The experiment was carried out in Toke Kutaye, Ethiopia to enhance maize yield. Three hybrid varieties of maize and five NPS nutrients levels 1 were laid out in a randomized complete block design with factorial arrangement with three replications. Analysis of variance showed that the main effect of varieties and NPS levels had significant effect on days to tasseling (80%), silking (80%, physiological maturity (80%), grains cob-1,1000 seed weight(gm), grain and biomass yields, and harvest index. tasseling, 80% silking, days to 80% physiological maturity, grains per cob, 1000 grain weight, grain yield, biomass yield and harvest index. While, cob per plant, grains per cob and biomass yield were not affected by the main effect of varieties. Highest grain yield (9419.70 kg ha-1) was obtained from BH-546 variety applied with 93:100:9 of N:P2O5:S kg nutrients ha-1. Highest dry biomass (16488.10 kg ha-1) was obtained from BH-546 variety applied with 93:100:9 of N:P2O5:S kg nutrients ha-1 Highest net return (47731.65 ETB ha-1) was obtained from BH-546 variety applied with 93:100:9 of N:P2O5:S kg nutrients ha-1. Hence, BH-546 variety with application of 93:100:9 of N:P2O5:S kg nutrients ha-1was found to be better in productivity and profitability in maize production in Toke Kutaye and similar agro-ecologies.
Keywords: NPS levels, Maize varieties, Grain yield