Educational Research and Reviews

  • Abbreviation: Educ. Res. Rev.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1990-3839
  • DOI: 10.5897/ERR
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 2018

Table of Content: 12 January, 2012; 7(2)

January 2012

The formative experiences appreciation by cooperating teachers and their use during the supervised practice teaching in physical education

The Cooperating Teacher is recognized as a central figure in the initial training of teachers and the preparation for the exercise of this role has been spare and understood as a matter of big importance. The appreciation of the formative experiences is an important process for the construction of personal conceptions of the Cooperating Teacher in Physical Education. This study tried to unveil relations training path of...

Author(s): Alberto Albuquerque, Ágata Aranha, Francisco Gonçalves, Cláudia Pinheiroand Rui Resende

January 2012

Integration of leadership styles of school director

Management style can be defined as a special behavior of directors in the work process that affects the performance in an organization, in this case-school. Management style has two related meanings: first is behavior of directors to employees, second is directors’ approach in school regarding management, participation of employees in decision making processes, relationships and communication. The aim of the...

Author(s):   Nebojša Pavlović, Milka Oljača and Svetlana Kostović  

January 2012

Determining the knowledge level of pre-service teachers’ on radioactivity and radiation

This study investigated the basic knowledge levels of teacher cadidates from different branches regarding the subjects of radiation and radioactivity. 42 variables were determined in relation to the specified titles. In the preparation stage of determining the variables, all the related programs were examined, and attention was paid to include the subject matters the students study in the related lessons and those from...

Author(s): N. Remziye Ergül