October 2017
In vitro protocol optimization for micropropagation of elite Lemmon verbena (Aloysia triphylla)
The family Verbenaceae includes 36 genera and 1035 species. Among them lemon verbena (Aloysia triphylla) is known to have high medicinal value. Therefore, development of fast and new in vitro micropropagation protocol will have a high importance in lemon verbena mass-propagation. This research study targeted to develop rapid in vitro micropropagation protocol for lemon verbena. Up to 88% of clean survived plantlets were...
October 2017
Effects of fertilizer and cassava-legume cropping systems on root yields in two agro-ecological zones of Ghana
Cassava is an important food crop in small-holder farming systems in Ghana. Due to the limited use of organic and inorganic inputs, soil fertility becomes a major problem in cassava production systems. A study was conducted at the Soil Research Institute, Kwadaso, in the Forest Agro-ecological zone and the Wenchi Agricultural Station in the Forest-Savannah Transitional zone. The fertilizer rates were 0:0:0, 15:15:15 and...