May 2014
Evaluation of topical antinociceptive effect of Artemisia absinthium extract in mice and possible mechanisms
This study, evaluated the topical antinociceptive effect of dried extract of Artemisia absinthium in mice, and some mechanisms underlying these effects were also investigated. Four concentrations (1, 2.5, 4, and 6% W/V) of dried extract of the plant in normal saline were evaluated for topical analgesia in tail flick model test. The mice tail was immersed in normal saline supplemented with different concentrations of...
May 2014
Effect of oral supplementation of Aloe vera extract on haematology indices and immune cells of blood in rabbit
Aloe vera is being widely used in herbal medicine as antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, and antiinflammatory agent. It is also used as topical application for many skin diseases; its antidiabetic effect in rats is also reported. Looking at its enormous medicinal effects, the present study was conducted to investigate the effects of oral supplements of Aloe vera extract on hemotology indices and immune cells of...
May 2014
Trichomonicidal activity of Maytenus imbricata (Celastraceae)
Trichomoniasis, most common non-viral sexually transmitted infection worldwide, is produced by protozoan Trichomonas vaginalis. The therapy of choice is metronidazole (MTZ). The drug has undesirable side effects, which may result in treatment discontinuation, leading to further spread of infection and emergence of resistant strains. This feature highlights the importance of studying new trichomonicidal substances. In...
May 2014
Collection and marketing of high value pharmaceutically and therapeutically important plants from the Swat District, Pakistan
In 2012, existing practices in trading high value minor crops (such as medicinal and aromatic plants) from the Swat district, Pakistan, were analyzed. The goals of the study were to: (1) examine the current status of the high value medicinal plant trade in Pakistan and (2) investigate the linkages in the market chain from collectors in the Swat district to final consumers. Within the Swat District, the focus was on the...