Full Length Research Paper
As part of development efforts for a suitable dosage form, crude Cannabis resin was formulated into suppository dosage form using theobroma oil and the physical properties of the suppositories were evaluated. The following physical properties were evaluated: appearance (texture, presence or absence of entrapped air, contraction holes), liquefaction time, uniformity of weight and in-vitro release profile of the crude marijuana resin from the suppositories. The torpedo shaped suppositories were smooth in texture with absence of entrapped air and contraction holes. The suppositories had uniform greenish brown colour and low weight variation. The liquefaction time was also low. The 300 mg Cannabis crude in 4 % Tween 85 showed highest melting time (11.67 ± 057 min) while the incorporation of Tween 85 improved the release profile (0.0452-0.0650 %) in different batches. It is possible to formulate marijuana suppositories with satisfactory physical properties; however, release profile of marijuana from the suppository bases was generally low even though the addition of Tween 85 greatly enhanced drug release.
Key words: Crude Cannabis resin, sustained release, liquefaction time, weight uniformity, release profile.
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