African Journal of
Pharmacy and Pharmacology

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Pharm. Pharmacol.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1996-0816
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJPP
  • Start Year: 2007
  • Published Articles: 2298

Table of Content: June 2010; 4(6)

June 2010

Hypothesis: A promising effect of 5-HT1A receptor agonists in alleviating motor symptoms of Parkinson’s disease

Parkinson's disease (PD) is a disease caused by degeneration of dopaminergic neurons of substantia nigra, pars compacta. The fact that serotonergic system is also involved in PD has been raised from previous studies. Drugs that have effect on 5-HT1A receptors of basal ganglia might inhibit and facilitate serotonin and dopamine release, respectively. Augmentation of 5-HT1A agonists (e.g., buspirone) to...

Author(s): A. M. Nayebi

June 2010

Analgesic and anti-inflammatory activities of Aloe ferox Mill. aqueous extract

Pharmacological activities of leaf gel and pulp of Aloe ferox have been extensively evaluated. However, there is scanty information on the pharmacological activities of the whole leaf of A. ferox. Carrageenan, histamine and formaldehyde-induced rat paw oedema were conducted to evaluate anti-inflammatory activity of A. ferox whole leaf aqueous extract. Tail flick, formalin and acetic acid tests...

Author(s): M. Mwale and P. J. Masika

June 2010

Preparation of new formulations of anti-acne creams and their efficacy

Acne vulgaris (commonly called acne) is a common skin condition, caused by changes in the pilosebaceous units, skin structures consisting of a hair follicle and its associated sebaceous gland via androgen stimulation. In the present study six new anti-acne compositions were made for the treatment of acne and their efficacy was studied on the volunteers of age group of 20 - 28...

Author(s): Muhammad Athar Abbasi, Ayesha Kausar, Aziz-ur-Rehman, Hina Saleem, Sadia Muhammad Jahangir, Sabahat Zahra Siddiqui and Viqar Uddin Ahmad

June 2010

Assessment of the intrinsic and stability properties of the freeze-dried and formulated extract of Hibiscus sabdariffa Linn. (Malvaceae)

Water extract of the calyces of Hibiscus sabdariffa Linn (Malvaceae) is used widely as a food additive and refreshing drink with proven medicinal benefits, which are attributed to its phytochemical constituents. Relevant physicochemical and stability studies have been carried out on the freeze-dried and formulated samples of aqueous extract of the calyces of H. sabdariffa. The phytochemical...

Author(s): Philip F. Builders, Chukwuemeka R. Ezeobi, Florence D. Tarfa and Modupe I. Builders

June 2010

Awareness screening programme reduces the risk of cervical cancer in women

Cervical cancer is a major health problem in the world today. Cervical cancer is a disease of young women and most commonly occurs around the mid 40's. It can affect a wide age range and women in their 20's may develop the disease.Worldwide cervical cancer is the fifth most deadly cancer in women. Cervical cancer is the malignant cancer of cervix uteri or cervical area. In the precancerous stage, readily...

Author(s): Jyotsna A. Saonere

June 2010

An investigation into students’ study habit in volumetric analysis in the senior secondary provision: A case study in Ondo State, Nigeria

An investigation was carried out on students’ study habit in volumetric analysis at the senior secondary school level in Ondo State. A descriptive research design was adopted in the study. Questionnaire on study habit inventory was adapted and used to collect information from the respondents at various sampled schools. The sample comprised 240 senior secondary II chemistry students drawn from six schools...

Author(s): Orimogunje Tunde, Oloruntegbe Kunle Oke and Gazi Mahabubul Alam

June 2010

Promising antioxidant and cytotoxic activities of the aqueous ethanolic extract of carob leaves

Plants are endless reservoir for several phytochemicals including antioxidant and cytotoxic drugs. The objective of this study was the investigation of the antioxidant and the cytotoxic activities (against Vero and HEp-2 cell lines) of the aqueous ethanolic extract of carob leaves. The extract inhibited xanthine oxidase at IC50 of 244 μg/ml. There is a marked cytotoxic activity of crude aqueous extract of carob on...

Author(s): Khaled Nagib, Omayma A. Eldahshan and Walid F. A. M. El-Khatib

June 2010

Biological screening of seventeen medicinal plants used in the traditional systems of medicine in Pakistan for antimicrobial activities

Antibacterial properties of 51 aqueous, ethanolic and n-hexane extracts of seventeen medicinal plants from fourteen families used in the traditional system of medicines in Pakistan were tested against ten commonly prevalent gram negative and gram positive bacteria. In particular we examined the enteric pathogens and yeast using agar well diffusion method. The extracts of Eucalyptus globulus, Emblica...

Author(s): Farnaz Malik, Tahira Mirza, Humayun Riaz, Abdul Hameed and Shahzad Hussain

June 2010

Effect of cimetidine on gentamicin-losartan induced -nephrotoxicity in rats

Drug-induced nephrotoxicity is an important cause of renal failure. Aminoglycoside antibiotics, such as gentamicin can produce nephrotoxicity, due to in part to an imbalance of pro and anti-oxidants (oxidative stress). Cytochrome P 450 is one enzyme that involved in acute renal failure. Inhibition of this enzyme may decrease drug-induced nephrotoxicity. The aim of present study was evaluating the effect of cimetidine on...

Author(s): S. M. Poormoosavi, M. A. Behmanesh and H Najafzadeh

June 2010

Formulation optimization of nifedipine containing microspheres using factorial design

Nifedipine is a calcium channel blocker which is used in the treatment of hypertension angina pectoris. The aim of this study was to formulate and optimize nifedipine containing microspheres in an attempt to prepare a suitable sustained release delivery system using factorial design. Drug loaded microspheres were prepared using Eudragit RL100, through solvent evaporation technique. In the next step, the effect of...

Author(s): Solmaz Dehghan, Reza Aboofazeli, Mohammadreza Avadi and Ramin Khaksar

June 2010

In vitro antimicrobial activity of crude leaf and stem bark extracts of Gmelina arborea (Roxb) against some pathogenic species of Enterobacteriaceae

Phytochemical screening of the Gmelina arborea reveals the presence of carbohydrates, alkaloids, saponins, tannins, anthraquinones and cardiac glycosides. The presence of these bioactive compounds in plants is linked to biological activity. Determination of antimicrobial activity using the agar diffusion method showed that the crude extracts of the leave and stembark of the plant inhibited the growth of such...

Author(s): A. M. El-Mahmood, J. H. Doughari and H. S. Kiman

June 2010

Effects of ethanol extract of Piper guineense seeds (Schum. and Thonn) on the conception of mice (Mus Musculus)

The effects of Piper guineense seeds (Piperaceae) on conception of mice (Mus musculus) were investigated. Thirty sexually mature mice (3 weeks old) were distributed in plastic cages with each cage containing two females and one male animal.  Similar cages and same number of animals were set up as controls. Animals were fed a mixture of feed with extracts of P. guineense seed at various test...

Author(s): A. P. Ekanem, F. V. Udoh and E. E. Oku

June 2010

Effect of Telfairia occidentalis on oral glucose tolerance in rats

The effect of ethanolic extracts of the leaf, seed and fruit of Telfairia occidentalis on oral glucose tolerance was determined. 500 mg/kg of the leaf, seed and fruit extracts were administered separately to a set of overnight fasted rats simultaneously with glucose solution (1 g/kg). Also, 500 mg/kg of the extracts were separately administered 45 min before glucose solution (1 g/kg) was given. Blood glucose...

Author(s): Olorunfemi Eseyin, Patrick Ebong, Eyong Eyong, Oladoja Awofisayo and Akeem Agboke

June 2010

Essential medicines access survey in public hospitals of Burkina Faso

To solve the problem of essential medicines availability and affordability in the public hospital of Burkina Faso, the Ministry of health conducted a research to implement a hospital pharmacy in each public hospital. The survey expected outcomes include the establishment of an effective self-sustaining essential medicines supply system and promoting community involvement in providing health care by registered...

Author(s): H. Saouadogo and M. Compaore

June 2010

Spasmogenic, spasmolytic and antihypertensive activity of Forsskalea tenacissima L.

Crude methanolic extract of Forsskalea tenacissima was screened for possible spasmogenic, spasmolytic and anti hypertensive activities. The extract was studied in isolated rabbit’s jejunum preparations. The extract was also screened for in vivo antihypertensive effect in spontaneous hypertensive Wistar rats. Crude methanolic extract produced spasmogenic activity (15 ± 2% of control, n =...

Author(s): Syed Wadood Ali Shah, Samir Kamil, Waqar Ahmad and Niaz Ali

June 2010

Medicinal plants and animals sold by the “Yan-Shimfidas” of Sabo Wuse in Niger State, Nigeria

Sabo Wuse, a resettlement in Tafa Local Government Area of Niger State inhabits the original inhabitants of Wuse in Abuja, the Federal Capital of Nigeria. Despite the close proximity of about 65km to the urban settlement of Abuja, Sabo Wuse is still a relatively remote settlement; their lifestyle remained more or less unchanged and therefore, relied on their traditional knowledge for health care delivery. Recent...

Author(s): J. A. Ibrahim, I. Muazzam, I. A. Jegede and O. F. Kunle

June 2010

On the production of CONAVIR® immune-booster by good manufacturing practice: Development of specifications for the herbal component

CONAVIR® is an immunostimulant phytomedicine developed at the National Institute for Pharmaceutical Research and Development, Abuja. The paper describes the steps taken and the results obtained in the attempt to develop specifications for the herbal component – the aerial parts of Andrographis paniculataNess (Family: Acanthaceae), grown in the Institute’s gardens. The said steps are vital...

Author(s): S. J. Ameh, O. O. Obodozie, U. S. Inyang, M. S. Abubakar and M. Garba

June 2010

Antibacterial activity of ethanolic extracts of Phyllanthus amarus against extended spectrum β-lactamase producing Escherichia coli isolated from stool samples of HIV sero-positive patients with or without diarrhoea

The antibacterial activity of extracts of the root and leaf of Phyllanthus amarus was assessed against extend spectrum β-lactamase (ESBL) producing Escherichia coliisolated from the stool samples of HIV sero- positive patients with or without diarrhoea between January, 2009 and April, 2009 using Bauer disc diffusion method. The phenotypic confirmation of ESBL-E. coli were done by Double...

Author(s): O. J. Akinjogunla, N. O. Eghafona, I. O. Enabulele, C. I. Mboto and F. O. Ogbemudia

June 2010

Therapy of Alzheimer’s disease: An update

Alzheimer’s disease is a devastating neurodegenerative disorder manifested by deterioration in memory and cognition, impairment in performing activities of daily living, and many behavioral and neuropsychiatric illnesses. The pathological hallmark of Alzheimer’s disease is widespread neuritic plaques which are accumulations of amyloid beta protein and neurofibrillary tangles. Studies report that deficit in...

Author(s): Prerna Upadhyaya, Vikas Seth and Mushtaq Ahmad

June 2010

Apoptosis of rat’s ovarian follicle cells induced by triptolide in vivo

This present study aimed to investigate ovarian follicular apoptosis and development in rats administrated with different dosages of triptolide (TR).Thirty healthy female Sprague Dawley rats were randomly divided into 3 groups (n = 10), including placebo group (water and 0.06% Dimethyl Sulfoxide); high dose(HD) group (120 μg/kg.d TR) and low dose (LD) group (60 μg/kg.d TR). Vaginal smear was daily performed to...

Author(s): Cheng-kang Xu and Yun-he Zhao