Educational Research and Reviews

  • Abbreviation: Educ. Res. Rev.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1990-3839
  • DOI: 10.5897/ERR
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 2018

Table of Content: 19 March, 2012; 7(11)

March 2012

Re-thinking school-university collaboration: Agenda for the 21st century

  Collaboration is a hard and challenging endeavor. It takes all the key players to make it happen. This paper discusses our current thinking about school-university collaboration. In it, we define what collaboration involves in the context of universities and schools. Next, we discuss what we believe are the essential benefits of effective collaboration to both universities and schools. Further,...

Author(s): Wasonga C. O., Rari, B. O. and Wanzare Z. O.

March 2012

Factors influencing African postgraduate international students’ choice of South Africa as a study destination

  Many African countries are concerned with the targeting of international postgraduate students by developed countries for skilled migration. Increased provision of postgraduate studies within the continent would go a long way in dealing with the problem. Success will however depend on the ability of countries in the continent to attract international postgraduate students. This study aimed at investigating...

Author(s): Mercy Mpinganjira

March 2012

Hydrodynamics of a multistage wet scrubber incineration conditions

  The objective of the study was to determine the hydrodynamics of the two stage counter-current cascade wet scrubbers used during incineration of medical waste. The dependence of the hydrodynamics on two main variables was studied: Inlet air flow rate and inlet liquid flow rate. This study introduces a new wet scrubber operating features, which are liquid accumulation, together with a detailed analysis of...

Author(s):   M. M. Said, S. V. Manyele and M. L. Raphael