June 2015
Functional analysis of the UDP glucose: Flavonoid-3-Oglucosyltransferase (UFGT) promoter from litchi (Litchi chinesis Sonn.) and transient expression in onions (Allium cepa Linn.)
The expression of the UDP glucose: flavonoid-3-Oglucosyltransferase (UFGT), which encoded the last enzyme of the anthocyanin pathway, was under developmental control as well as affected by external stimuli such as ABA. Three fragments of the 1.38 kb upstream region of the UFGT gene from Litchi (Litchi chinesis Sonn.) were fused to the GUS-coding region, and the expression of these constructs was analyzed in onions. To...
June 2015
Differential response of early and intermediate flowering strawberry cultivars to nursery late-season nitrogen applications and digging date
The response of ‘Ventana’, an early flowering cultivar, and ‘Camarosa’, an intermediate flowering cultivar, to nursery late-season nitrogen (N) applications and digging date were studied in strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa Duch). Two experiments were conducted. In the first experiment, runner plants dug on September 20 and October 11 from a high-latitude nursery in California, were established in...
June 2015
Effect of sunflower stover and nutrients management on soil biological properties and available nitrogen and phosphorus at different stage of pigeonpea growth under pigeonpea-sunflower cropping system
A fixed plot field experiment was carried out during 2008-09 and 2009-10 at New Delhi, India to study the “effects of sunflower stover, nitrogen and phosphorus management on soil health under pigeonpea-sunflower cropping system’’. Kharif season experiment in the first year was laid out in split-plot design, assigning sunflower stover incorporation (8 t/ha) and no stover incorporation (control) to main...
June 2015
Filing considerably breaks seed dormancy of Berchemia discolour Hemsley
In this study, the effectiveness of different pre-treatment methods for the breakings of seed dormancy in Berchemia discolour Hemsley seeds was assessed. Viable seeds were randomly sampled and subjected to different pre-treatment methods which include filing, soaking in 98% concentrated sulphuric acid, pre-chilling and boiling. For each treatment, ten seeds were used and three replications were done for each treatment....