African Journal of
Pharmacy and Pharmacology

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Pharm. Pharmacol.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1996-0816
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJPP
  • Start Year: 2007
  • Published Articles: 2298

Table of Content: 15 June, 2014; 8(22)

June 2014

Khamira Marwarid Khas, a herbo-mineral prescription, as mucosal immunopotentiator in murine model

Khamira Marwarid khas (KMK) is a compound herbo-mineral preparation consisting of pearl extract and 7 plant extracts, widely prescribed by Unani physicians for various ailments related with immune suppression. Though it is a known Unani formulation, no attempts have been made to validate its mechanism of action. In this regard, we attempted to elucidate its role in modulation of the immune response. KMK was administered...

Author(s): Farah Khan, Asif Elahi, Shakir Ali.

June 2014

Maternal exposure to aqueous extract of Mentha pulegium L. inducing toxicity to embryo development in rats

The aim of this study was to observe the effect of orally administrated aqueous extract of Mentha pulegium L. on female rats pregnancy and on the physical development of fetuses. It was administered daily doses of 1.0, 2.5 and 5.0 g per kg of body weight or alternates doses of 2.0 and 4.0 g/kg of the M. pulegium L. aqueous extract, to sixty pregnant rats from the 4th day to the 20th day of pregnancy. On the 21th day of...

Author(s): Marli Gerenutti, Lívia Modesto, Vanessa Alessandra Carrara, Stefani Alves Magalhães, Nobel Penteado de Freitas and Magali Glauzer Silva

June 2014

Antibacterial activity of organic solvent fraction from Euphorbia supina

In this study, the value of Euphorbia supinain antibiotics and disinfectants was investigated. E. supina was cultivated in Wonju, Gangwon-do, Republic of Korea, until August to November, 2013. After the harvest, E. supina was extracted with methanol. Extracts of MeOH were partitioned with different polaritic organic solvents (n-hexane, CHCl3,EtOAc, n-BUOH and distilled water fractions). The antibacterial activity of...

Author(s): Yeong-Ho Choe, Youn-Jin Park, Xiao-Wan Zhang, Sei-Ryang Ohand Byeong- Soo Kim

June 2014

Effect of rice bran extract on immunological and physiological parameters of Biomphalaria alexandrina snails infected with Schistosoma mansoni

The present study was undertaken to evaluate the effect of rice bran extract on immunological and physiological parameters of Biomphalaria alexandrina snails and Schistosoma mansoni infection. Rice bran methanolic extract showed the strongest antioxidant activity. IC50 values for scavenging DPPH was 344.22 µg/ml and reducing power was increased with increasing amounts of the extract. Total phenolic and flavonoid...

Author(s): Hanan S. Mossalem and Abdel-Tawab H. Mossa