Educational Research and Reviews

  • Abbreviation: Educ. Res. Rev.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1990-3839
  • DOI: 10.5897/ERR
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 2018

Table of Content: 10 November, 2016; 11(21)

November 2016

The effect of fire context on the conceptual understanding of students: “expansion-contraction”

The aim of this study is to investigate effects of the guiding materials developed based on the “fire context” and related to “expansion-contraction” concepts in the conceptual understanding of students. A quasi-experimental method has been used in the study. The sample group of the study consists of 5th grade students selected from elementary school. A total of 56 (experiment group 27, control...

Author(s): Sibel, Er Nas, Tülay Åženel Çoruhlu and Arzu Kirman Bilgin

November 2016

Arranged Bursa folk songs for fourhands piano and their practice in music education departments

The article presents the results of a study carried out within the scope of a project entitled, “Arranged Bursa Folk Songs for Fourhands Piano Extended Piano Techniques and Teaching in Music Education Departments.” It is number KUAP (E)-2014/28 of the Uludag University Scientific Research Projects Unit and was supported by the Bursa Metropolitan Municipality. Six Bursa Folk Songs- were arranged for fourhands...

Author(s): Åžirin Akbulut Demirci

November 2016

Mathematical representation by students in building relational understanding on concepts of area and perimeter of rectangle

Representation is an important aspect of learners in building a relational understanding of mathematical concepts. But the ability of a mathematical representation of students in building relational understanding is still very limited. The purpose of this research is to description of mathematical representation of students who appear in building relational understanding on concept of area and perimeter of a rectangle....

Author(s): Rahmad Bustanul Anwar, Ipung Yuwono, Abdur Rahman As’ari, Sisworo, and Dwi Rahmawati

November 2016

Examining the organizational cynicism among teachers at schools: A mixed methods study

The purpose of this study is to examine the organizational cynicism among teachers at schools. In this study, which was conducted by a mixed method, “the Organizational Cynicism Scale for Teachers” was used in the quantitative dimension, while a semi-structured interviewing technique was used in the qualitative dimension. The quantitative part of this research population consists of 348 teachers who worked...

Author(s): Faruk Levent and Sitar Keser

November 2016

A study on creating writing strategy and evaluation tool for book summary

Summarizing is restating the most important ideas from an original text briefly. Students often need summary writing skill along the education life since it provides understanding and remembering the reading material. This study aims to apply book summary writing strategy which is based on in-class implementations, and to develop the students book summary writing skill with education. With this aim, to determine...

Author(s): Sümeyye Konuk, Zeyneb Ören, Ahmet Benzer and AyÅŸegül Sefer