Educational Research and Reviews

  • Abbreviation: Educ. Res. Rev.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1990-3839
  • DOI: 10.5897/ERR
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 2014

Table of Content: 10 October 2012; 7(25)

October 2012

Connecting children internationally for science instruction: Using the internet to support learning about lunar phases

  This study investigated the effect on children’s science understanding of Internet-based instruction in which children from around the world in grades 4 to 8 observed the Moon for several weeks and then shared their lunar data internationally to find global patterns in the Moon’s behavior. Students in two American and one Australian class took the Comprehensive Moon Phases Assessment as a pre- and...

Author(s): Walter S. Smith, Jongpil Cheon, Faiza Jabri, Stephen Reynolds and Amira Zebedi

October 2012

A study about problem solving skill variable in terms of some variables of footballers who play football professionally

  The aim of this study is to present the problem solving skill levels of sportsmen who play football professionally, and to determine whether problem solving skill levels differ according to sportsmen’s, sports club, age, marital status, parents’ educational status, father’s occupation, occupation in the game,  year of playing football professionally and age of starting sport. Totally,...

Author(s): Selahattin AKPINAR

October 2012

The relation between candidate teachers’ moral maturity levels and their individual innovativeness characteristics: A case study of Harran University Education Faculty

  The purpose of the present study is to determine the relation between the moral maturity levels of candidate teachers and their individual innovativeness characteristics. The population of the study consisted of undergraduate students who were registered at Harran University Faculty of Education in the 2011 to 2012 academic year. Data were collected through the individual innovativeness scale and the moral...

Author(s): Abdullah ADIGÜZEL

October 2012

Anger in school managers: Continuity, direction, control and style

  School managers undertake an important duty in structuring of education institutions. In the study carried out in this context; anger conditions, continuity, and direction of anger, anger control levels and anger styles of school managers who are the decision makers in schools were examined according to the ages, working periods, duty types, ways to become a manager, perceived socio-economic level, number of...

Author(s): Mustafa Koç, Murat Ä°skender, Mehmet Çardak and Betül DüÅŸünceli