January 2018
An evaluation of occupational ethical values of geography teacher candidates in Turkey
Geographers can be influenced by the occupational ethical values in their cultures. In this research, the opinions of the geography teaching candidates were determined according to occupational ethical values at Marmara University, Faculty of Education, Department of Geography Teaching. Occupational ethical values identified are used to collect data by help of survey which ethical values are seen as important by...
January 2018
Achievement goals of medical students and physicians
In achievement settings, the types of motivation individuals develop are crucial to their success and to the ways in which they respond to challenges. Considering the competitive nature of medical education and the high stakes of medical practice, it is important to know what types of motivation (conceptualized here as achievement goals) medical students and physicians adopt and how these may differ depending on the...
January 2018
Primary school students’ views about science, technology and engineering
Some of the main goals of science education are to increase students’ knowledge about the technology and engineering design process, and to train students as scientifically and technologically literate individuals. The main purpose of this study is to find out primary students’ views about science, technology and engineering. For this aim and in order to increase students’ knowledge and understanding...
January 2018
Examination of attitudes to learning and educational stress in prospective primary school teachers: Ä°zmir-Buca sample
Many factors interact with each other in learning and internalizing a subject along with performing a new task. Attitudes and stress are the two of these factors. The aim of this study was to examine attitudes to learning and educational stress in third and fourth year students as prospective primary school teachers. The relational model was used and data were collected with Educational Stress Scale for Adolescents and...