African Journal of
Plant Science

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Plant Sci.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1996-0824
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJPS
  • Start Year: 2007
  • Published Articles: 815

Article in Press

The effect of mineral phosphorus fertilization on maize (Zea mays L.) shoot and root biomass at different growth stage

Bilisuma Kabeto and Xiaoqiang Jiao

  •  Received: 16 September 2021
  •  Accepted: 01 November 2021
A greenhouse pot experiment was conducted from mid-June to early August, 2020 at China Agricultural University to quantify the effect of different levels of phosphorus fertilizer (0, 200 and 400 mg kg-1) on maize shoot and root biomass. Samples were taken twice (30 and 55 days after sowing (DAS). It was shown that, the shoot and root dry biomass were more influenced at 55DAS than at 30DAS. The shoot biomass at 30DAS was 242.86% and 229.25% higher compared to P0 with application of P400 and P200 respectively, while at 55DAS, it was 390.30% and 216% higher compared to P0 by the application of P400 and P200 respectively. Though P fertilizer is very important at the early growth of maize, the tendency of higher effect was seen on the later growth stage of maize. Beside, Shoot P concentration was increased significantly at higher level of P fertilizer application due to higher Olsen P availability at high P fertilizer application. Generally, the effect of P fertilizer is more pronounced at the late growth stage than the early growth stage, and excess application does not directly correspond with high root or shoot biomass.

Keywords: Pot experiment; Chlorophyll; Leaf area; Root length; Lateral root; P use efficiency