Article in Press
Teaching Practice (TP) a major component of anyteacher training programme. During this period, the trainee teachers are attached to a mentor at a practising school. The mentoring process facilitates contextual and operational transfer of skills and knowledge between the trainee teacher and the mentor. The two are involved in a behaviour modelling and teaching skills relationship. Social learning theory plays a very...
Analysing the Researches on Soft Skills in Turkey
Article in Press
The aim of this study is to examine the researches on soft skills in Turkey. Soft skills are skills that complement technical skills. We can give personal and interpersonal knowledge and skills such as communication, leadership, teamwork, critical thinking, problem solving and ethics as examples of soft skills. Document review, one of the qualitative research methods, was used in the research. First of all, theoretical...
Article in Press
This study assesses the time-on-task of mathematics teachers in secondary schools of West Arsi Zone, Oromia Region, Ethiopia. It compares with the allotted time of instruction to improve students’ academic achievement. A descriptive survey design was used to collect data from a sample of 33 mathematics teachers selected for the study, 24 student representatives and 32 school leaders selected using multistage sampling from...
Article in Press
With the increasing interest in entrepreneurship's potential to bolster social and economic well-being, particularly in developing countries like Zambia, universities have been implementing strategies to encourage entrepreneurial intentions and behaviour among students. However, previous studies have produced conflicting results on the connection between perceived university support and entrepreneurial intentions. This...
Article in Press
Aims: The viability of states today is largely based on the collection of tax revenues, which are considered as necessary for them to carry out their specific functions. Thus, the aim of this text is to discuss the development of citizens' tax culture, not as an isolated economic phenomenon but, as a phenomenon directly linked to their general financial literacy. Because it is the writer's belief that simply complying with...
Article in Press
This theoretical and exploratory article aims to investigate which contributions can be learned from the analysis of the development process of the Zankovian System. For this, we structured the development of the work in three topics. On the first topic, we present, based on the Cultural-Historical Theory, elements for understanding what we mean by theoretical-experimental method and research. On the second, we make a...
Article in Press
The persistence of dropouts among female students in public secondary schools inSongea Municipal necessitates an investigation of strategies used by the School Management Team (SMT) in identifyingthe warning signs of female students who are in danger of dropping out. The study explored the commitment and approachability of the SMT in recognizing the warning signs that lead to female students’ dropout. The study employed a...
Article in Press
In January 2020, the WHO announce the COVID-19 infection epidemic an emergency of global importance (World Health Organization, 2020). For the majority of schools and institutions, virtual learning raises current difficulties. College students are concerned as a result of the semester's volatility and sudden upheaval. As more institutions transition to online instruction after school holiday, students are experiencing high...
Children Physiological Variation on Their Ability to Read in Lungwena, Mangochi, Malawi.
Article in Press
The study set out to find out the effect of physiological stature of children on the variation in their reading scores, and determine whether considerable attention must be placed on elements that lead to physiological growth in the design and delivery of reading instruction. Reading and anthropometry tests were conducted on 301 sampled children who had access to nutrition supplementation to examine whether their physical...
Article in Press
Education is becoming web and technology-based. Assessing students’ attitudes, readiness, and challenges is important for effective implementation. This study aimed to assess students’ attitudes, readiness, and challenges affecting online learning among medical students. A total of 150 undergraduate medical students were involved in this study. Data were collected through a structured Google form questionnaire. A 5-point...
The configuration of Luban Workshop's essentials and it’s characteristic analysis
Article in Press
The Pyramid configuration is used in the static analysis of the Luban Workshop essentials. The essentials are discovered to have the characteristic functions of centralization, stabilization, and orientation. This is the realistic logic for using the essentials to build a discourse system and guide the Luban Workshop project development. In the Luban Workshop development course, the Double Helix configuration is introduced...
Article in Press
Building Information Model (BIM) has been a mainstream concept within the Construction Industry for more than a decade. Countries are creating BIM Strategies to increase the performance of the industry as well as the governance, maturity and transparency. However, the industry has been known for its very dynamic ecosystem and a large number of dispute areas that make information validity very crucial as a key stone for any...
Article in Press
The new Rwandan mathematics curriculum expects teachers to utilize technologies as an instructional tool to assist students in learning Mathematics. The purpose of this study was to assess the accessibility on ICT devices by mathematics teachers and exploring various opportunities and challenges in teaching and learning mathematics with ICT devices. A sample of 40 respondents were selected among secondary mathematics...
Article in Press
The aim of this study was to assess the obstacles and opportunities in Ethiopian higher education at Addis Ababa University Institute of Technology. The study was conducted using a descriptive research approach. A total of 150 respondents were chosen randomly from the university. To assess the students’, lecturers’, and academic staff’s responses, Likert-type scale questionnaires were issued. The findings of the study...
Institutional Responses to COVID-19: The case of Public Higher Education Institutions of Ethiopia
Article in Press
This study focused on describing the crises of COVID 19 and institutional responses to manage the crises in public HEIs of Ethiopia. A case study research design was employed to conduct the qualitative study. Respondents were purposively selected and the interview was used to gather adequate and relevant data for the study. The finding of the study revealed that HEIs lack institutional capacity and readiness to...
Effects of Facebook as a Social Networking Site on Students Learning
Article in Press
Internet and social networking sites are now very important in every individual life. In particular, Facebook as social networking site has some positive and negative effects on students learning. In this study, the researcher explored the effects of Facebook as social networking site on students learning. The quantitative research method was used and the population of the study was all the universities of Rawalpindi and...
Article in Press
Social networking sites are the most visited on the internet, especially Facebook. The majority of students used Facebook daily for different purposes. This study provides you a clear knowledge about which social networking site mostly students’ used and how frequent usage of Facebook by students.The main aim behind conducting this research was, why students used Facebook? What is the primary purpose behind using Facebook?...
Article in Press
Effective teaching and learning of mathematics in junior and senior high schools in Liberia has been a huge challenge that has over time resulted in limited progress in science, innovation, and economic development in the country. Thus, in order to find practical solutions to this problem, this research work was conducted with the sole objective of determining the factors that influence Mathematics education in high...
Stress among Ghanaian University Students: The Interaction Influence of Gender and Mode of Study
Article in Press
Knowing university students’ stress is critical for achieving higher educational outcomes as university settings are regarded as most stressful environment for students globally. The study was conducted to examine the stress among students in the Akenten Appiah-Menka University of Skills Training and Entrepreneurial Development (AAMUSTED), Ghana and also to ascertain the functionality of students’ gender and mode of study...
Well-being and Academic Workload: Perceptions of Science and Technology Students
Article in Press
University students need to find a balance between their physical, mental, social, and emotional state to do well in their academics. Student well-being should be one of the top priorities for any academic institute. The present study employed a sequential mixed methods approach to provide insights into student perceptions of well-being and academic workload. An online survey (n = 385) was conducted in the first phase...
The Critical Review to Practical Inquiries of Action Research Framework (Action Research Paradigms)
Article in Press
The researcher noticed about the action research impact of education improvement in sustainable development. So, in general action research in practice and also theory, it influences the improvement of the skill, research bases, and also knowledge of how educational science is developed. Action research is identical to the educational field, but on the other hand, the methodology has widespread practical values to others...
Article in Press
Books introduce children to social life and provide them with the opportunity to expand their imaginary worlds. Pre-school children are influenced by books more than adults. Children can identify themselves with the heroes in the books and choose to act like them. Therefore, the features of the heroes in children’s picture books, what they go through, and the intended message of the story have significant importance in...
Are The Effects of Pandemics On Our Life Always Bad? Positive Effects Of Covid-19 On Our Life
Article in Press
This study is conducted to investigate whether restrictons applied during Covid-19 process caused positive gains in individuals’ lives or not. In the study, as data collection method questionnaire method was used to reach more number of participants in a short time. Questionnaire form prepared in accordance with purpose of study was designed through “Google Forms”. During the data collection process, due to the...
Article in Press
Learning disabilities (LDs) encompass a very extensive range of academic problems which can give rise to social and psychological problems. Apart from experiencing academic problems, pupils with LDs experience strong feelings of frustrations, sadness and shame as a result of repeated failure and this can lead to psychological difficulties. These psychological problems are experienced at home and at school and if not...
Article in Press
This study examined the basis of appointing cooperation school teachers as mentors during off teaching practice for student teachers from the Department of Basic Education of the Faculty of Education, University for Development Studies - Ghana. The study explores survey research design and quantitative research approach to collect, analyse, and report the data. A census survey was employed to engage all the head teachers...
Note Reading Methods Used in Piano Education of 4-6 Years Old Children
Article in Press
Aim of the study is to analyse the teaching methods and materials that are currently used in the basic piano education of children at the age of 4-6 by using the existing literature, and to develop suggestions and recommendations regarding the process. The study covered various teaching methods and techniques that are used in introduction of the piano keyboard to children as well as teaching the titles of notes and their...
Article in Press
The research work evaluates the level to which academic associated influences affect the general satisfaction of students in Federal Polytechnic Bauchi, Nigeria. This research specific objective was to assess lecturer performance and students’ satisfaction; to evaluate the effect of student- lecturers’ interaction of the student and also to determine if students are satisfied with the Courses undertaken. This study was...
Should we take under consideration Math Anxiety while teaching Mathematics?
Article in Press
Recent research findings indicate that students’ performance is influenced by psychological factors such as math anxiety. For that reason, this study examined the existence of math anxiety in primary education and how math anxiety differentiates according to gender. The random sample generated by the function RAND in Microsoft Excel, from four public school records in Greece, consisted of 72 girls and 48 boys attending...
Experiences of enacting Critical Secondary School History pedagogy in Rural Zimbabwe
Article in Press
Previous studies have demonstrated the importance of a critical approach in the teaching and learning especially for candidates dealing with complex subjects as History. This study corroborates researches in this field by reporting on experiences of a teacher who taught secondary school History as a subject in rural areas. The findings from a teaching practice at one secondary school in Mwenezi District reveal that there...
Article in Press
The new argument in the learning-teaching process at the beginning of the current century is the hub of how I can continue to help students to be successful both academically and socially. The possible way this can happen successfully in the classroom is through the use of active class participation. A cross-sectional case study was conducted on the Arba Minch University Nech Sar campus. The study population is...
A Systematic Review on Gender Based Analysis of Teff Adoption in Ethiopia
Article in Press
About 80% of the rural community (of which 50% are women) of the country’s over 100 million people, and contributing 49.1% to GDP in Ethiopia. This review paper discusses the gender base analysis of teff adoption and its influencing factors in Ethiopia. For this review article different secondary data sources were used from journal articles, books and other published and unpublished documents were used. In the developing...
Latent trait theory development of university undergraduates’ self-compassion scale
Article in Press
The study developed a set of items that measure University undergraduates’ Self-compassion using Latent Trait Theory framework and it ascertained the construct validity of the developed scales. These were with the view of providing a reliable and suitable instrument to measure University Undergraduates’ Self-compassion. The study employed the descriptive survey design. The population was comprised of undergraduates in...
Skills requirements of the professional accountant in a changing work environment
Article in Press
The accounting profession plays an important role in every business organisation. Traditionally, the role of the accountant has often been limited to the provision of financial information. Over the years, this role of the accountant has been perceived as limited in scope. It has been argued that the role of accountants can also be managerial in character. This reflects the strategic importance of the profession in modern...
Relationship between Students’ ICT home use and their reading performance
Article in Press
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is an integral part of educational success of young people. This is a quantitative study using PISA 2018 database, it was verified that ICT at home (such as laptops) significantly influences students’ reading performance. The hierarchical regression results showed that ICT at home (ICTHOME) is a significant predictor in improving reading performance for THA while not...
Article in Press
This article suggests a blend of task-based learning TBL model (sequenced tasks that involve the learners in goal-oriented communicative activities) and technology-assisted instruction to enhance EFL learners’ intercultural communicative competence. The resulting synergistic approach can provide a methodological framework to the nascent collaborated forms of online learning in the context of global higher education. As a...
Article in Press
The study was conducted to examine the ECE teachers’ pedagogical skills, availability of required resources in ECE centers run by Aga Khan Education Service (AKES) in the District of Gilgit implementing Early Childhood Education (ECE) curriculum 2007. It was a descriptive study and conducted by following a sequential explanatory mixed-method design to collect the data. The study consisted of two phases,inthe first phase...
Article in Press
This study aimed to examine the determinants of students’ satisfaction at higher education in Ethiopia using a random sample of 547 students from Arba Minch University. Female and students with rural origin were more satisfied than males and students with the urban origin and the differences are significant at a 5 percent level of significance. Junior students were more satisfied than senior students and the difference...
Article in Press
The quality of assessment tools matters. Hence, this study is intended to assess the quality of test items and their overall properties. The study was conducted using311answer-sheets of licensing examination for new English teachers in selected Ethiopian universities. An Exam-sheet that contains 100 questions constructed in multiple choice formats. Statistical analysis was made to compute Item difficulty, item...
Article in Press
The paper considered the place of virtual learning space in ensuring that learners with intellectual disability are not excluded from learning activities due to the pandemic caused by the spread of covid 19. Virtual learning space in education was describe as a vendor for high efficiency, high productivity, and high educational outcomes, including the quality of cognitive, creative and innovative thinking. The impact of...
Peer group influence and aggressive behavior among Secondary School Students
Article in Press
The main thrust of the study was to investigate Peer Group Influence as a Correlate of Aggressive Behaviour among Secondary School Students in Abia State. Three research questions and three null hypotheses guided the study. The study adopted a correlational research design. The sample for the study consisted of 878 respondents drawn through a two-stage sampling procedure from 8783 (4195 male and 4588 female) senior...
The Relationship Between Perceived Manager Support and Work Commitments of Sports Instructors
Article in Press
The aim of this study is to investigate the perceived role of supervisor support in predicting the work engagement levels of instructors working in sports venues. Sample of this study consists of a total of 254 instructors, 88 males and 166 females, age ranged 22-63, working in various sports venues. Personal information form, perceived supervisor Support and work engagement scale applied to the individuals in the sample...
Article in Press
The study was on influence of peer group on Career Aspiration among secondary school students. Research question and research hypothesis were formulated. Descriptive survey design was employed. Stratified random and purposive sampling techniques were used to obtain a sample of 960 SS3 students from 30 public secondary schools in study area. Data was collected using an instrument designed by the researchers. The research...
Article in Press
The main aim of this action research project was to improve the academic achievement of lower academic achievers students of Alelitu Sagure primary school. Hence, students whose academic achievements were found to be lower than others selected on the base of the first semester academic records (on the bases of academic rank). In this regard 25 students from each grade level (Grade 2, 3, 5 and 6) were selected. In general,...
Application of videos in problem based learning (pbl): A review
Article in Press
The use of videos in learning is aimed at improving learning outcomes, critical thinking, creativity, innovation, foster interest, cooperation and motivation of students in understanding the learning process. The use of videos in learning encourages students to continue to search for and find problems raised in video media and strive to solve them, in relation to global problems in the 21st century. The concept of...
Article in Press
This research is an ex-post facto research which reveals data without providing treatment or manipulation of data on the variables. This study aims to find out the relationship between independent variables which are parents' attention (X1) and discipline (X2) to learning achievement (Y). This research was conducted at SMA Negeri 4 Kupang on November 2019 to December 2019. Based on research results, can be concluded that :...
Article in Press
Besides the rapid expansion of higher education institutions in Ethiopia, serious concerns have been expressed about an increasingly wide gap between the skills and capabilities of graduates, and the requirements and demands of the work environment in an increasingly mobile and globalised society. The objective of the present research was to examine employers’ satisfaction on the performance of employees trained by and...
Intelligence and Co-Operative Learning on Mathematics Achievement of Gifted Students in Nigeria.
Article in Press
The debate on whether intelligence is influenced by or not in grouping gifted students for leaning necessitates this study. This paper therefore, established empirically a position on levels of intelligence in cooperative learning for Mathematics achievement of gifted students. The study is based on a pretest-posttest quasi-experiment. Sixty-one participants were selected through multistage screening and were...
An Assessment of School Based Continuous Professional Development (CPD): Practices and Challenges
Article in Press
The purpose of the study was to assess school based continuous professional development (CPD) with reference to its practices and challenges in secondary schools of Bale Zone, Oromia. Descriptive survey research design was employed. Simple random sampling technique was used to approach individual samples. One hundred thirty six samples, of which (114 teachers, nine principals, nine school CPD facilitators, three ...
Article in Press
How well students thrive abroad is vital to their study experience. This study investigates African and Asian international students’ psychological adjustment and motivation in China. Utilizing cross-sectional quantitative research design, 536 international students in Chinese universities participated in the study. The study found moderate psychological adjustment among participants, depending on the length of time...
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