African Journal of
Political Science and International Relations

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Pol. Sci. Int. Relat.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1996-0832
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJPSIR
  • Start Year: 2007
  • Published Articles: 411

Table of Content: September 2009; 3(9)

September 2009

An overview of pseudo-therapeutic approaches to poverty in Nigeria: The citizens and the state

Mounting pressures on poverty eradication on world scale is informed by it severity   and impact on the poor and the disadvantaged. In Nigeria for instance, where its large population lived in rural communities and engaged in subsistence agriculture they are said to be the worse hit; their condition is exacerbated by poor rural infrastructure, bad governance, unsustainable population growth, ethno-religious...

Author(s): Jonathan S. Maiangwa    

September 2009

Understanding the crisis of development in Africa: Reflections on Bedford Umez’s analysis

Despite the presence of huge mineral and human resources found in Africa, the continent has remained a victim of underdevelopment. This has prompted several efforts by scholars, African leaders and the international development agencies to understand and solve the development crisis. This paper is a review of Bedford Umez’s analysis of the development crisis in Nigeria. The paper exposed the implications of...

Author(s): M. Alumona Ikenna    

September 2009

Resource conflict among farmers and Fulani herds men: Implications for resource sustainability

This study describes the traditional relationship between farmers and Fulani herdsmen in the incessant resource conflict witnessed in Kogi State, Nigeria and how it affects livelihood security of those involved and resource sustainability for the communities. These conflicts are most responsible for the unsustainable utilization of land and water resources as the trampling by the hooves of herds of cattle compacts the...

Author(s): E. Tenuche Marietu  and O. Ifatimehin Olarewaju    

September 2009

Political intolerance as a clog in the wheel of democratic governance: The way forward

This paper synoptically discusses the concept of political (in)tolerance and its implication on any democratic setting alongside with the concept of governance.  Against this background, it argues that most African states took over from centralized and unrepresentative colonial ethnic and religious separatism – tribalism – and become victims to centrifugal aspirations of ambitious politicians...

Author(s): S. T. Akindele, O. R. Olaopa and N. F. Salaam    

September 2009

The politics of historying: A postmodern commentary on Bahru Zewde’s history of modern Ethiopia

This short commentary poses a timely challenge to positivist historiography both at the theoretical and the practical levels. Theoretically, it challenges, but only implicitly, many of the assumptions of modernist, objectivist historiography in a number of ways. Perhaps more interestingly and directly, it faces up to the intellectual difficulties of some of the discourses about the history (ies) of Ethiopia. This it...

Author(s): Semir Yusuf    

September 2009

Federalism and the search for national integration in Nigeria

The thrust of this paper is to account for the gap between mere aspirations and actual practices vis-à-vis the management of Federalism in Nigeria. The paper begins with the plural character of Nigeria in all its ramifications which makes federalism compelling. The second part which is the theoretical anchor is an in-depth discussion of the general optimism in the literature as regards the capability of...

Author(s): Emmanuel O. Ojo    

September 2009

Federalism and the search for national integration in Nigeria

The thrust of this paper is to account for the gap between mere aspirations and actual practices vis-à-vis the management of Federalism in Nigeria. The paper begins with the plural character of Nigeria in all its ramifications which makes federalism compelling. The second part which is the theoretical anchor is an in-depth discussion of the general optimism in the literature as regards the capability of...

Author(s): Emmanuel O. Ojo