This study evaluated morpho-agronomic characteristics of Conilon coffee plants submitted to different management practices and species of green manures. The experiment was carried out in the field, in a randomized block design with a 4 x 2 + 1 factorial, totaling 9 treatments, namely pigeon pea, pork bean, black mucuna, Mexican daisy and conventional fertilization in two planting management systems. These two systems included planting green manure legumes in both sides of the coffee row, and planting on only one side of the coffee trees containing the following green manure species that were evaluated for effectiveness: pigeon pea, black mucuna, pork bean, and Mexican daisy. These were planted in both adjacent lines (100%) and only in the line located in the upper line (50%), in addition to a control treatment, without green manure, with conventional fertilization. The largest increase in organic matter in the soil was provided by pigeon pea in 100% management. The 50% management associated with green mucuna black species and pigeon pea provided better yield of 6.13 Kg and 8.12 Kg, respectively; for plants in the conilon coffee clone 12v.
Keywords: global warming; greenhouse effect; forage; nitrogen.