Educational Research and Reviews

  • Abbreviation: Educ. Res. Rev.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1990-3839
  • DOI: 10.5897/ERR
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 2014

Table of Content: 23 October 2012; 7(26)

October 2012

An investigation of university EFL students’ attitudes toward peer and teacher feedback

  This study aims to investigate university EFL students' attitudes toward two types of revision methods, namely, peer feedback and teacher feedback. Data are collected using students’ self-report questionnaires and face-to-face semi-structured interviews. The samples are 174 undergraduate students enrolled in Fundamental English course. Results show that the students have a neutral attitude toward...

Author(s): Napaporn Srichanyachon

October 2012

Social, mental, academic and physical development in groups doing sports

  The aim of this study is to show whether sport has an effect on education/ academic success and social, mental and physical development or not. The search involves 160 students studying at Physical Education and Sports High School at KaramanoÄŸlu Mehmetbey University. Graded quintet likert type questionnaire was used as a measuring means. The first part of the questionnaire consists of demographic features...

Author(s): Kazim NAS, Veysel TEMEL, Selahattin AKPINAR and Öznur AKPINAR

October 2012

Evaluation of reading attitudes of 8th grade students in primary education according to various variables

  Reading skill is a cognitive process in which the words are perceived, given a meaning, comprehended and then interpreted. The last year in primary education is a critical period when this skill is changed into a habit. As reading attitudes are important for an individual throughout the life, it is necessary to determine according to which variables they differ in 8th grade students in primary education. In...

Author(s): Namik Kemal Åžahbaz

October 2012

Parenting styles and life satisfaction of Turkish adolescents

  This study examined adolescents’ perception of satisfaction from various life domains according to gender and parenting styles among 562 Turkish adolescents [53.2% girls; Mean (M) age = 14.1, Standard Deviation (SD) = 0.85]. The participants completed the multidimensional students’ life satisfaction scale and the parenting style inventory. The results indicated that the level of family...

Author(s): Fulya Cenkseven - Önder