endemic) typhus is a flea-borne infectious disease caused by Rickettsia typhi. The disease transmission cycle has similarities to that of Yersinia pestis causing plague. It is hypothesized that murine typhus is prevalent in areas with plague transmission. This study aims at detection of R. typhi in rodent fleas by conventional polymerase chain reaction (PCR). A cross sectional study was carried out in Mbulu...

Author(s): Claus A. Thomas, Abdul A. S. katakweba, Apia W. Massawe, Rhodes H. Makundi, Robert S. Machang’u and Stella T. Kessy  

February 2020

Biofilm-inhibition activities of fractions of Senna Siamea (LAM) Irwin & Barneby leaf against Escherichia coli

Escherichia coli has carved its niche in the urinary tract with the formation of a formidable matrix called biofilm. This biofilm is not only recalcitrant to the body’s immune system but also resistant to antibacterial agents. Senna siamea (Lam) Irwin and Barneby is a medicinal plant with established antibacterial effect against planktonic cells of many bacteria. An attempt was made herein to evaluate the effect...

Author(s): Usman N. A., Adeshina G. O., Tytler B. A. and Abdulrahim U.

February 2020

Biological activity and production of metabolites from Amazon endophytic fungi

Obtaining bioactive metabolites from endophytic microorganisms has become increasingly more interesting in the last few decades, since endophytes are known for their biotechnological potential. However, studies involving endophytic microbiota from tropical hosts are still scarce. In this study, the production of bioactive metabolites from endophytic fungi isolated from Amazonian plants were evaluated. Two fungi...

Author(s): Raiana Silveira Gurgell, Juliana Gisele Corrêa Rodrigues, Rosiane Rodrigues Matias, Bárbara Nunes Batista, Rafael Lopes e Oliveira and Patrícia Melchionna Albuquerque,  

February 2020

MALDI-TOF identification of Campylobacter isolated from patients consulted in private laboratories in France

Campylobacter is a major agent of gastroenteritis worldwide. The incidence and prevalence of campylobacteriosis have been increasing in both developed and developing countries over the last decade. In this study, 197 strains of successive Campylobacter-like were identified in French laboratories in September 2018. Bacterial isolates from clinical samples were identified with a mass spectrometer (Ultraflex III TOF/TOF...

Author(s): René Dembélé, Astrid Ducournau, Alice Buissonnière, Lucie Bruhl, Francis Megraud, Emilie Bessède, Nicolas Barro, and Philippe Lehours,